Closed [The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Caesarion on July 16th, 2015, 11:18 pm

Perhaps the feeling varied for each one, considering the paramount differences in each of their respective body types. Caesarion was a hard man, with a large frame and a muscled and bulky structure. He was a bodybuilder and a fighter both. Noah was different, bearing soft skin and a gentle figure. While he was muscular, he was not a man of muscles piled onto each other. The surface of his entire body, Caesarion found, was smooth, and that made the embrace entirely comfortable. He slid his arms down the man's back as he embraced him, caressing his skin and feeling every ridge and contour. It was comforting, and he was sure that Noah was feeling at least a slight enjoyment at the touch. At this point, Caesarion wasn't so insecure - instead, he was very confident that the young man wasn't going to push him away. And even despite the abruptness of their knowing one another, he felt more comfortable in Noah's embrace than he had the vast majority of people that touched his life. There was something about his sweetness, his innocence, and his inherent compassion that made Caesarion's heart beat ever-quickly. He never wanted cruel men or overly bold men. He always just wanted a good-hearted one, a loyal one. Someone like Noah. So even if all of this didn't translate into a blossoming love or something so ideal, he knew at least one thing: he wanted Noah this night.

He noticed that the young man seemed confused when he kissed him, but from the heat of their bodies and the redness of his cheeks he didn't quite imagine he disapproved. No, in fact, the Kelvic did come to a conclusion somewhere along the line and he leaned back into the kiss. It wasn't exceptionally wild, and really it was just lips tasting one another, simply a warning kiss to see whether or not the young man would offer him more. When it was over, he could see the mixture of emotions in Noah's eyes. The mage simply kissed him sweetly on the cheek in response, trying to bring him comfort - relaxation. He didn't want his confusion or his fear. He wanted him to enjoy the experience, and feel at least half as senselessly motivated as Caesarion. For a moment afterwards, they sat in silence, Noah's palms pressed against Caesarion's chest and holding his abdomen. Their eyes stayed in contact, the Ravokian not letting himself blink or look away for an instant or a flash. The Kelvic licked his lips. Caesarion licked his too, smiling faintly as he finished. It was a show of mutual interest. Mutual . . . confusion, in a way, how feelings might form and desires might come about. He was just as lost as Noah was in this, yet it was all so exciting to him.

The other man was the one to initiate the kiss this time. As a reaction, the sorcerer was unbelievably relieved. There was no tension that wasn't sexual, and no agitation that remained. He closed his eyes, and their lips made contact. He didn't do much else. He wanted to be guided. Caesarion could do that much, at least, as he had at points seen and heard of what to do in moments such as this. So he opened his mouth, and presuming permission, he loosed his tongue into the Kelvic's mouth, their two lips dancing as they rose more open and their tongues made contact. He locked them together and then sweetly pulled his lips away at the crashing of their tongues, giving the man just a temporary taste before he brought himself back in - closer - increasing in his passion, in his drive and the rhythm of his movements. He didn't know what he was doing, but he knew that it was special and he was going to do his best. His fingers held at Noah's waist. He could feel the man practically trembling, and he didn't like that. So, he stroked gently along the sides of his waist before bringing his arms back so that he might smooth his palms over each of the boy's thighs.

He opened up Noah's legs so that he could wrap them around his own waist instead, changing positions quickly based on the size of their build. He decided he would take charge, considering he had the all-consuming hormonal brazier burning at the moment and Noah was the less sure of the two. He held the man up before seating him on his lap, the man's arms fast against his back with one palm at the Kelvic's waist holding him steady and another massaging his thigh. Caesarion leaned deeper into the kiss again, pulling Noah into him so that they might accumulate as much warmth from one another as possible. He was not in control of his body anymore. Something else was - his second head.
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[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Noah Amuel on July 17th, 2015, 1:26 am


Noah’s mind was blank for once in his short life. Nothing came to it and left it with an emptiness void of visualization. In place of the thoughts that Noah was constantly conjuring up, there was the electric shock of Caesarion’s body on his own. The Kelvic trembled as his skin filled with goosebumps and left his being in a state of seemingly never ending stimulation. He felt it all, Caesarion’s hands on his waist, the man’s tongue prodding its way into his mouth, and the man’s lingering touch on the outside of his thighs.

Caesarion tasted sweet in his mouth, yet the taste was something he had never had before and resembled nothing like the Kelvic had experienced. The whole instant, quick in its way, left him breathless as Caesarion pulled away. He inhaled the scent that was radiating off of the man. Caesarion smelled of salty sweat and a dull musk that left a wanting taste on the pallet of the Kelvic. In the split second that Caesarion pulled their lips apart, Noah took a breath before their mouths were clashed together in yet another passionate and intimate display of affection.

Noah felt as if he was in another plane of existence. The world around him was riveted with distractions that were clotted out by Caesarion’s nimble touch and caring strokes of his hands. Noah felt small within this embrace yet security was the only thing he felt. The anxiety and fear that he had felt in the minutes before this time were fading away slowly. They were being washed away by the brushing of Caesarion’s hands. His hands felt smooth and soft against Noah’s waist and thighs. They sent waves of foreign sensation through the Kelvic and caused him to tense up and relax at the same time.

Noah’s trembling was subsided and instead replaced by the shivers of anticipation and longing. His body was reacting in ways that he had never seen before and it truly began to make him to wonder what would come of this moment in time. He also wondered if his emotions being set aside and mind being blank of thought was normal in these times. His body reacted before he could tell it to and an accidental moan escaped from his being. The moan was muffled by the lip-lock but it didn’t cause his body to cease releasing signals that weren’t being thought out. Involuntarily Noah’s hands gripped at Caesarion’s chest and his nails scratched at Caesarion’s skin.

Quickly his hands went to the sides of Caesarion’s torso where his fingers grasped tightly with an anxious squeeze. There was doubt creeping in his mind despite how escalated the situation was becoming and another debilitating vibration shot through his body. Caesarion’s touch continued to reveal the ways one person could feel under the contact and confides of another. This spell that Caesarion was casting on the Kelvic immobilized him and left him yearning for the touch of the man. These feelings – not welcome but not discouraged either – made the Kelvic feel helpless but when he began to feel the creeping doubt another stroke of Caesarion’s hand would shove away the doubt.

Caesarion’s body pressed forward on the Kelvic and forced Noah to lean back with the wall of the tent being felt on the nape of his neck. The human’s hands pried away at Noah’s legs until the crosslegged hash that they held broke and split allowing Caesarion in-between his thighs. He felt himself become even closer to Caesarion now but couldn’t tell if he was being pulled towards the man or if the man was creeping in on him. Regardless of that, the warmth that Noah felt being produced between them was becoming unbearable yet objection failed to come to mind.

Instead of objection Noah found himself accepting Caesarion’s close proximity. Then Noah was lifted and reseated in Caesarion’s lap. Noah’s arms hooked under Caesarion’s and his palms rest on the backs of the man’s shoulder’s. He felt Caesarion’s hands shift their position slightly as well. One of them supported Noah in his upright position by resting with a grip on the Kelvic’s lower back and waist and the other gripped at Noah’s thighs. In reply Noah pulled the man closer to him. There was a short break in the kiss during this moment that allowed much needed air to fill his lungs before their lips were relocked in a passionate seal.

Caesarion had taken the lead in their dance now and Noah submissively reacted to the biddings of Caesarion’s hands and tongue-wrestling cues. His heart was palpitating with a fierceness that only reared its head in the seconds before Noah would take down prey, but now, in the intimacy, those same palpitations, raging emotions, and heightened senses emerged him in an ocean of climbing waves.

Noah broke their lip-riveting-embrace with a small smacking sound. His breath was ragged and his body shaking. He did not fear anything anymore, but rather felt excitement at the fast approaching future. His eyes locked with that of his partner’s and his tongue grazed across his lips lightly, tasting what remained of Caesarion on them.
“I’ve never done this before,” he whispered quickly between his quavering breaths.

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[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Caesarion on July 17th, 2015, 2:14 am

Absolute infatuation. It began with a moan, Noah's lips parting and a sound escaping. It was only quick, because the Kelvic was ashamed of the sound that he produced. He shut his lips, tried not to reproduce the sound, tried to hide the fact that he was in a state of pleasure. Caesarion wondered which area and which stroke triggered the moan. He figured it had to be the thigh, with the waist being sensitive but not quite as much. Even though Caesarion was in heat, in a state of buzz, and was barely able to pace his breathing, his mind still focused on every little detail of Noah's being. His own breathing, his eyes and when they'd shut, the moments where he'd roll back his head because he just couldn't otherwise manage the pleasure. The moan, of course. He calculated each and every movement he made in correlation with what action Caesarion previously performed, and as a result he knew he was going to get better and please him better - find which part of his body belonged to what sensation, and how to create as much feeling as he possibly could so as to keep Noah's mind fluttering and filled with need. So that he could truly relax, and feel sensation, and feel comfort and honest empathy for his desires. Not many people in the world gave a shit about those other than themselves. Caesarion often found it difficult to do himself, in reality, but with Noah and tonight, pleasing him was the only thing on his mind.

He stroked the place where Noah's leg met his pelvis, soothing the muscles and reaching for his sensitivity. His eyes scanned the man's expression, trying to discover how each touch would make him react. Good? Then he would move on, to more sensitive locations, even lewd ones eventually - though not yet. He felt hands at his chest, like before, but this time gripping. He squeezed Caesarion's pectorals, then he scratched at his skin. It kind of hurt, the nails digging in. And yet he didn't care. In a way, that pain made things more real - wilder, more exciting. He picked up the pace he'd set in regards to massaging Noah's body, though he halted for a moment when the young man's arms moved inward and gripped his side's sensitive skin. He groaned lightly, feeling a bit of the sort of pleasure he knew he was bringing to Noah. Even just contact from his hands, was enough to make Caesarion feel compelled. Riveted. His eyes could barely remain open enough to examine Noah anymore, as the weaker part of him wanted to fall back and hypnotize himself to the point of repetition in the sort of frenzy he and Noah had set. But then they'd never go further.

He could feel that the infatuation was mutual. While his focus was on the visage of Noah's body, the other man's need was based in the feel of Caesarion's. While Caesarion glanced at every inch of skin and looked for ways to please them, as he pleased himself with their image, Noah looked for places on Caesarion's body that would make him feel comforted to touch - make him feel trusting, and warm, and protected. It was a perfect arrangement.

The man leaned back, and Caesarion followed his body, smoothing his palm quickly over the surface of his chest, from his lower abdomen to his pectorals and collarbone. The surface was pristine and smooth, much like the rest of Noah. Beautiful and benign in nature. He didn't know just how he could properly process his interest in all of the locations of his body short of dedicating hours to each one. And yet the overarching desire bested his need to explore each inch of the surface, with the burning need of his that started this entire thing - first with embarrassment - demanding satiation that he wasn't sure if he could grant right away. He didn't want fear in this lover of his, but instead invariable trust and security. So he couldn't rightfully ever do anything that he would not find comfortable even in the initial thought. As he carved his way between Noah's thighs however, he knew that the unspoken need would become an unspoken reality. He could not help but glance downward as he massaged his companion, and he could not help but recognize the sort of longing that was visibly present in both of them. And that reminded him, too, that he hadn't taken the time to dare admire his partner in that respect. He barely had the time to, with there being so much to take in.

He could feel Noah trying to bring him in, embracing him more tightly. With his arms, he gripped the man by his rear end and scooted him forward, his legs tightening around his waist to keep him suspended as their proximity drew ever closer. Each adjustment was just to determine which part of their body was touching which, all based off of what he envisioned to be the primary concern. At first, when all he wanted was Noah to feel secure, he pressed his chest into his to provide him that feeling of strength and protection. When Caesarion's own needs swelled within him, and as Noah began to lose the tensity in his muscles, a different duo of body parts was what he brought together. Then of course, the kiss returned, ever as sweet as the last with Noah's hot breath filling his lungs and Caesarion breathing back his own. Their tongues clashed again, but ever more sweetly, with all the softness of two who truly trusted one another. Their hearts would beat against one another. Caesarion reached down to grip Noah until he felt his breathing increase. Then, he continued his work in pleasure, smirking at the smacking sound of Noah's exit from their lip's embrace. He was in a state of euphoria, seeing Noah be made so primal as the result of all that they were doing.

As he licked his lips, Caesarion leaned in and licked the Kelvic's lips too, even as he tried to speak. He then proceeded by kissing along his chin and to his neck. "I haven't either," he said, through his own series of exhilarated inhales and exhales. "But I'm glad I started." He almost laughed, kissing the man on the cheek as his free hand moved over and began to explore the man's opposite side . . . quite thoroughly.
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[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Noah Amuel on July 17th, 2015, 3:41 am


Noah felt limp in Caesarion’s arms. The only things that kept him upright in the moment of weakness were his lover’s arms holding him close and his own gripping against the man for proximity’s sake. In each movement that Caesarion did, pressing his hands up and down Noah’s body, the Kelvic reacted by tensing his muscles before they instantly fell into relaxation. Each time Caesarion’s hand grazed against the newfound sensitive skin of his thighs, they quivered at his touch and sent a reverberation through Noah’s entire body. This reverberation caused gasps to escape from his mouth whenever their lips were apart.

Caesarion pressed his chest with Noah’s and – even though he outweighed the Kelvic considerably – the feelings of his heart beating quick and powerfully beneath his skin was sent through Noah. Noah’s own heart pattered heartily against his chest and could be seen attempting to escape from behind the man’s sternum altogether. The intimacy was proving to be all too much for Noah and, with no want or way of escape, he held his ground against Caesarion’s advances.

Though his strength waned when Caesarion grasped the two of them in one of his hands. Noah felt his own rigidity against Caesarion’s and shuddered at the touch. As he became accustom to the man’s hold on him he was embraced in yet another kiss to cement the feeling. Trust was something that Noah found within the kiss with the sweet tackling of tongues and transferring of saliva. Their lips had parted to give way for this wrestling match and with each submissive and dominating move that one did over the other did Noah slowly fell farther and farther from reality.

The human had been slowly breaking away at any resistance that Noah felt – which was little to begin with. The hesitation that the Kelvic had shown was being replaced steadily by eagerness and energy as he was encouraged into such a light by his lover’s insistence. It felt as if the energy that Caesarion was transmitting was being received, translated, and reemitted by Noah in time. In this heightened instance Noah felt the hand of his lover removed itself from his waist and instead travel to his rear where it began to explore with unchecked freedom.

Noah retook his hold on his lover’s sides and he grasp them again tightly within his hands in order to keep himself upright midst his gasping and arching of his back against Caesarion’s curious fingers. His lover took to pecking and grazing his lips, luscious and gleaming with spit from the sloppy kiss, against the sensitive skin on Noah’s neck. It was as if Caesarion possess electrical conduits on his lips because with each touch of them against Noah’s skin sent the Kelvic’s head in a lull back and forth as shivers and sharp intakes of air took hold of his body.

Noah’s eyes refused to open, sealed shut by the waves of constantly renewing and different sensations of pleasure. His legs were forced to grip tight around his lover’s waist and were sent into a spasm of contractions with each peck against the thin skin of his throat. Breathy moans soon began to mingle with his airy gasps as the thrill of being handled in such a way overcame him. His head had rolled back now, leaving more of his collar exposed to his lover, encouraging the man to indulge himself if only a little longer for the Kelvic’s satisfaction.

The Zeltivan found himself working against his lover’s hold with a slow and rhythmic bucking that smoothed his own rigidness against Caesarion’s and enticed the man’s inquisitive fingers to delve themselves within the Kelvic. In this primal and instinctive movement, Noah lost any sense of himself that he had managed to hold on to and bloomed into that of a wild brute while maintaining the look and appearance of a man. His hands were sent in a sprawling way to explore the skin, muscles, grooves, and smoothness of his lover while his legs held the man in a vice-like embrace.

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[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Caesarion on July 17th, 2015, 5:08 am

As Caesarion shocked Noah with the abuse of his sensitivities, the man caught him and restored him back to full vigor each and every time he grew weak and feeble and started to collapse from his pleasure and his need. His eyes locked onto his lover's, keeping their gazes intertwined for the remainder of their actions. Noah's piercing gaze altered by this point - it went from one of careful consideration and keen eyes of critical observation to eyes that displayed endlessly swirling flames of lust. Energy that he couldn't control, that absolutely trampled on the other properties of himself that he had been so accustomed to. He knew that the hesitation to let go was always there. The hesitation to completely abandon your civilization in exchange for the heat of raw pleasure. Caesarion knew this pain as well, because he was also undergoing the same experience. His body wanted a certain vision - Noah against the floor, legs spread open, with Caesarion looming over him in domination. Animal behaviors, no thought for repercussions, a display only of the needs of two men. Then there was the civilization engaging with that, his want for a connection deeper than just a petch. So what would he choose?

Well - his hands chose one thing and his eyes chose another. As his fingers assuaged the longings of his lover's greater need, the eyes set towards prospects of intimacy. He of course took in every moment of watching Noah squirm and reel himself backwards, and he was always there to kiss him as he returned to his Caesarion. The kisses grew in their purpose, and eventually it became clear that neither of them wanted to pull away. They couldn't imagine a moment without their lips intertwining, tongues playing their own game, mediating the two men and their wild impulses. As Noah began to grasp harder for Caesarion's sides, the kiss was dispelled, the man moving to bring comfort and pleasure to other avenues of him. It began with the jawline, then the chin, the neck and the adam's apple. Noah gripped his lover and he would find no resistance. Caesarion was awash with fulfillment by the man needing him, wanting him as a beam of support both physical and moral. The feeling of Noah's soft fingers caressing his sides and his back made him smile softly and kiss the Kelvic very sensually. As he arched his back, the man found himself twitching at the predicament. His little bird was sexy, and he made an effort to remind Caesarion of it, whether intentional or not. As his head fell back, Caesarion's lips drew forward, kissing and nipping at his collar. He licked along the outline of the bone, releasing hold of the other man's flesh for a moment to smooth up his chest and lightly stroke his cheek. He planted a kiss at his nipple, then pulled his head back up to lock lips with the Kelvic once again. There was no pause in any action. He kept going and going and going. His desires were far too vast for a moment of halt.

Of course, this was evident in the multitude of ways that he had orchestrated Noah's current predicament. Each action of his lover enabled him a reaction, and usually one that would drive him into more actions in return. The Kelvic's legs being forced to lock around Caesarion's waist only opened avenues for more exploration, his backside being compelled into the grasp of the mage. He moaned. He moaned wildly, frequently, expressively. He didn't mind. Caesarion would be moaning with him soon enough, if not far moreso. For now, he prompted that more moans continue. As the need in his lover grew to its ultimate, he had already recognized what he wanted. What drove him so crazy in the first place. While Caesarion was called to action by the manifestation of his manliness, Noah's greatest longing took place shortly after Caesarion began to explore a particular part of his body. And so he knew exactly what got him going. What drove him so crazy. Why he was moaning and fidgeting and his muscles were tightening almost as fast as his grip around Caesarion, which was both adorably tight and softly held.

Finally, the Ravokian moaned as his companion bucked himself into what he figured an ideal position. He grasped to keep himself from losing control. He consented with the obvious wishes of his lover, and followed his enticement with the wanted reward. He delved indeed, patiently and kindly but without chastity. His movements were cruelly kind, triggering reactions from the bundles of nerves at the delving point. He pressed. He pressed into the movement and knowingly brought Noah great satisfaction in response. He felt the total loss of Noah arrive at that moment, everything about him changing into that of a beast. His hands everywhere, his breath everywhere, his energy intertwining with Caesarion's to permeate a perfectly endless well of lust. And Caesarion couldn't handle, any longer, the denial of lust's consummation.
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[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Noah Amuel on July 19th, 2015, 3:30 am


Darkness was all that Noah saw, but heat is what he felt. With each brief gaze of his lover’s lips against his throat, the Kelvic fell more and more entranced, slowly losing grasp of his humanity. Caesarion’s hands, wielders of curious little fingers, grasped at the curve of his rear, and held it tight within his palm. The man’s other hand grasp at both Noah and himself, massaging them both into a gasping and grunting euphoria.

Caesarion’s first grunt of pleasure sent tingles down Noah’s spine. It was a spark to further fuel Noah’s already rhythmic arching and slow bucking of his hips. The Kelvic cracked his eyes open to reveal the darkened tent, illuminated only by the dying flame that Caesarion had lit chimes ago. The orange light licked at his partner’s body and cast shadows on the man that revealed the valleys and crevasses in his skin caused by his muscles and build.

The shadows along Caeasrion’s face were warped as he constantly moved his head in its mission to keep Noah feeling constant waves of velvet satisfaction. The Kelvic watched as his hands found their way atop Caesarion’s head and felt his fingers slick through the man’s soft, blonde hair. Pure desire had forced Noah’s hand in coaxing the man’s further into him, hoping that he’d continue his delicate licking against the small sensitive mounds on Noah’s chest.

The first graze of Caesarion’s tongue against the sensitive bundles had sent a warm and exciting flare through the Kelvic, having had never experienced such a sensation before, and now he lusted for more. Noah rose his body in intense anticipation when he felt Caesarion’s remarkable proddings against his backside, requesting entrance. They pressed and pressed until they were inside the Kelvic. In reaction, Noah bit down on his bottom lip and a shaky whimper quivered its way out of him.

This new sensation, this small pressure inside of him, coupled with the gentle yet stout massage happening in front of him, sent him in a wild grasp for Caesarion. He gripped the man’s body close to him as he urged himself downward to meet his lover’s surge upwards and in time his slow bounding would become a quicker and anxious filled jounce, rebounding himself upwards and then downwards in tune with Caesarion’s carpal motions.

Through cracked eyes Noah viewed his lover and hoped that his gaze would be met with the equally lust filled gaze of his lover. A chorus of airy gasps and trembling whimpers would escape from the Kelvic’s mouth in time with the rhythm that his lover was keeping up and each time Caesarion would delve into the Kelvic the sharper the intake of air would be and the longer the exhale would go. Words and thoughts of reason failed to come to Noah. They were being blocked by carnal desire.
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[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Caesarion on July 19th, 2015, 4:39 am

The gaze. Each motion Caesarion determined caused a different sensation, Noah becoming attached to these feelings and grasping desperately for them. Yet he hadn't even by now realized just how much different the man became in the face of such urges. Sure, there was the implication that he wanted Caesarion to perform a certain deed and the expectation that he do it well, but the Noah before him right now was beyond that point. Despite their - positions, he was as if the dominating and Caesarion as if the dominated. He could only oblige and appease the wills of the Kelvic, watching in awe how his peering face could become one gasping, throating powerful moans and lusting for pleasure. He was beautiful in this state just as he was his formal, although each one was a different type of beauty. Caesarion found himself pleased by his regular appearance, and exceptionally aroused by the current. And more than just that. Every inch of his flesh was covered with beauty. His uniquely adorable face was fit for a smile, a frown or a moan in equal beauty. His toned chest was balanced and smooth - filled with little ridges and curves to please Caesarion's naked eye. As he arched and bent his back, and his chest moved forward, he swore he could see every little perfect imperfection on the surface of his chest - every beauty mark, every cute little addition. He totally smoothed over the surface of his chest once more, then lowered his palm back down, sliding over the slope of his pectorals and then gently massaging the skin of his abdomen.

His lips soared to Noah's, but only for one final chaste kiss that would remind him of an impression - that this was lust, but also romance, and that his kiss was to declare the sanctity of the act. Even so, he was doing dirty little things, defiling his Kelvic. He explored him thoroughly, though only for so long as to sate his interests and gain the layout of his lover before changing that exploration into a sort of rapid prodding for reaction. And he quickly got one. Noah gripped him closer again, restoring the chest-to-chest contact with Caesarion's forehead pressing against Noah's. His eyes stared directly into his lover's, with a seductive smirk covering the lower half of his face as he furiously appeased his lover and rebounded into his rebounds. The result was a very well-worn hand, a very pleased Kelvic, and the complete indoctrination of the man who was privileged enough to watch Noah's passions erupt into something of an entirely different caliber. If lust were a race, Caesarion had perhaps fallen far behind him, though he knew they would only ever win if they were both on equal footing. While Noah soared ahead and practically drooled senselessly into Caesarion's hold, the other man decided to put his foot forward and press him even further away from what he considered acceptable behavior.

The mage, who had waited so patiently, used his arms to quickly pick his lover upwards again, sliding him higher towards the roof of the tent and disconnecting him from his consolation entertainment. He kissed his chest as it rose, then brought both of his hands to Noah's thighs so he could grip them and position his body how he wanted it. He twitched, eager to fetch a taste of the man who'd so relentlessly seduced him. Then, without a request for permission, he turned the man around so that they were no longer facing one another. He did not wish to make this an action between strangers, but he wanted to let his eyes wander on the back-side of the man that he'd been so quite literally attached to this night. He lifted his hips up, his palms wandering the smooth roundness that said hips supported. He grew exceptionally impatient. His eyes wandered to the towering figure that loomed without company. So, with no verbal warning but instead the mutual acknowledgement that this was what they so dearly wanted, Caesarion lightened his grasp on Noah's hips as he slowly lead him into the angle he wanted. He barely had thought to admire Noah's well-crafted back or the refinement that it so possessed - instead, his eyes quite literally only stared at one singular thing - a 'pathway'. As he lost himself in its complexion, he lowered himself onto the ground until his back touched the floor of the tent, and Noah hovered - turned away - atop him.

Outside of that pathway, he prodded for a mere moment until everything fell perfectly into place - he was lodged slightly, then more and more, splitting open the gateway with sensitivity to send shudders down his spine. And so he lead him down, sliding him lower and lower in the direction of Caesarion's body. He pierced him sword in sheath, and as he did so, he stroked his thighs and bucked his hips forward quickly, flinging himself upward and lifting the lower half of his body slightly off the ground, his knees rising to keep himself stable. At that moment, despite the calmness he tried to fake, the man's built up pleasure would burst into a hearty moan that spread his lips open wide. He moved from Noah's thighs back to his hips, slowly raising him for the briefest of moments before allowing gravity to force his descent to continue. He moved exceptionally slowly and very cautiously, but the result was undeniable - the complete alteration of this encounter, with Caesarion becoming truly in charge and Noah's pleasure being for him to playfully pivot and control. Of course, no matter the case, his little bird would get his treat.
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[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Noah Amuel on July 19th, 2015, 6:23 am


Noah’s teeth had left imprints on his bottom lip. The pressure inside him was building, pressing up and against his nether regions with an unsated and relentless hunger. He took ragged breaths that chilled the back of his throat with each urging push from his lover. The Kelvic was truly enjoying himself. If one could see his eyes, usually bright and full of inquisition, they were now void and dilated with creeping ecstasy. His tongue rolled over the shallow impressions on his lip as he, himself, rolled on his lover’s hand, daring the fingers -- and the man -- to press on.

His pleasure was ended however with a sudden and fast lift upwards. The tension that he had once felt inside faded instantly and then he realized that Caesarion had hoisted him entirely off the ground. The Kelvic was raised easily, it seemed, but it took a while to recover from the daze that once held him. A single kiss placed upon his chest from Caesarion’s lips brought him to though. There were no questions in his mind as he was maneuvered and manipulated into a new position.

Caesarion lay on the ground now, his back against the floor of the tent, and Noah sat in a hover above him. The Kelvic sat with his knees to the ground, rear raised in the air slightly, and Caesarin’s legs sprawled out in front of him. Confusion began to peep its way through his head but at his lover’s gentle touch grazing across his hips, he was reassured. The man below him felt at the roundness of his behind and the small of his back.

The Kelvic, finding his senses once again, knew what was the come and braced himself for it with a steady breath. Noah’s hands found their support on his lover’s thighs. He gripped them as Caesarion raised him into a slight lean forward by pressing on his back. Then, at his lover’s behest, he was lowered and again the newly familiar nudging was felt at his threshold. This was different however, it retained a firmness much unlike what he felt protruding inside him moments earlier. Further downward Caesarion beckoned Noah and the firm member was greeted with a soft, breathy cry that could be heard coming from the Kelvic. Along with all the current feelings that the eagle was conflicted with, this one, pain, was the most unwelcome. Instantly, as the unwanted feeling cut through his previous felt euphoria, he gripped at his lover’s thighs like a vice that only relaxed when Caesarion caressed Noah’s skin gently.

Noah knew he would have to relax and knew that he would have to trust Caesarion in this way or the whole act leading up to the faithful moment of actual union would be for naught. With this in mind, he took a breath and allowed Caesarion to guide him downward. Slowly his panic waned and was replaced with discomfort instead. He quickly reached behind himself to his lover and placed a hand on the man’s abdomen, pleading him to cease his insistent leading. Even though in the moment he felt safe and secure with Caesarion placed below him and with him in the tent, he couldn’t help but be afraid of the discomfort and possible agony that this man could cause him at the same time.

“Slower,” he requested. “Hurts.” He peered back to his newfound lover and offered a dismal glance, hoping that he didn’t crash whatever pleasant mood was being had in the tent. The embers nearby finally snuffed completely and the men were enshrouded in a creeping darkness only pierced by the brightness of Leth above. In the moonlit tent, Noah eyed his lover and bundled up his courage. He faced forward again and willed himself up and then back down if only slightly.

The feeling, an embarrassing ache that Noah hated, ate away at the desire he once felt but he was determined to continue. In his heart he believed Caesarion was the one he had fished for all his life, his entire existence led up to this moment’s consummation. His hands, hot with the air, were placed upon his lover’s in confidence and on he went, adding centimeters and then inches to his bounding.

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[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Caesarion on July 19th, 2015, 6:57 am

He didn't realize at first that he was hurting Noah so much. He always figured pain would just sort of be there in the beginning, but that it wouldn't halt the experience and it could just sort of be acknowledged but ignored. Of course, after a while his blind fervor to satiate himself was cleared away by Noah's halt - his not-so-pleasured cries, and eventually his words. Slower, he asked Caesarion, trusting him to not hurt him. He declared that it hurt, and looked at him with sad eyes that almost seemed guilty for being in pain. Caesarion responded back with equally sad eyes, and a much stronger guilt for hurting the Kelvic. He stopped moving. When he felt Noah move, the weak part of himself wanted to let him do as he pleased because it would gratify Caesarion's desires, but the part of him that cared about how Noah felt - the much greater part of him at this point - did not let that weakness take over. He stilled the man's hips with his hands, completely halting the sliding motions that he was trying to perform atop Caesar. He pulled his back down, laying the Kelvic atop his chest, and wrapping both of his thick arms around his sweet lover's chest.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, kissing the side of his face. His fingertips trailed along his abdomen and his ribs, trying to return him to the feeling of comfort. Of trust. Of fearlessness. He didn't want Noah hurting to please him. He wanted this whole experience to be beautiful - beautifully mutual, with every action causing some form of enjoyment from one or both, and the two of them going into their sleep entirely satisfied. Everything that he did for Noah up until now would be mitigated if he let him feel so much pain in the moment. The thought of it twisted at his heart - it hurt him, exceptionally, to think that his sweet companion would be bottling in that anguish and not speaking just because he wanted to please Caesarion. It hurt him so much, but more than that, it made him feel a great deal closer to Noah. As he tried to wait patiently for his lover to adjust, the man's hands went everywhere and he tried to comfort everything, every little nerve. And of course, he noticed - too - this little thing of Noah's sitting on his right shoulderblade. It reminded him of the sort of 'mark' Aoren had, one that let him look into the past. It was exceptional, clearly magic in nature, and a defining feature to help determine just how absolutely mysteriously beautiful his little companion was. Without realizing it, just from this one interaction and without so many thousands of words and dates, he had come to let feelings for Noah grow in his heart that were impossible to fathom.

As he embraced him against his chest and smoothed his nose into his cheek, kissing him lovingly, he entered his most natural state. "Noah," he whispered into the sweet boy's ear. "I . . ." It was difficult to express his feelings, as they were complex in the most painful ways. On one hand, he knew what he felt, but on the other it was embarrassing to confess. He did not want to seem weak, like his heart had taken over. There was no reason to believe that this was anything more than a quick petch for Noah and he knew he could just fly away the morning after. Especially after all the pain he was bringing. He couldn't believe just how much he'd already made Noah endure. Maybe it wasn't all that much. He didn't know. But it felt like he'd done something horrible and it was still, as it was before, twisting him up and shifting him as a man to function only in a sole desire - to make Noah feel better again. To bring him comfort. To make him smile or groan or gasp for him again. "I don't want to hurt you," he said. "I care about you - my little bird." He kissed him sweetly, bringing his lips from near his brow to the top of his ear where he'd slightly nip and peck. His hands moved down to massage his thighs, trying to calm his lower body as much.

He didn't know if he was doing anything right here. He was so daft at companionship. He'd never been in love nor had he been loved. The most, ever, was a kiss, so long ago and so chaste in nature. This was all insanity. He didn't know if all of this just made it hurt more. He could only hope to the Gods, grasping at the sweet boy's sides, that he was being more kind than he was cruel, and that Noah would eventually no longer feel the splitting pain of first entry and first descent. He left within the man the power to rise back up and move or the power to stay and simply seek comfort in Caesarion's arms. Either way, the man would be happy to hold his Kelvic close and keep him warm and filled with just the most early form of love.
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[The Kabrin Road] Some Other Time (Noah)

Postby Noah Amuel on July 19th, 2015, 9:47 am


Noah had began to find a tempo that worked for him, it was shallow, of course, but discomfort made way for indifference when Caesarion bid him to stop moving altogether. Fright took hold of his being and the questions began to brew as he slowed to a pause. Was he failing in pleasing the man entirely? Was a consummation to the moment not going to be at hand? Was this act actually for naught? Fear was being overpowered by disappointment. This disappointment was aimed at himself for he felt if he stopped, the moment truly would crash and burn all around him. Caesarion’s hands held his hips firmly, advising against movement, and still is what Noah remained, not wanting to displease his lover any further.

It was then that Caesarion bid him backwards and so he complied, pivoting his body from its forward lean to transition into laying his back on his lover’s chest. Even in these movements, slight as they were, the burn of being entered remained. A shallow puff for air followed Noah in his movements, the discomfort coming to a tolerable state when he lay still on his lover. “I’m sorry,” Caesarion had said, pecking the side of the Kelvic’s face with his lips. Then Noah felt the man’s hands, light and delicate against his belly and sides. Despite any pain the Kelvic was in, it was dispelled by the man’s gentle touches. His breath, once elevated, now calmed as he did and in time Noah felt completely fine.

He took the moment of stillness to conform to Caesarion and think on the man’s tone. It puzzled the Kelvic entirely on how such fast pace, blinded by wild lust, could suddenly be destroyed and replaced with apologetic notions and careful touches. Did it bother him? No. If anything it made him feel loved, welcome, and wanted within the arms of his recent lover. Caesarion embraced him now, wrapping his large arms across and around Noah’s lithe frame and nuzzling his nose into the side of Noah’s neck. His breath was warm against the Kelvic’s skin and the gesture of affection was appreciated more than Caesarion would ever know. The man spoke Noah’s name now before hesitating to say further words. Of course Noah waited with held breath, wondering what was going to come from the man. Was it more apologies? Further affectionate words? Yes.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Caesarion said. “I care about you -- my little bird.” He then kissed and pecked at Noah’s neck and ear. The Kelvic swallowed, frozen by his lover’s words. Little bird he had said. Was that Caesarion’s name for Noah now? A pet name? A name only usable by him? All Noah could do was exhale the breath he had been holding and pause before inhaling more. His lungs hurts, he was sore, and now completely debilitated by the simple phrase, the benign name.

“Little bird,” Noah repeated quietly in a breathy whisper. He looked ahead at the ceiling of the tent and the racing thoughts were quickly cleared away and replaced with a black void. In that void was a shimmer and then a sudden and dangerous rush of twine, golden in no light, that came for him. He watched himself being pierced through the chest by the twine. It left no blood. The piercing was mystical and shimmered like a pale cascade of dewdrops on the skin that covered his heart. In his chest the twine fashioned itself into a narrow cord that wrapped around his heart, binding it until tightly woven. The twine -- turn cord -- led from his binded heart through the dark void and into the chest of another, into the chest of his lover. Then, as if knowing, Caesarion began to get closer and closer to Noah in this vision and eventually they stood face to face, inches away but failed to feel one another’s breath. Noah felt his face blank of expression and witnessed Caesarion’s own face fail to make expression as well. Instead their gazes, brilliant as they were, found each other.

Noah snapped from his trance as the tapping of his lover’s fingers against the insides of his thighs, along his abdomen, and then tracing up his sides. The feelings that invaded him now made his chest heavy and his lung struggled to expand under the weight. He had no recollection of what love felt like and knew that the idea of such was foreign to him. This had to be something else, something within his very spirit that tied him to Caesarion. He realized then, drawing a breath, that this was his bond, the moment that he had been led to his entire life by instinct.

“I care about you too,” he responded finally after what seemed like a bell of silence. He reached up with one hand and found the head of his lover where his hand delicately began to play in the man’s blond hair. Thus the Kelvic accepted the situation, the union with the man. He had been granted the partner, the mate, by the gods and he was not going to let such a gift go to waste. “I want to keep going,” he said in a wavering confidence.

He stroked the head of his lover, awaiting a response.
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