Eliro, like any Svefra, is immediately noticed becuase of her eyes. The faintly greenish-blue stands out among all her other traits, and they are a beauty she takes pride in. To accent her bright eyes, Eliro gained her blonde hair from her mother. In the sun, her straight locks can be seen as a dirty blonde, but when Syna's light is taken away, the paleness of her hair is evident against her tanned skin. She is not a freckled woman like her mother, nor is Eliro burnt to leather like her father. She is still a young woman, who takes great care of her body and so her skin, although rough, is just of the fair nature with the glow of her days in the sun. Another trait of her Svefran nature, that comes from her well-nourished and comfortable lifestyle, is her height. Eliro stands at five feet, eight inches and a lean 150 pounds. She is not an overly muscular woman, but its not hard to see that she is strong. A little bit of fat rests on her hips thanks to her comfortable childhood, but that doesn't slow her down. From years working on boats and surviving in Laviku and Caiyha's environments, she's earned her peppering of unimportant scars and her thickly calloused hands and feet. While she is attractive, there is no doubt that Eliro has seen plenty of work in her life.
Having grown up on the sea, Eliro learned a small selection of languages. Most fluently she speaks Fratava, and even in her most used language, she hold the distinct twang of a Svefra. When she speaks common to the land-folk, the accent is even more pronounced. Any other Svefra could easily identify her as a Sebakem child, but most land-dwellers dismiss her drawl as simply Svefran. And last but not least, Eliro does dabble in the flowing language of the Kontil, although her accent is so rough it is nearly unrecognizable, even for the little words she does know. Despite her distinctive accent, there are a few other mannerisms that one notices about Eliro. They notice how she holds her head, high and proud no matter who she is talking to. They notice her lack of shoes at any and all times. If they catch her angry they might find she forgets to keep her hands to herself. And if you hear her laugh, it's best not to remind her of the single dimple that forms on her chin.
It would be a shame to live as a Svefra and not have a few tattoos. Still a young woman, Eliro did not get as many tattoos as most, but those she have sing to her. The very first thing you'd notice is the inking that covers her neck and chest. At first no one could really tell what it means or what it represents, but after a while one may start to see the outline of a Manta Ray. Specifically a Manta Ray named Mau, who is Eliro's Tavan. Next you'll notice a small ocean scene wrapping around Eliro's right forearm. Upon further inspection the scene warps into a dramatic story of death. This inking was made for as a memory of the demise of her father's birth Pod. Upon her left forearm is an incomplete tattooing, meant to represent the currents that her family regularly traverses, but as of now it is simply an meaningless bands of ink across her arms. As for piercings, Eliro's are not traditional. She wears no jewelry on her ears, preferring instead to show her metal upfront. The first piercings she got were the two studs on her bottom lip, which she always ensures match. The next piercing Eliro got was a stud on the right side of her nose. At first she wore studs, but eventually learned to prefer a hoop on her nose, which lead to her third piercing. The last of her face jewelry is two studs on either side of her nose. It seems nontraditional in terms of piercings, but that is exactly what she intended.