[Unverified] Trilsal Vermalias

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Trilsal Vermalias

Postby Trilsal on June 21st, 2015, 12:28 am

Trilsal Vermalias


Race: Akalak
Gender: Male
Age: 61
Birthday: 1, fall, 454
Birthplace: Riverfall


Trilsal is is an average height for his race, 7 foot, and supports the toned muscular physique one expects of an Akalak. His skin is the darkest crimson colour, some often mistake him as black, and sets a stark contrast between his pale golden eyes. He wears his black slightly curly hair, trimmed just above the shoulders and ties it back for fighting.

Character Concept

Trilsal is a devotee of Wysar valuing discipline and integrity upon all else. As a result he is constantly looking to improve himself through training and an established regime. He is never satisfied and continually seeks to improve himself and be a valuable member of his great race.

Trilsal is an honer bound soul holding great worth in his word, and expects the same of others. He is kind and generous and if it is within his ability he will seek to aid those that request his help. He tries to do what he believes is right and just, however this is not always the result.

Trilsal's dark brother simply calls himself red and is much more selfish and egotistic than his light brother. He judges everything on how it benefits him and what he will gain from it. If the answer is nothing he is unlikely to do it. As a result Trilsal tries his best to suppress his dark brother rather than suppressing him, often resulting in major mood swings and outbreaks of unexplained anger.

Trilsal desperately wants to be the warrior he father see's him being, however deep down he knows he doesn't have the natural talent of others of his race. He however determined that through training and discipline he can become the warrior that he wants to be.

Character History

Trilsal was born to a Kelvic mother, a horse Kelvic named Traliva, who survived his birth and helped to raise him until she died on his 25th day of birth. His childhood was filled with love and joy, his father ecstatic to finally have a son after years of trying.

His father, Grolsal, schooled him at an early age in the arts of unarmed combat and laken, such is the Akalak way. His progress in the martial arts was much slower than the other Akalaks of his age, something that if truth be told concerned his warrior father, however Grolsal persevered sure that one day he would grow into a fine warrior.

At the age of 25 he lost his mother to old age, re-enforcing the harsh realities of his long lived race. His father took her death badly often going on forays into the sea of grass for days at a time seeking solace in his own company. His father will never be the same care free man he once was but time has helped heal the wounds.

At the age of 32 Trilsal set out and completed his right of passage gaining his Lakan and the right to call himself a true Akalak. At the age of 39 he fell in love with a wolf Kelvic, Judia. It was a long courtship, memories of his fathers grief when his mother passed away tainting his willingness to commit. Eventually his feelings for Judia out-weighed his trepidation and he bonded with her.

3 years later, surprisingly quick, she fell pregnant and they couldn't have been happier. However the happiness did not last forever and complications during the birth caused the death of Judia and their future son. It was this time that his dark brother revealed himself and such was his grief and devastation that his father feared the would loose him to his dark brother.

Thought friendship and parental bound together they got through her loss and 20 years later by complete accident Trilsal had fallen in love again, this time with a human woman called Gracil, they tried for years for a child but by the time Gracil was 40 and Trilsal was 59 it was clear they were not meant to have a child together.

As a result Gracil grew resentful and distant, fear that Trilsal will be forced to find another mate to breed with forming a wedge between them until eventual she left for her home town of Zeltiva. The loss was painful, but not as much as Judia.

Trilsal become worried that his failure of fatherhood was Wysar's way of telling him he was not ready for fatherhood. The thought gnawed at him for a long time and he through himself into his training in a desperate attempt to improve himself and make himself worthy.

In summer 511AV he met a Knight of Syliras and became fascinated with their order. The knight was the epitome of control and discipline, a fine example of a warrior. Trilsal saw his arrival of a sign that this was a path he could take to prove and develop himself into a Akalak worthy of father a child. It was with this in mind that he made he way to Syliras with the Knights, after convincing them to let him travel with them with monetary incentive, to join their ranks in at the end of Winter 512.

By summer 513 he made it to Syliras where he found a willing patron and joined the order as a squire hoping to prove himself.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Tukant


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Riding: Horse 5 SP 5 Novice
Body building 5 SP 5 Novice
Shield 5 SP 5 Novice
Weapon: Warhammer 5 SP 5 Novice
Weapon: Lakan 14 SP 14 Novice
Unarmed combat 10 RB, 16 SP 26 Competent


Helpful Lores:
Lore of Syliran Knights
Lore of Religion: Wysar


1 Set of Clothing (Colorful)
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel




Location: Sylira


Living in squires accommodation


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

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Posts: 3
Words: 2470
Joined roleplay: June 21st, 2015, 12:15 am
Race: Akalak
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