Solo [Bronze Forest] Under the moonlight

Ren takes a nightly stroll through the woods.

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[Bronze Forest] Under the moonlight

Postby Ren Doyle on July 16th, 2015, 1:42 pm

30th of Summer, 515 A.V.
Somewhere in the Bronze Forest

Walking under Leth’s moon, Ren was enjoying a stroll through the Bronze Forest near Syliras. The night was warm. Around the woodland area, the moon’s light shone through the canopy creating narrow beams of light that glow in the thin mist of the forest. Ren Love these nightly walks as they were peaceful and could clear his mind if he had troubles. Wearing a coat and his backpack, Ren roamed the night aimlessly. Despite his carefree activity, he was sure to be cautious within the woods, as they were known for harbouring dangerous creatures and people. The faint sound of crumpling of foliage under his shoe was like a soothing song sung by a bard, Ren wasn’t sure why such a small noise could produce such an effect, but he didn’t care.
“This city is beautiful; far better that old rundown Sunberth…” Ren thought aloud.

Ren continued pacing through the woods. Along the way he found an odd looking fungal growth. The fungus looked outlandish, as if it were from another world. Red in colour with brown accents, slimy and fleshy, it looked so strange Ren had to take a closer look. Pulling his face closer to the fungus, Ren was forced back when his nose met an offensive odour.
“Shyke!” Ren exclaimed, covering his nose.
The pungent smell made Ren’s eyes water slightly. Slowly recovering from the strong smell, Ren thought that the fungi his it’s smell to repel animals just like what happened moments ago. With that in mind, Ren plucked a couple from the ground. Holding his breath and avoided breathing thought his nose, Ren looked at the fungus once again. The out worldly fungus had small tendrils that parodied flower petals and the centre of the stem was hollow, filled with red ooze. Ren placed a couple in a small cloth, wrapping them up so they wouldn’t contaminate the other items within the bag; the smell was quite strong, even though the back. Ren hoped that it would repel any creatures that come by.

With the night still young, Ren sat himself near a stream; the sound of rushing water was relaxing. He watched as small debris like leaves and twigs were carried away by the weak current. The smell of the unknown fungus wasn’t quite strong; Ren found an effective way to help decrease the foul odour of the fungus, it was quite simple really, he sat away from the bag. As he listened to the soothing sound of water, looked up at the night sky and pondered about nothing and the meaning of life.

The Fungus :

Other's voice - My voice - Thoughts - Ancient Tongue

Last edited by Ren Doyle on July 20th, 2015, 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ren Doyle
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[Bronze Forest] Under the moonlight

Postby Ren Doyle on July 17th, 2015, 10:10 am

All was well under the moon; Ren was still by the stream, enjoying the sound of the water. However, a foreign sound caused dissonance to the melodic sound of the rushing stream. The sound of shuffling leaves caught Ren off guard. Snapping his head in the general direction of the noise, Ren was braced himself for whatever creature was going to emerge from the woods. The light mist that surrounded the forest grew thicker, and the sound of leaves being crushed under weight was grew louder as well. Ren was trying to keep calm. He could hear his heart throbbing in his throat and the creature drew closer. The sound of raspy heavy breathing could be heard as the mist slowly fades. It was a man. Ren’s body relaxed knowing he wasn’t going to be mauled by a creature of the night. However, he did let himself relax completely. It wasn’t often Ren meets another in the woods during the night.

The man that emerged from the woods was resting his hands on his knees, panting heavily; it was as if he was running away or chasing something. He wore a similar attire to Ren, wearing a coat and long clothing. However, he was armed with a short sword that’s holstered by his waist. Not sure if he was a threat or not, Ren stood up and collected his bag and tried to retreat. The man raised his head with sweat on his brow; he caught a glimpse of Ren attempting to distance himself.
“Hey!” The man shouted, obviously breathless.
The man’s voices made Ren’s body cease up, stopping in place. If the man were to call out to Ren during the day, Ren would be happy to chat. But since it was night and in the wood outside of the city, Ren isn’t quite as sociable. Letting a deep sigh, Ren turned to the man.
“Yes?” Ren Replied.
The panting man stood up straight, still catching his breath.
“I need some help!” The man requested.
Hearing thoughts words, Ren found it extremely hard to turn down the man. Damn this conscious of mind… Hesitantly, Ren slowly walked close enough so the man didn’t have to shout.
“What’s the matter? Did something happen?”
“Yeah… Bandits robbed me and now they are chasing after me.” The man said, checking behind himself.
Ren grew concerned. If bandits are chasing this guy… and this guy is near me… shyke… Ren came to the conclusion that it would be best to start fleeing with the man.
“Hey, do you have any water, I’m quite thirsty.” the man asked, holding out his hand.
“Uh… sure.” Ren said, unstrapping his bag.
With his bag in front of him, Ren looked down and reached from his water skin trying to avoid the smell of the fungus. However, As soon as his eyes were taken off the man, Ren was pushed down and had his bag stolen. Dazed and on the ground, Ren saw the man fleeing the scene.
“Grah! Bastard...” Ren gritted his teeth in anger.

The Man :

Other's voice - My voice - Thoughts - Ancient Tongue

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Ren Doyle
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