by Iris Dove on November 8th, 2010, 6:24 pm
Iris sat on the ground, watching as Talhar got another fire going. When he had finished, he said "dig in," referring to how she should grab one of the javelins that had raw boar meat dangling from the tip, and start roasting it over the fire.
Getting up slowly, Iris did as she was told, she grabbed a javelin, and sat back down, dangling the meat just above the red-hot fire in order to cook it. She didn't need to check the meat as often as Talhar did, having watched many of her masters cook, and having cooked a few times for the professor herself, she had a basic idea of what the boar meat should look like when it was ready.
And then he asked her, "so you're a kelvic huh?" as a stupid, wide grin crept across his face. Well, it sure took him long enough to figure that out, she thought to herself, as she turned the javelin, so that the other side of her boar meat would be exposed to the fire. She was silent for a moment, her black eyes following the dancing flames before her, before she simply nodded in response, wondering where he was going with this.
From her past experiences, she knew that it could go in a few ways: the person asking the question would ask if she had a current master or mistress, and if she said no, they'd ask her to serve them, or they'd ask various questions about what it was like to be Kelvic- these questions ranged from a number of subjects, such as what it's like to be able to turn into a specific animal, if they feel different in that form than when they're humans, and why or why not, why they think they can change into their specific animal, and if they wished they could turn into something else, and so on and so forth, the possibilities were endless.
So Iris simply sat, roasting her boar meat over the fire, bracing herself for whatever Talhar was about to say to her, assuming, he was going to say anything at all.