22nd Bell. 3rd, Autumn, 508 A.V.
Left. Left. Right.
Vequil navigated himself under the dim moonlight through the thin, narrow alleyways, heavy with the putrid stench of rot. Rats fled from his path, scurrying into their holes and tunnels. How he wished he was as small as they were, to be able to hide out of sight as quick as they did. Then it would be simple, then I wouldn't have to be so afraid, the thought only passed Vequil's mind for a mere moment before he realized he had to keep running, and fast. His white and crimson robes painted with stains of mud and a vile decaying water fluttered about to the movements of his legs. Fastened to the sash around his waist was a pouch of mizas, the coins clinking in disarray.
Left. Right, straight down.
Vequil didn't know where he was running towards, but he kept running. It didn't matter where he was going, as long as it meant that they wouldn't catch him. He was lucky to have been gifted with eyes that could see in the dark of night, else he would be completely oblivious to his surroundings. Shadows followed behind, their figures distorted on the walls by the dancing flames of a torch past the corners. Shouts echoed a couple of turns behind, greed and poison dripping down their hungry voices. Legs aching, the fear grew in the boy's mind. In the best case, he'd be robbed clean and left to die. In a more likely scenario, they'd simply gut him on the spot.
The very thought sent chills down Vequil's spine. Byorn's words surfaced in his mind. "They're dead by now, and you'll be joining them soon." He didn't want to think about it. "I can't stop now." Vequil uttered to himself, his voice barely a hoarse whisper in between the gasps for air. Keep running, they'd all have sacrificed for nothing if I stopped now.
Vequil had never run so hard the entire twelve years of his life. His lungs screamed for air, and the pain in his legs slowly wore out his will to continue. "Run, keep running." The shrill scream of a hawk came from overhead, and that was all the reason he needed to keep going. If not for himself, he had to keep running for Chir. He was the only Alieare left, and dying here in some forgotten back alleyway was not an option.
I have to run, Vequil urged himself on. I have to run I have to run I have to run have torunhavetorunrunrunrun... He completely occupied his mind with naught but the thought of running, focusing only on his escape. His legs kept going beyond the point of pain until he could no longer feel them, a seemingly primal instinct dominating his body to keep him moving. Heart beating, lungs gasping and all conscious gradually fading away, step after step his legs carried him deeper into the maze of passageways in between the slums of Sunberth.
Left. Left. Right.
Vequil followed his instinct, there was no time for him to think. His legs would not hold the pace for much longer, and he needed to lose the people chasing him before his body gave in.
Right. Left. Righ-
The thought ended abruptly as he lost sense of the ground below his feet. Unable to control his legs from the fatigue, Vequil caught his left foot on some abandoned plank of wood during his turn, sending the boy crashing into the walls of the corner and into a puddle of mud. His mind went blank for a brief moment as all strength escaped his limbs. He tried scrambling back up only to fall again as his legs refused to support him. laying down and panting for breath, the only sensation he could feel was the sharp pain to his left torso where his body smashed against cold stone. A faint taste of blood occupied his mouth.
The flames and shouts grew closer, accompanied now by the distinct sound of footsteps. They were closing in. Pained tears formed at the edge of the boy's bright azure eyes as he managed to finally push himself back up and limp deeper into the turn, breathing heavily. His eyes blurred from the mud and tears as he kept limping forward. Raising his head up, Vequil saw through the obscured vision of his eyes the one thing he dreaded the most.
A dead end.
Vequil navigated himself under the dim moonlight through the thin, narrow alleyways, heavy with the putrid stench of rot. Rats fled from his path, scurrying into their holes and tunnels. How he wished he was as small as they were, to be able to hide out of sight as quick as they did. Then it would be simple, then I wouldn't have to be so afraid, the thought only passed Vequil's mind for a mere moment before he realized he had to keep running, and fast. His white and crimson robes painted with stains of mud and a vile decaying water fluttered about to the movements of his legs. Fastened to the sash around his waist was a pouch of mizas, the coins clinking in disarray.
Left. Right, straight down.
Vequil didn't know where he was running towards, but he kept running. It didn't matter where he was going, as long as it meant that they wouldn't catch him. He was lucky to have been gifted with eyes that could see in the dark of night, else he would be completely oblivious to his surroundings. Shadows followed behind, their figures distorted on the walls by the dancing flames of a torch past the corners. Shouts echoed a couple of turns behind, greed and poison dripping down their hungry voices. Legs aching, the fear grew in the boy's mind. In the best case, he'd be robbed clean and left to die. In a more likely scenario, they'd simply gut him on the spot.
The very thought sent chills down Vequil's spine. Byorn's words surfaced in his mind. "They're dead by now, and you'll be joining them soon." He didn't want to think about it. "I can't stop now." Vequil uttered to himself, his voice barely a hoarse whisper in between the gasps for air. Keep running, they'd all have sacrificed for nothing if I stopped now.
Vequil had never run so hard the entire twelve years of his life. His lungs screamed for air, and the pain in his legs slowly wore out his will to continue. "Run, keep running." The shrill scream of a hawk came from overhead, and that was all the reason he needed to keep going. If not for himself, he had to keep running for Chir. He was the only Alieare left, and dying here in some forgotten back alleyway was not an option.
I have to run, Vequil urged himself on. I have to run I have to run I have to run have torunhavetorunrunrunrun... He completely occupied his mind with naught but the thought of running, focusing only on his escape. His legs kept going beyond the point of pain until he could no longer feel them, a seemingly primal instinct dominating his body to keep him moving. Heart beating, lungs gasping and all conscious gradually fading away, step after step his legs carried him deeper into the maze of passageways in between the slums of Sunberth.
Left. Left. Right.
Vequil followed his instinct, there was no time for him to think. His legs would not hold the pace for much longer, and he needed to lose the people chasing him before his body gave in.
Right. Left. Righ-
The thought ended abruptly as he lost sense of the ground below his feet. Unable to control his legs from the fatigue, Vequil caught his left foot on some abandoned plank of wood during his turn, sending the boy crashing into the walls of the corner and into a puddle of mud. His mind went blank for a brief moment as all strength escaped his limbs. He tried scrambling back up only to fall again as his legs refused to support him. laying down and panting for breath, the only sensation he could feel was the sharp pain to his left torso where his body smashed against cold stone. A faint taste of blood occupied his mouth.
The flames and shouts grew closer, accompanied now by the distinct sound of footsteps. They were closing in. Pained tears formed at the edge of the boy's bright azure eyes as he managed to finally push himself back up and limp deeper into the turn, breathing heavily. His eyes blurred from the mud and tears as he kept limping forward. Raising his head up, Vequil saw through the obscured vision of his eyes the one thing he dreaded the most.
A dead end.