Solo Endless Vanity

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

Endless Vanity

Postby Caesarion on July 2nd, 2015, 6:49 pm

10th of Summer, 515 AV

He dipped his pen into the ink and flattened the sheet against the little desk by his little bed. There was a mirror atop the desk, pressed against the wall, one that he looked into every now and then to remind himself of how worthless his facial features and complexion actually were. How he didn't even notice, sometimes, that it was him who was staring back when he looked into the mirror. A skilled hypnotist abandoned vanity. This was perhaps always the most difficult thing for Vox, but since becoming a slave, he'd come closer to mastery of this skill than ever before. When he looked into the mirror, he saw just a man. Only a man. A man with somewhat tan features, though they grew paler as of late. A man with an attractive face but a sad look, always. A man who always expressed confusion when he was inside of the mirror. But just a man. Caesarion? Vox? Maybe, but he didn't dwell on it. Years of attempting to stamp out an overt sense of self, in order to master a magical profession, had already set in. Now, he didn't even look in the mirror when he got ready. He simply felt and tried to imagine what he might look like.

The challenge had always been this: how can one perform an action, watch themselves do it, and not stare intently on the person looking back at them? For someone as curious as Vox, and as dare say attractive as Vox, there was always a need to stare back into one's own eyes. Perhaps this was a confidence booster. Perhaps this was an attempt to discover flaws and stamp them out. Regardless, the challenge had been consistent for much of his life. Even once he stopped thinking of the image as being significant, he had to then stare for the sake of detail. Gazing upon each blemish and each curve. All of these things mattered to a man like him. Furthermore, how could someone obsessed with observation and imaging other human beings abandon the significance of staring into a mirror? Or speaking to one's self over and over for hours? Words were important and so were appearances. Was hypnotism not the magic of socialization? Of people? Or was it perhaps a method of controlling others without nearly the sort of verbal tact and wit?

Conflicts arose constantly when it came to this field of magic. Within him and without. Still, he made progress always. Far faster than most when it came to hypnosis, indeed. He was always trying to improve, after all. So, as mentioned, every now and then he would continue to leave the suggestion - yet again - of the man in the mirror being just an image, and not some great self identity.

Caesarion (Andre Ziehe)

"Vox. Caesarion. Subject A. The man in the mirror. Olive eyes, fair skin with only a slight tan. Golden brown hair. Lighter lips than most people - perhaps less vibrant. Eyebrows remain somewhat untouched - in a way messy, with hairs growing out of the line that would be considered sharper and sleeker. Lips are fairly typical in size and volume, with less wide upper lips than most. The shade of the upper lips would be considered lighter than the lower. Average sized eyelashes. Average sized forehead, though with something of a widow's peak beginning near the top. Spiked, upward hair. Lighter in the center. Wide jawline, with stubble growing in. Sideburns against each ear. Medium width nose, expanding outwards near the end. Medium size - somewhat typical of his genetic background. Somewhat pointy ears." He made an effort to describe every single facial feature - he even went deeper into the cheekbones, the curvature of the eyes, then he moved on to the hair and described the thickness and other such elements. Of course, this was never enough. He had to look at himself almost as a test subject, like the Sahovan wizards but more personal - just him. At least this sort of testing didn't hurt anyone but the moral fabric of the one who furiously ingrained the thought.
Last edited by Caesarion on July 2nd, 2015, 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Endless Vanity

Postby Caesarion on July 2nd, 2015, 7:06 pm

After he was finished deeply detailing each individual feature that lived on his face, he decided to follow into the speaking exercise. Endless chatter to one's self until it became pointless. Until it was as if he hypnotized himself into a state of apathy. The magical school was indeed bizarre when it came to training, but even so, he'd been doing this for years and didn't really acknowledge its bizarreness. "Hello. My name is Emelita von Waldeburg, and I would like to tell you a story about myself." Despite the obvious inaccuracies in his words, if one examined his heart rate, they would most likely not notice a change even though he was lying about his identity actively. He had an expression of complete apathy as he spoke, almost as if he were listening rather than talking. As if his words didn't enthuse him, despite spending the time to formulate them in his head.

"I come from the trader's city of Zeltiva. My father is a great Svefra merchant pirate and my mother is a human from Syliras who devoutly worships Priskil. From the time I was extremely young, I have learned the words and the prayers of Priskil - of hope, of light and of bravery. Now, of course, while such things inspire people to action, they don't always yield beneficial results for those made to blindly follow them. When I was only eight years old, my mother who was a skilled swordsman went on a quest to bring hope to the miserable people of Sunberth. She brought great stocks of food and horses with which they could come with her to Zeltiva and forge a new life. Despite all she had tried, and all she had been trained for and led to believe, she died only a few days after entering the city. My father died too, because he went with her. I stayed behind in Zeltiva with a nanny, but considering the supply of money has since gone, I am now homeless. I am Emelita von Waldeburg, named after my mother, who is now dead. And I am homeless."

Now, one thing that was important to note was Vox's choice of setting, character, ambition and deity. Initially when trying to fabricate stories, voices and feelings, one would choose a setting that completely differed from their own. The reason for this was that certain words and places have associated feelings. Vox worshiped Priskil and he also had a desire to free the oppressed and the dying of cities like Sunberth. Zeltiva had connotations of lost hope, such as his loss of Aoren. A young child had connotations of lost dreams, which was something he possessed in infinite supply. Originally, fabricating this story and speaking it would have made him sad or he wouldn't have been able to finish due to the personal connections he had to words and ideals within it. However, after so many years of disassociating with words, abandoning an absolute sense of self, learning to lose association with feelings that stemmed from other people and their misfortune, he could tell a story like that without much display of anything - emotion, change of heart rate, or the sort of obvious signs that came with lying. Hypnotism made one a skilled liar. It was magic and lies and their child - the manipulation of reality in the form of perceptions and feelings.

Now was the more difficult part for someone like him. Telling a story that he'd been told to make untrue, and that he'd tried to make untrue.

"Hello, my name is Caesarion Panthos . . . and I would like to tell you a story about myself."
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Endless Vanity

Postby Caesarion on July 2nd, 2015, 7:24 pm

He looked into the mirror as he spoke, staring directly into his own eyes. This was a greater challenge for one trying to forget the significance of their image or their words - speaking of themselves while looking at themselves, and somehow not feeling anything. No relation to the words, with no emotion, just entirely fact.

"My name is Caesarion, as I have confirmed. I am the man currently looking into the mirror. I have olive eyes, and fair skin with only a slight tan. I have golden brown hair. I possess lighter lips than most people, probably less vibrant. My eyebrows remain somewhat untouched, in a way messy, with hairs growing out of the line that would be considered sharper and sleeker. My lips are fairly typical in size and volume, with less wide upper lips than most. The shade of my upper lips would in fact be considered lighter than the lower. My eyelashes are average sized. I have an average sized forehead, though with a widow's peak beginning near the top. I have spiked, upward hair, which is lighter in the center. I have a wide jawline, with stubble growing in. I have sideburns against each ear. I have a medium width nose, expanding outwards near the end by the lip. My nose is medium size, somewhat typical of my genetic background. I have somewhat pointy ears." He repeated everything he said before, but in the personal context, rather than impersonal. The trick was to not connect too deeply with the person he currently sympathized with - Vox. In a way, it was as if he weren't acknowledging this identity as being all too personal.

He continued on. "I have an average length neck, though it is wider than most due to my genetics as well as my muscular body type. My skin is very smooth, and generally lacks large concentration of hair on the upper body. Because I am a male, I have an Adam's Apple, as well as longer and stronger collarbones. My upper body leads into my defined pectorals, then my abdomen. My arms are eminent, and considered quite muscular, moreso than my torso. My height is six-foot-two, and my weight is around two-hundred and fifteen pounds. If you count the height of my hair, I am usually around six-foot-three or six-foot-four. This is considered above average if not tall by human standards." Despite saying all of this in the personal context, he did not feel overtly associated with these words - they were simply descriptions of an object, that was generally animate. The me, my and I wording didn't change that fact very much.

When his words were over, he looked away from the mirror and back onto the sheet of paper. He wrote, funny enough, in a very personal context - and when he wrote, he could relate and feel, differently than when he spoke and he stared.

Dear Gallagher Clark,

I have changed for the better since coming here and becoming a slave. I have acknowledged my imperfections and have worked to make them into perfections. I am stronger, more attractive, more witty and wise, and I dare say healthier. I did not realize before I came that working in the worst environment imaginable as a piece of owned meat could do so well for my mentality. I have become a fighter, a survivor, whereas before I was a dreamer. I had all these illusions of what I wanted to be, and illusions were all they were. Products of a hypnotic trance I must have placed on myself.

Now, I fully imagine with all that has happened, that when I inevitably become free I shall indeed be the man I wanted to be. I will return to my identity as 'Caesarion', and I will free slaves and make evils vanish. I believe fully after all I have seen and done that Priskil does protect me as I sleep, and guards my door before I wake. I believe that she casts her light on me now and gives me clarity without my mind ever expecting it. I barely even notice, but there have been too many times where my resolves changed and my beliefs changed right before a moment of tribulation. These things are to prepare me for my future.

I hope you are doing well. I doubt this letter will ever get to you - I have written eighteen, and none of them have as of yet. They remain as if pages in my journal. In a way, writing to you makes me feel comfortable. I imagine actually sending these things to you would do the opposite. I've always been bashful, after all.

Love, Caesarion.
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Endless Vanity

Postby Keene Ward on August 7th, 2015, 8:29 pm


“For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought.”
-Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene


    Hypnotism +2
    Rhetoric +2
    Acting +2
    Philosophy +1
    Observation +2
    Storytelling +1
    Writing +1
    Meditation +2
    Research +1
    Impersonation +2


+Page of notes describing Subject A/Vox/Caesarion

If you have any questions or concerns, please send me a PM!

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