[Verified by Crosspatch] Ren Doyle

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Ren Doyle

Postby Ren Doyle on July 8th, 2015, 10:53 am

Ren Doyle
Race: Human
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 42nd of Summer, 493A.V.
Birthplace: Sunberth

Location: Syliras
Housing: 20x20 apartment within the interior of Stormhold Citadel

    Fluent - Common Tongue
    Basic - Ancient tongue



Height: 5' 9"
Hair: Dark blonde
Eye: Hazel
Skin: Lightly tanned

Ren is a young man who stands a few inches over five feet tall. He's slenderly built and his skin complexion is lightly tanned; He is quite prone to sunburns and other weather related injury. Ren's hair is lengthy, a dark tone of blonde and quite unruly; he keeps some of his hair in check and away from his eyes with a thin leather headband. The colour of his iris is hazel and are kept within almond shaped eyes. Ren's face is often seen with a gentle expression along with a welcoming smile. Because of Ren's poor ability to resist weather conditions, He is often seen with long clothing that cover his skin; the clothing range from thin long sleeved shirt in summer to a thick jacket and head wear in the winter.


Ren was born in the old mining city of Sunberth. His mother was a common prostitute who neglected him, only providing enough support to sustain his life. Growing up Ren had to find a way to survive the city, fighting other youths for food and possessions. When Ren reached the age of eight, his unnamed mother left him to fend for himself. The city was quite hostel and Ren knew that; from the wisdom he gained on the street he tried to brave the outside world. Ren’s attempt for survival didn’t last very long; on the second day he was pinned up against the wall by a sweaty and shady individual. From the short amount of time Ren was held up against the stone wall of an alleyway, he was violated for seemed to be several chimes. After this encounter and another after that, Ren was discarded in a small old broken crate, passed out and desecrated. Fortunately, an elderly woman found Ren in the alleyway. The seemingly frail elderly woman carried him to her house, not before dropping two vials that created a mist of toxic that choked a man who was preying on people entering the ally.

The elderly woman, named Agnes Doyle, took him to her house and nursed him back to health; his recovery took several days. Ren was both thankful and fearful of Agnes; his last encounter with people left him with fear. Agnes was kind-hearted and nice towards Ren, but this only caused Ren to be paranoid. However, Agnes wouldn’t give up. As days passed, Ren slowly began to see that Agnes wasn’t going to cause him harm. Soon he began to help her around the house as he didn’t want to be a freeloader; he didn’t want to do anything like his unnamed mother. Ren tended to her small garden of flower; He watered them, pruned them and cared for them. Agnes was quite happy that he’s recovering. When Ren asked why Agnes was looking after him, Agnes said that the city wasn’t safe that that she always wanted a child of her own to care for.

A year passed since Ren was found by Agnes. Ren considered Agnes as a mother rather than a grand-mother. She was kind, well-mannered and warm-hearted; some of her personality rubbed off on him. As Ren continued living with Agnes, he began to notice strange things like Agnes’s somewhat unnatural strength and a constant smell stale death. Ren did detective work to find answers, but the truth he found was a surprise to him. Agnes was a practitioner of Malediction and Poison-crafting, as well as a past user of Flux; she of course tried kept this a secret from Ren. After she was discovered, Agnes offered Ren a chance to learn. Ren was quite taken aback by this offer. Ren accepted her offer, albeit quite hesitantly, and he began his study. Agnes was quite surprise that Ren was quite capable at crafting items from the deceased. Ren was quite attuned to use of Flux but required diligent training, and crafting poison was quite tricky but he was able to make very basic toxins. Through his diligent studies, Agnes taught Ren a dead language she had learn through her life time. With some effort Ren was able to grasp the basic level of the language.

Several years passed, and so did Agnes; Ren mourned her passing, creating a necklace from her body as a way to remember her. Ren inherited the wealth she had, and was about to leave her house to find new life away from the violent city. However, he was stopped but a woman. The women looked gorgeous and smelled sweet but foul at the same time. The woman asked if he was Ren. The woman was Lily, Agnes’s sister’s daughter. Before Ren became part of Agnes’s life, Lily was meant to inherit her wealth. However, when she learnt that Ren was receiving it instead, she became outraged. She demanded that Ren should hand over the mizas to her. Ren did the only logical thing he could think of, he ran. Lily hired cut throats beforehand and sent them after Ren. Thanks to Flux Ren was able to out run the goons. Ren soon found a traveling merchant and payed him so he could hide and travel in his cart. The merchant was traveling to Syliras, where Ren would live his new like within the safe walls; a place where Lily couldn’t harm him.

Character Concept

Ren is a young man who always greets people with a welcoming smile. Well-mannered, kind and gentle, no one would of guess that he grew up in the city of Sunberth. He’s generally a merry person who is full of energy, but sometime he might come off as eccentric. Ren enjoys greeting and talking to other; if someone ever needs cheering up, Ren would be the first person to pat them on the back. However, no matter how happy a person is, they have their dislikes. Ren dislike unlawful violence, and hate sexual abuse. Because of his past, when confronted with a situation very similar to an event from his past, he enters a state of bother anger and sadness; he’ll lash out with flux powered violence that could cause harm to others, but mostly to himself.

Ren’s cheery personality works well as he sells and tends flowers at work. He works at the flower stand in Syliras; working there reminds him of the past and how life with his his adopted mother. With all his glee and merriment, none would suspect that he enjoys traversing the night collected bits and pieces from the deceased and decaying, or that he concocts vile toxins. Ren thinks that it would be better to keep these fact hidden, as one should.


Last edited by Ren Doyle on July 17th, 2015, 8:07 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Ren Doyle
The Florist at Syliras
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Ren Doyle

Postby Ren Doyle on July 9th, 2015, 9:53 am

Skills, Knowledge and Stuff

Major Skills
Skill - Level - Proficiency - XP
Malediction - 26 - Competent - 15RB,11SP
Flux - 10 - Novice - 10SP
Brawling - 5 - Novice - 5SP
Floristry - 8 - Novice - 8SP
Poison crafting* - 6 - Novice - 6SP
Carving - 5 - Novice - 5SP
Herbalism - 5 - Novice - 5SP

*Roots, Fungus, Arboreal

Minor Skills

Backpack which contains:
- Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
- Food for a week
- eating knife
- Flint & Steel
- Agnes's Identification kit

Transaction - Amount - Total Remaining - Thread
Starting Package - +100GM -100GM- Creation
Identification kit - -50GM - 50GM - Creation

Agnes's Teeth necklace

Considered a failed Malediction item. This is a necklace made from the hair and teeth of Ren's adopted mother, Agnes. The string of the necklace is make by the strongest hair he could collect from her. There are five teeth tied onto the necklace, each tooth has a letter carved on it which spell out "AGNES". This necklace was originally made to enhanced one's memory, so that Ren could always remember her. However, despite the failure, the necklace it self was a memento of her.


Lores :
Arranging Flowers by colours
Malediction items are made from outstanding specimens

Last edited by Ren Doyle on July 17th, 2015, 8:04 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Ren Doyle
The Florist at Syliras
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Ren Doyle

Postby Ren Doyle on July 9th, 2015, 11:18 am

Thread List

Summer, 515 A.V. :
Thread - Day - Status - Notes
Imitating a species... - 29th - ongoing -
Under the Moonlight - 30th - ongoing -
Clouds, wolves and flowers - 40th - ongoing -
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Ren Doyle
The Florist at Syliras
Posts: 27
Words: 9796
Joined roleplay: March 26th, 2015, 12:20 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Human
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