The Plan To Assist Mizahar's Current Situation
As some of you might be aware, there's been some issues lately on the game having major stalling problems due to staffing and the misuse of the help desk as a sort of surrogate game wide DS. In an attempt to correct these problems, recruit more staff, and smooth out operations to ensure the continuation of Mizahar the following policies are going to be put into effect immediately.
Feel free to weigh in your thoughts and let us know what you think or even give us any further suggestions. These new policies are the direct result of player and staff input. It is my hope that such new steps will jumpstart Mizahar in the right direction. Treat them as a course correction on this giant voyage we are all on as writers together.
Clearly Define The Purpose
and Scope Of The HD
and Scope Of The HD
We've never really clearly outlined what the Help Desk (HD) should and shouldn't be used for. Below is a firm list of what belongs in there. All other issues should be directed to Storytellers or the Question and Answer Forum.
- Special Permissions (races, abilities, backgrounds, konti gifts, talderian animals, lost disciplines etc)
- Complaints & Concerns (ToU violations, rules violations)
- Suggestions (Game Mechanics, Bugs, etc)
- Identification of OOC Problems (Conflicting Lore Entries, etc)
- NPCs
- Gnosis Permissions (any and all levels)
Close Domains That Have No Storytellers
The Following cities (i.e. Domains) will be closed (or remain closed if closed already) upon the next season change if storytellers aren’t found. There are several cities without storytellers currently that aren’t on the list because they have ST applications pending in the HD that look promising.
The Syliras Region:
- Ravok
The Taldera Region:
- Avanthal, The Spires
The Kalea Region:
- Denval, Kalinor
The Falyndar Region:
- Zinrah, Black Rock
The Cyphrus Region:
- Kenash, Xy
The Eyktol Region:
- Yahebah, Hai, Ahnatep, Eloab
Island Nations:
- Mura
Upon Closure, this is what will happen:
- Players will be asked to immediately move to a city that has a storyteller overseeing it. There will be no cost for this move and the players may assume Wind Eagles took their PCs to their intended destination within one to five days. From here on out we will call this ‘migrating’ and it needs to be added to a pc’s SS thread if it happens. PCs that have left a domain because a storyteller has left will be considered “Migrating Out”. This Migrating Out will only happen at season change, but will happen EVERY time a city looses storyteller representation.
- Domains will be noted as open or closed in their titles.
- Ongoing threads from previous seasons will be grandfathered (meaning no one else may join them) and should be role played out as quickly as possible, wrapping them up. No new threads can be posted in a now ‘closed’ domain, this includes Flashbacks.
- If a Storyteller agrees to take on a city, former players that have migrated out, will be allowed to migrate back in to their former city ANYTIME after the storyteller becomes active. This will be called “Migrating In” and it will also be free of charge and take anywhere from one to five days to complete timestamp wise. If a storyteller fails to remain active, “Migrating Out” will happen again at season change or no new migrating inward will be allowed. Players who were not at the city previously will not be allowed to Migrate In. They must move about the game as normal taking in travel costs and travel times per usual.
Clearly Defining The Scope and Range Of The Storyteller
- The result of this definition has been posted here.
- Feel free to weigh in and comment.
Ask Current Staff To AGREE to Staff Expectations
- All staff will be asked to ‘sign’ a Staff Expectations post that clearly outlines their duties.
- The thread for that is here.
Create an Ongoing Staff Training Program to help ensure Staff Success.
- This is underway via a Team that Balderdash is putting together and spearheading.
- Feel free to contact Balderdash if you'd like to assist with this.
- More will be heard on this topic in the near future.