A few moments later, he had the girls lined up again. The chambermaid with a new melon on her head on the right, then the scantily clad 'entertainer' whose garb and sunny disposition were left over from the same orgy the remaining fruit came from. Her hairstyle made it easy to place the apple she bore in the nest of braids. Then came the freckled kitchen maid who nimbly kept shifting under the grapefruit threatening to roll off her head.
There was a new addition to the lineup now, though. Beyond the kitchen maid stood the old eunuch, robes and slippers and all... and a tiny fig laid on his head, bald and otherwise covered in nothing but sweat.
"Next time I'll cover my eyes." Lashander announced with a smirk. He'd found a stick of cinnamon in one of the leftover fruit bowls and kept chewing on that in the corner of his mouth as he spoke and smirked. "But for now you might be the ones who close their eyes. Don't want anyone getting scared at the last moment and hop right into the arc of the glaive, do we?" The smirk remained, but his body tensed up without waiting for the girls to somehow utter their assent.
The smirk became a mask as the boy recalled his lessons. Recalled every muscle in his body he would need, felt for it, mentally reaching out until he wasn't just aware of the tension but able to finely measure it. Like bending a spring with a light touch until it was just right. Legs, waist, back chest, shoulders, upper and lower arms... fingers... it was all there, all right.
Form follows function. He recalled that lesson well. The long, top-heavy weapon was a harsh mistress to dance with, but its long haft also at least allowed the illusion that she was easily controlled. The truth was that the necessary amount of control was only gained through endless repetition of the bodily mechanics involved in the basic sweeps and strokes, the cuts and thrusts.
Each of these attacks could connect. Strike flesh or bone or steel, and he needed to be ready for removing the glaive's blade from flesh or catching the weapon on the rebound from steel. Or it could miss, not an unlikely scenario since the weapon needed to travel in wider arcs than, say, an axe. Evading a sweep was a safer course of action for an accomplished fighter than trying to parry his attack with anything less than a steel shield. When the glaive got there, it got there wickedy hard. A miss being a likely scenario, Lash would also always have to be prepared to balance the weapon and bring it back into attack position again.
From his hips upward, nearly his entire body had to dedicate itself to being prepared to follow whichever function the end result of any given attack called for. After all, the next short and utterly generic but still true lesson was to always think two moves ahead: Attack, predict the result of the attack, predict the reaction of your enemy, be ready to act on that, too.
His muscles were ready. Now it was his head's turn. Fights the next lesson went are not won through strength, they're won in the mind. Thinking two steps ahead was a good start, but required a lot of additional observations and thoughts to work out so easily.
It would take him three steps to get within range of the melon, then two towards the apple. But three steps would put him on his right foot, forcing him into a backhand swing. Another two steps would leave him in the same predicament. So instead he would take four steps, turn into the upward swing towards the fruit on the chambermaid's head and carry the motion into a full turn, coming up behind the entertainer slave and raising his weapon to swing down at the apple in its nest of hair.
He'd have to draw back the glaive so as to not ruin the girl's hair, and that was the intent of this exercise after all, so there was no way around that. So one step back. Since Lash also intended to face the Eunuch when he went for the tiny little fig on his bald head, he'd need to step around the kitchen maid as he sliced the grapefruit on her head. That would work well. And then...
One truth of the matter was that the entire process of feeling his muscles and thinking through his pattern of attack took a mere few heartbeats. He knew what he was doing, and knowing was half the battle after all. The other half of it and the other truth was the fact that the fruit was unlikely to defend itself or seek to escape with a daring leap. In this, his task was easy.
Lashander bit down on the stick of cinnamon in his mouth. He was ready. |