There is no current date within the Season and Year in Mizahar. Time in Miza is 'fluid' and is much better explained the articles below:
TimeCalendarTimestampingI know it can be confusing at first.
Since the current season is Summer, the year is 515 AV, and summer has 91 days. If you are looking to start a thread you can post anywhere you want within those 91 days. You literally have days 1-91 in the entire season. You dont have to worry about matching it up to days RL. That would be really hard >.> and annoying. Just know you have a range.
Hope that helps.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow