IC Info Event Calendar for Summer 515

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role playing forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

Moderator: Gossamer

Event Calendar for Summer 515

Postby Debauchery on June 30th, 2015, 9:12 pm

As the mellow warmth of Spring fades in favour of Summer's blazing heat, Kenashians soon find that there are some who hold grudges against the city itself.

✥ A General Overview ✥

The Calendar of Events is a wonderful resource for PCs who are either looking to add a dash of local color to their posts or to dive right on in and be a part of the action in a major way!

Obviously, not every day is fleshed out because of the fact that life in Mizahar, while dangerous and exciting, is not necessarily so every day for an entire city. Ordinary lives fall to the general population, though for PC's, this may not be the case. Feel free to use the events in this calendar, but also blaze your own trail and meet new PC's and associate! Alliances form and dissolve, political entanglements become more complicated, and pleasures or misery are there to be found for whomever wishes it to be so, and some that don't!

Use the Calendar of Events as you see fit, but be sure to review it often, as things will indeed change every season. Also, be sure to take a gander at the Seasonal Almanac, which presents the weather for every single day of the current season. It's just another way to add even more dimension to your already exciting posts.

Long live Kenash!

✥ Events for Summer of 515 AV ✥

The season advances to Summer, and with the Summer comes the sweltering heat. While there will be regular rain to at least keep things as wet as they normally are, the temperature stays at a point where every cool breeze feels utterly divine. The insects of the swamp are also out in full force this season, though that has never stopped a Kenashian from enjoying some of the finer things that a summer in the region can bring! After all, who would dare miss the Summer Swamp Crab Boil? Certainly not someone who wants to win a prize for being the scariest Swamp Monster.

The glittering temptations of Kenash can only hide the filth for so long, however. Something looms, something scorned and forgotten. Something that doesn't merely want a single position of power in the city. It wants all of city.

Welcome to summer, Kenashians. Indulge in the debauchery.

  • 1st- Kenash welcomes the summer season with a massive festival. The day begins before the sun has even risen, the festival starting with a contest to see which slave teams can collect the most mud crabs. They race out into the swamps and return to the guest quarters of the Blacksugar plantation. Prizes are awarded to the quickest and most productive. Then, the fresh crabs are taken within the plantation kitchens, combined with potatoes and corn then seasoned. The end result is plenty of food for Freeborns and Dynasty members alike. There is plenty of singing, dancing and gambling to be had. The day ends with a 'Swamp Monster' dress-up and disguise contest, a prize awarded to the person who can dress up their chosen slave as the scariest Swamp Monster of all.
  • 6th- Roland Jasper Sitai is found dead in the Bloodflower house, seated in his study and surrounded by dozens of the scented candle makers that he used to be very well known for. The cause of his death appears to be from an overdose.
  • 10th- A very unique funeral is held for the late Roland Jasper Sitai, many of his old scented candles put to use during the ceremony. This leads to a very drug-filled emotional event that has a variety of random effects on the attendees. These effects range from memory loss to hallucinations, from overwhelming joy to incredibly deep sadness.
  • 15th- In order to promote their candy shop, Draer's Chocolate's has arranged two free events that have a limited attendance on a first-come first-serve basis. This is the first of these events, which includes a free tour of the cocoa groves and a short lesson on how the bounty is harvested.
  • 19th- Two hunters are found dead, attacked by what is assumed to be an extremely large granidile.
  • 25th- This day is just a normal day for everyone but a single, specific person. Today, that one person will go missing. Today, that one person will be changed.
  • 32nd- A starving Jamoura is found crawling through the streets at the crack of dawn, pleading with onlookers to give him just a little water or food. He is quickly captured, caged and then fed. The new owner of the Jamoura soon set up a small tent near the Kenash Auction, charging only a few coins to get a glimpse at the freak of nature.
  • 38th- Three more hunters are found shredded by the jaws of an enormous creature. Thinking that this must be the same assumed grandidile that also struck on the 19th, a hunting party is gathered to put down the creature. A surprise awaits them...
  • 40th-In order to promote their candy shop, Draer's Chocolate's has arranged two free events that have a limited attendance on a first-come first-serve basis. This is the second of these events, which includes a free cooking lesson that will have each student create a portion of handmade chocolate.
  • 45th- A strange, square slab of stone is found embedded into the ground deep within the swamplands. While safely tucked away upon relatively dry ground, the thick and heavy piece of rock seems to serve absolutely no purpose besides being a rather perfect square.
  • 50th- Dariq Thadeus Askara offers freedom to a single slave. Of course, first this slave has to make it to him. Then all that is left is to fulfil one tiny little favor for Dariq.
  • 55th- A mysterious door appears at the very end of one of the boardwalks found within Reed Park.
  • 61st-Two new drugs start to make their way through the city, snuck between slaves and shared between Dynasty members. One is a yellow pellet named Vision. The other is a pink pellet named Sound.
  • 71st- A small group of various Freeborn and Dynasty members arrange a small dinner for dozens of their slaves, taking it upon themselves to encourage love and affection between their property. Bets are soon made on the slaves, their owners guessing who will kiss who and who will bed who. Some of these owners find they cannot afford to lose the bold bets they have made.
  • 81st- Both Vision and Sound are widely available now, easy to find and simple to enjoy. Kenashians are always quite pleased when they find a new pleasure to indulge in.
  • 85th- An incoming shipment of fresh slaves is intercepted, the cargo freed and every last guard slain except for a single one. That guard was told to return and tell the Dynasties that they shall soon fertilize the ground they rule upon.
  • 86th- A carving appears in the center of the square stone slab that was discovered on the 45th, depicting a face with a rather jolly smile.

Last edited by Debauchery on July 1st, 2015, 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Indulgence for the human animal
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Event Calendar for Summer 515

Postby Debauchery on June 30th, 2015, 10:35 pm

If there are players who would like to write a thread based around any of these events, feel free to check for other interested players here. You are also more than welcome to just go ahead and post up a thread. Once a thread is posted, please PM me the link so that I will know that the event has been claimed. However, there are two special cases.

  • Some of you may have noticed that the day of the 25th has a somewhat mysterious event associated with it. I am hoping that there will be a brave player out there who will volunteer for this event. However, there is a catch. While this thread will be a moderated thread, the only information you will know about this thread is what you currently have. You will be going into it blind. As long as that is not a problem for you, feel free to shoot me a PM.
  • The day of the 61st marks the day that two new drugs begin to circulate through the city of Kenash. It quickly becomes apparent that this is a new favorite indulgence for many Kenashians. However, I am keeping the effects of the drug an OOC secret. If this is something you wish to explore further, PM me with a link to the thread where your character is either investigating the drug or using the drug. It will not be a moderated thread, but I will privately provide you with the information you need to know.

Do not hesitate to PM me with any questions you may have.

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Indulgence for the human animal
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Joined roleplay: June 29th, 2015, 4:27 pm
Location: Assistant Storyteller of Kenash
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