Completed Experimentation in Love & Torture

Kiva finds herself torturing more than one person.

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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Experimentation in Love & Torture

Postby Kiva on March 12th, 2015, 6:51 pm



15th of Winter, 509 A.V

The two Myrians stared one another down, the air tense and quiet. Kiva gripped her kris loosely in her hand, feeling the weight of her new blade. In front of her was another female named Roa, her own dagger held threateningly across her chest. Their dark eyes glared, and finally Kiva lunged, swinging her weapon forward. Roa was fast, deflecting the blow and shoving the two weapons to the side. It caused Kiva's blade holding hand to fly back and left her open. Roa struck again, this time slamming her shoulder into Kiva's chest. 'A warning.'

The attack struck her full force, shooting pain into her torso. Her breath left her and she gasped, sliding a foot back to give her leverage to push back. In a desperate attempt to not get stabbed, Kiva grabbed at Roa's wrist, forcing the blade away from her stomach where the female attempted to gut. Roa did the same, catching her arm when she swung. It became a stale mate and they growled in frustration at one another. An unspoken understanding, the two girls struggled only a moment longer before they shoved each other away and went back to analyzing the situation.

'What are you planning, Ro?' Kiva wondered, a muggy breeze blowing against their bodies. They circled one another, both grinning and taunting each other with false starts. It was a fun little game, two Myrian girls training with a little bit of extra fun.

"Scared, Kotakbil?"

The insult was friendly fire. Nothing serious, and as such, Kiva returned the jab with a wink. The pair danced around in an opening within the clan perimeter. A short distance away until Kiva launched herself towards her friend. Her blackened kris swooped downward, perpendicular to the ground. The move was a common beginner maneuver, and as such, easily blocked. Roa did just that, lifting her blade horizontally and above her head. The attack bounced off, and then Roa returned the favor with the same move. Kiva braced herself and held up her weapon, only to find the block give leeway, and lower. Had Roa not stopped, the blade would have kissed Kiva's skull.

Kiva frowned, instantly upset at the close call, "What did you do? Show me."

Roa nodded, "You're lifting your blade too low. Higher. Above your head. No lower than this." She illustrated her point, and Kiva imitated it. She lifted her kris just as instruted, squaring her shoulders. Roa attacked, and Kiva braced herself. The metal clanged together, sending vibrations rolling down Kiva's arm and making her grit her teeth. Still, the block held.

Kiva sent the same attack, lifting the blade and slicing downward. Roa blocked it again. Then they repeated. There was an unspoken rule. An agreement. Practice until comfortable with one move, than change it up. Sweat started to build on their foreheads. Kiva could feel it building beneath her breasts and the curve of her back. Roa switched her footing and Kiva knew to do the same.

Roa struck, but not from above like expected, but from the side. Kiva's eyes widened and she jumped back. Her grip was loose and she barely moved her blade in time. Badly, she pushed the kris vertically to stop the attack but something wasn't right and the impact not only sent another shattering vibration through her arm. It easily smacked the black metal from her hand, causing Kiva's blade to fly through the air and skid into the dirt.

Roa laughed, "Oh, Kiva. I always thought you were better than this."

Kiva stuck her tongue out. "Shut up," she growled, grudgingly going to retrieve her weapon. As she was bending over, the sound of charging footsteps from behind began to close in, and Kiva threw her weight to the side, just as Roa pounced.

Kiva scrambled for her kris, the two laughing as they fought. Roa began to wrestle with her, leaping again and pinning her to the ground. Kiva tossed the girl to the side, rolling over and reaching outwards. Her sword was just out of reach and she strained her fingertips to touch it. Her friend saw this, and wrapped a strong hand around her ankle, yanking her farther away. Kiva playfully kicked, trying to scramble backwards whenever the girl let go.

They rolled around in the dirt, Kiva slamming Roa into the ground, the other girl using her weight to knock the breath out of the other Myrian. Both were by no means wrestlers, but their sparring session had turned into a fun game. Finally, when both were out of breath, Kiva had gotten close enough to her kris to grab it. She decided to do a little acting, instead.

"I surrender."

Roa didn't buy it. She instead grabbed Kiva's arm and twisted it, still pinning her in place, "No, you don't."

"I do! I can't...breathe." To help with the illusion, Kiva made her gasps for breath louder and deeper, and pretended to weaken her fighting. Roa loosened her grip a bit, and leaned back.

"Well, I win again." Roa said, grinning down at her friend and climbing off of her. In the meantime, Kiva grabbed the handle of her kris while she sat up, and swung it around. Roa, who was still partially sitting on Kiva's legs froze when the black metal rested right below her chin.

"You little cheat," Roa grinned, chuckling, the air growing quiet and a strange as Roa looked into Kiva's eyes.

'What?' Kiva wondered, still holding the blade in place. Roa's eye contact faltered only for a moment before staring full force at Kiva's face.

"I always let my guard down around you," Roa confessed, clearing her throat, "You're amazing."

Kiva's blade faltered momentarily, as the holder was confused and silent. Was this a different sort of act? Kiva didn't know what to say, nor did she want to spurn someone if it was serious. She remained cautious, even when Roa moved to sit beside her.

"Kiva, I... I like you." Her eyes were searching for something Kiva wasn't sure if she could give.

Still perplexed, Kiva answered the best way she knew how, "I like you too." The response was innocent, and the disappointed look on Roa's face knew it had not been the answer she had been looking for.

"No, I mean,...this." Roa leaned forward quickly, her scent of wild flowers and sweat filling Kiva's senses when their lips touched. The kiss was short and chaste, lasting only a few tics before Roa pulled away. Wide eyed and more speechless than before, Kiva barely responded.

She had no idea her comrade felt this way about her. Kiva struggled for the proper response. How did she feel? The hesitation cast a dark look of pain on her friend's features and Roa quickly stood, apologizing.

At the same moment, she heard the angry shouts and war cries from her clan mates in the distance. Jumping to her feet, Roa and Kiva looked at each other in surprised understanding, the confession momentarily forgotten. More Myrians cried in anger and the sound of horns signalling the return of hunters from the jungle reverberated through the air.

Something much bigger... much more serious than a school yard crush was happening. Kiva snatched her things up and ran towards the sound, leaving her friend to catch up behind her.
Last edited by Kiva on August 5th, 2015, 3:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Experimentation in Love & Torture

Postby Kiva on July 5th, 2015, 7:22 pm



Kiva and Roa ran side by side, their long legs carrying them from the clearing where they had been training, to the more populated area of their clan. A group of Myrians were gathered around, spitting curses and acting quickly, in hurried voiced. A man groaned in agony, cries of pain rolling from his lips like shocking thunder. Kiva's eyes widened and the two girls pushed passed some onlookers. "Let me through!" Kiva demanded, shoving past some males who were gaping at the scene. When she made it past them, she gasped.

Sprawled onto the dirt with eyes white with pain was a man, not much earlier than her. Early twenties perhaps, but it was hard to distinguish from the sweat and contorted expression on his face. His mouth oozed blood and his neck was bruised horribly, Kiva was surprised it was still intact. She took a tentative step forward, crouching to look past the healer that was bent over him. The man let out another whimper, the sound a gurgle from the blood filling his lungs.

Despite the gruesome display, it was not even the worst of it. A cloak was draped over his body, the color now darkened from moisture and red peeked out from around the corners, spreading ever second. Another scout, a woman with brown curls wrapped in a tight ponytail paced nearby. She was covered in gore and she tried to relay what had happened to the medicine woman.

"He was ambushed, and taken to the ground. We were out patrolling, and he stayed back to set up camp. When we came back, a Dhani had wrapped around him, the others are out hunting it now." Her speech was flurried.

' A constrictor Dhani.'

Kiva's heart dropped, and without permission, went and pulled the cloak from the poor body. The sight caused shouts of fury from those watching, and Kiva felt sick. The man's torso had been crushed, it was a wonder he was still alive. Ribs had been broken, one sticking out from his skin, and he resembled a deflated water skin. His organs had no doubt been busted and all that was left was to bleed out. Kiva looked at the male's face once more, seeing his eyes travel to her briefly, and in that moment, she knew he was familiar. He was one of the older siblings to a girl her age. Brief memories of him joining in on games with them flickered.

Kiva threw the cloak back in its place, stepping back in with numb recognition. A Dhani did this. Kiva had heard of the horrors, seen a rare few, but... even if she was not friends with this victim, to see it happen so close to those she cared about. A hot wrath filled her bones, then disgust. She turned sharply, ready to burn off the intense feeling. Just as she was ready to bolt to a training yard, Roa's hand reached out and took Kiva's arm.

"The hunters will bring the Dhani back to pay for his crimes." Roa whispered, her voice steady and fast in hopes to reason with her crush, "Let us see if we can join in on judgement. No savage deserves to die mercifully."

Kiva took deep breaths, dark eyes looking into Roa's. She wanted to do so much... But what? The lamenting cry of one of their friend's sounded nearby. 'She has seen her brother.'

Kiva grunted, casting one last look over her shoulder at the dead. The medicine woman could have done nothing, everyone knew that, but prayers and last rites were still being sent to Dira over the corpse. Kiva nodded to Roa, head solemn and filled with thoughts that sparked and crackled like the early stages of a raging fire.
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Experimentation in Love & Torture

Postby Kiva on July 6th, 2015, 9:49 pm



The last rites were solemnly mumbled, and both mother and sister of the boy had to be dragged away. There screams and pain were still heard through the longhouse where they were taken, and Kiva meditated on the sound. Such agony. Losing a sibling or a child... Kiva bowed her head, feeling both guilty and thankful she had not known such pain in her lifetime. The fang mate of the male - the one responsible for bringing him back home - was pressed for more details respectably, and then allowed to give her respects before being ushered to clean herself up. With any luck, the others would be returning soon with more news, or even better, with the body of the assailant.

The other Myrians, whether they were a part of the scene or not were fueled by this death. They chanted horrible things about the snake race, crying for bloodshed. They called to Myri for justice, and Kiva's dark eyes stared at the jungle, waiting. Roa stood next to her, and placed a smooth hand in the dip between her shoulder blades.

Roa opened her mouth, but Kiva cut her off, "Do we have rights to this? Shouldn't these honors be given to the family?"

"Perhaps," Roa said softly, "But the wound is still fresh. They have lost a family member. Let them pray to the goddess first."

Nothing else was said between the two, and slowly the crowd dissipated, but not without curses and more cries for war. They spat on the ground and grumbled, some grabbing their weapons in suggestion of a bigger hunt, others declaring eternal hatred.

Kiva waited.

In order to do what they planned to do, Kiva needed to resist the instinctual response everyone else was falling prey to. She cleared her mind, pushing away thoughts of the deflated victim, washing the images of his blood away with deep breaths. She listened, hearing the people around her - their footsteps, curses, shouts, and lifelong declarations of Dhani hatred. Roa shifted beside her, and the sounds of the returning fang broke free from the jungle. Kiva's eyes snapped open, shaking her from her momentary meditation.

"Let's go," Roa urged, "While they're still deciding on what to do to the monster."

Kiva stood, seeing the Dhani in its half form, muscle and scales tied up and being dragged behind the group. Its body was littered with gruesome gashes, and the tail looked as if it had been violently burned. Still despite the pain it must have felt, the snake grinned when it was lead past the blood stained spot where the dead Myrian had been laid. Seeing its smug expression and pleasure in bringing agony to her kind steeled any doubts she had. Whether she had been close to the deceased or not, she had to do something. Kiva patted Roa on the shoulder and made a beeline to where the Tokoh stood.

The woman was a veteran warrior and spat orders of taking the prisoner out of the public eye to be dealt with. Kiva's face was expressionless when her attention fell upon the two youths.

"I request that we be given a chance to deal with the prisoner as well."

Roa chimed in as well, "We were childhood friends with the departed, and seeing him murdered has made our heart ache."

The Tokah looked over them, shaking her head after a moment, "I can't have two emotionally charged girls -- barely old enough to be women -- dealing with a Dhani, even if he was your friend. I apologize."

Kiva glanced over at Roa's disappointed face, and in that moment she had a bold idea. She cast her eyes to the ground briefly, "I was his lover," The lie was sudden, and Roa's surprised face gave her a way to continue the fib, "We had been keeping it secret so that he could focus on his service. Please allow me to join in this moment."

The tokah knitted her brows, and sighed, "I see," She nodded to Kiva, "You may if you can keep a steady head, only because of your connection. I cannot allow both." Then she turned and yelled at some onlookers to move along. Kiva did not meet Roa's eyes.

"Is it true?" her friend demanded when the leader was out of earshot.

"Does it matter?"


"No. It's not."

Roa's face held a strange look, a mixture of hurt that her friend had made such a lie, and that she had given someone else the title beside her, true or not. They were supposed to have dealt with the Dhani together, and Kiva had decided not to include her. She turned and began to leave. Kiva, on the other hand, began to plan what she would do next.

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Experimentation in Love & Torture

Postby Kiva on July 7th, 2015, 4:49 am



Kiva had a fairly clear idea of what they were going to do with this Dhani, especially as she watched the fang finish dragging the creature mercilessly out of sight. 'Torture,' Kiva confessed to herself, 'We are going to torture him.' How did she feel about this development? Would she like it? As she prepared for what she was about to do, it felt like... business. Kiva had no emotional ties with the snake, nor any snake, for that matter, and even the man she had only hung out a handful of times felt far away. But still, she wanted to do this, wanted to see what she was capable of. If the enemy, the same race that her family fought against every day, was able to be so cold-hearted when it came to war, than it would have to be a lesson she would quickly learn too.

'How does one torture someone else? Death is merciful. Perhaps I should cut off his tail?' After all, a snake without its tail was hardly a snake a all. It was just... a writhing thing. 'No,' she reasoned, 'He will bleed out. Killing him must be saved for the family. His mother should have the right of striking her son's killer.'

"Poison?" she muttered to herself, wondering if she could make the Dhani violently sick, or irritated. 'He a constrictor...' she reasoned, 'Would he have the tolerance of the others?' Kiva began walking in the direction they had taken the prisoner. She double checked to make sure she had all her things, at some point having absent-mindedly returned her kris to its place on her hip. It was a shame their sparring session hadn't proved more beneficial, but a lot of new things were happening today.

Roa, her comrade had kissed her, for one. That had proven quite a shock, something Kiva wasn't sure how she planned to handle. Not to mention, the female's departure. It would be unlikely, but believable if they never talked again. Kiva sighed at the thought of that. It wasn't that she didn't like Roa, it's just that she didn't exactly feel... a lot for her romantically. Kiva didn't really feel much for anyone that way. It was just... complicated.

Not to mention she had lied about being someone else's lover. Not just anyone's, but the deceased. Kiva felt a small pang of guilt, but knew that a tiny lie in order to see the reality of the world was worth it. And was lying so bad if it meant bringing justice?

Last edited by Kiva on August 5th, 2015, 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Experimentation in Love & Torture

Postby Kiva on July 7th, 2015, 4:37 pm



Kiva continued to plan as she walked, 'I could make him believe he is drowning, or... cut off his fingers? If they have tools, I will have to look at them. What is it that snakes loathe?'

Kiva looked around, seeing that the fang and Dhani had disappeared. She looked at the ground, seeing the disruption of dirt and the trail where the giant prisoner had been dragged. She could only imagine the strain of dragging him, and followed the tracks with ease, reassured by the occasional streaks of blood that lead the way.

Her tracking led her to a tent made of dark fabric. As Kiva approached, she noticed two women patrolling the small structure, keeping the nosy onlookers out of earshot. No doubt the creature's screams would be loud enough if given the proper coaxing. Kiva marched up to the women and began to take on her role.

"I was given permission to enter. As an old lover of the departed."

'Another lie.'

The guards looked at one another, one taking the lead, having likely heard the information from the tokah, "Myri guide you." She stepped to the side and held the cloth to the side, allowing for Kiva to slip in. In front of her, the group was tying the Dhani to a table, trapping its tail in place by having it impaled by a vicious looking sword. Kiva was greeted by the group softly, most focusing on their work to secure the snake was unable to move. Blood dripped onto the floor.

The Dhani's yellow eyes rolled over to look at her, his breathing nothing but sharp intakes and exhales, "Lover, eh?" he rasped, "Wasssn't aware sssavagess were capable of it."

Kiva shot out and struck the creature, causing its head to snap to the side from impact. Mostly from calling her people savages when the hypocrisy was clear to her. The remaining Myrians in the room seemed to approve of her actions, which gave her confidence.

'How would his lover act? Upset, but strong. Vengeful? Seeking answers?'

"How is it..." Kiva started, searching for the words, "You squeeze the life out of a man, and still call him the savage?" She kept her voice low for dramatic effect. She hoped it was working.

The Dhani tried laughing, but it caused him pain and ended in a tight gurgle, "You plan... to kill me, yesss? You are ssscum." The Dhani tried to look around, "All of you." The words, while immediately were directed at the so called lover of the victim, not Kiva, she hated the words.

She took a step back, looking over the massive figure once more that laid bleeding and strapped in place. One of the fang members stepped up, lightly placing a hand on Kiva's shoulder. Apparently her hesitation was being percieved as heartbreak, possibly even weakness.

The man who had touched her spoke up, "You may reap your revenge, if it pleases you."

But truthfully, Kiva didn't know where to start. She inwardly cursed, pulling away roughly in hopes to imitate the resentment of being coddled by a male. "You were his fang mate, do as you wish first. I want to watch the snake suffer."
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Experimentation in Love & Torture

Postby Kiva on July 13th, 2015, 6:04 pm



The other Myrians closed in on the victim quickly and began interrogating. "Were there other Dhani?", "Where did you come from?", "Why were you so close to Taloba?" Kiva watched as both men and women drilled the snake with questions, intrigued by their intensity and their stone expressions. They weren't taking pleasure in this, Kiva realized, making mental notes. This man wasn't the result of a hunt or sacrifice, they were doing this for war. For the safety of their people. A young man was laying deflated in the streets, his insides squeezed until he popped. As best as she could, Kiva took this new knowledge and imitated their look. She started by relaxing her facial muscles until she had a clean start. Then, she froze, no doubt looking strange. She was so inexperienced in this, she didn't know how she was going to pull this off.

She finally stepped forward and moved to stand next to the Dhani's head, staring into his eyes. They were a murky yellow and for the briefest of moments, a darkness rose inside of her. She wanted to hurt this stranger. She wanted to hear him scream. Not saying anything, Kiva pulled her kris from its holder, the blade hissing softly. Balancing the blade in her hand, she held the handle with the point facing downward, raising it above the table and slowly lowering it to his arm. The sharp point made contact with the soft underside of his forearm, Kiva keeping the pressure light and slowly pushed harder. She could feel his skin resist against the tip until finally it broke and her kris punctured. Red blood began to rise around the outline and Kiva twisted, grinding it further in.

The Dhani growled, but kept his breathing steady. Kiva started again, creating another wound above the one she had just made. He said something in his native tongue, but she was in a trance, watching the blood trickle downward. The red was bright, creating a shimmer on his scales when the firelight hit it. Wasn't this the proper Myrian thing to do? Hurt those who were lesser, who had hurt her own, who threatened her people's way of life? Kiva dug the tip of her kris into his flesh again and twisted with the same intensity. More blood ran down slowly from the shallow wound.

"Why did you kill him?" Her voice was soft, mesmerized. The Dhani spat in her direction and missed. Kiva tauntingly started to push the black blade into his arm.

"Why did you kill him?" she repeated.

"He deserved it."


The Dhani looked to the top of the tent, and Kiva looked over at the other Myrians. Their expressions were cold, and eager. They didn't know either, it seemed. 'Time to find out.'

"Why?" The Dhani still did not say. Kiva ran a free hand down his arm, sticky blood covering her fingers. She brought it to her mouth, leaning in closer as she licked it clean, "Even your blood tastes unclean. You are not even worthy as a meal." The metallic of the tasting had coated her tongue and she started to prepare another attack, "Tell me now, shurak."

Silence. Just the beady eyes of the Dhani staring back. "Very well." Kiva whispered.
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Experimentation in Love & Torture

Postby Kiva on August 5th, 2015, 3:20 pm



He had his chance and he had squandered it. Kiva shot her arm downward like lightening striking, fast and furious. This would be no light wound like before. Her curved weapon pierced his arm with ferocity, digging deeply and scratching against bone. The impact sent vibrations up her arm, and the Dhani screamed from agony and surprise. He jolted, trying to twist away, but it only brought more pain.

"The more you struggle, the more pain you will bring." 'Something you should be familiar with, constrictor.' Sweet irony.

Through shallow breaths and a face now covered in sweat, it looked as if the snake would pass out, but he remained conscious. He muttered something she couldn't hear and Kiva stopped digging deeper and waited, hand resting on the hilt of her blade. He tried to repeat his words, but again, Kiva had to wait for him to speak louder.

Ticks passed of just his struggled breaths. Finally, he said it loud enough for Kiva to hear, "He... killed.... Destroyed... nest..." The snakes eyes started to roll, but Kiva slapped him hard to keep him focused. Heartache replaced hatred on his face like a flame dying.

"He killed your children," Kive confirmed, the new development playing in her head. Kiva took a step back, her anger faltering. Were they not doing the same? Reaping revenge for those that they cared about? 'Are we any better?'

Kiva was floored and she didn't know what to say. The other Myrians around her started back on their questions, ready to start their own attacks. 'I don't want to be here.' Panicking, Kiva grabbed her sword and ripped it free, snatching up a rag that laid on a table nearby. Beside it were all sorts of wicked torture devices that would no doubt be soon used. This snake was defending his children... But if we didn't kill them, they would grow up and kill others...

She didn't know what to think. KIva wiped the blood off of her sword with shaky hands, suddenly feeling unclean. It was Dhani or Myrian. Kiva threw the rag on the ground and stormed towards the opening flap, shoving it aside and frantically wanting to get away. The guards called after her wondering where she was going, but even louder, she could hear their enemy scream.

She walked quickly, images of crushed eggs or murdered children, and then the deflated childhood friend. She picked up her pace, beginning to jog. She had never once questioned their war, or her people. But she didn't know what was right or wrong. She pushed herself harder, picking up speed, running away when she saw the boy's mother heading towards to tent.

She had seen the reality of their world and it had scared her.
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Experimentation in Love & Torture

Postby Dravite on October 28th, 2015, 10:20 pm


XP Award:

  • Weapon, Kris: 4
  • Observation: 4
  • Endurance: 1
  • Socialisation: 3
  • Wrestling: 1
  • Flirting: 1
  • Running: 1
  • Investigation: 1
  • Persuasion: 1
  • Subterfuge: 1
  • Planning: 2
  • Rhetoric: 2
  • Tracking: 1
  • Interrogation: 1


  • Kris: Blade basics
  • Roa: A good teacher
  • Wrestling: Holding ground
  • Wrestling: Using leg muscles
  • Roa: The winner
  • Roa: Has feelings for Kiva
  • Dhani killing methods
  • Dhani: Constrictor
  • The basics of torture
  • Tracking: Following a blood trail

Notes: Fantastic story, really enjoyed it! Let me know if you think I have missed anything here and be sure to edit your grading request!

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