by Nikia on September 16th, 2015, 8:46 am
The wolf smiled, pleasingly, and hugged Dan back. She was exhausted from the night she had. It didn't help that she hadn't slept yet, either, but was happy that Dan offered her a ride home. He was the kindest should that Nikia had ever met. Now that everything has calmed down, she can focus her thoughts freely. He is so sweet, kind, pleasing, gentle and looked handsomely perfect. She that in a matter-of-fact tone. Dan was helping her relax and shielding her from the cold. Nikia's body warmed quickly in the man's embrace. She was pleased and wanted to stay in his arms, but she figured he was probably tired too. The delicate women fought against the urge to sleep. She looked at him with exhaustion. "Thank you." She told him.
After he released her, Dan kneeled down and told Nikia to jump on. She obeyed the best she could. With seconds later, she felt Dan shift. His smooth skin against her thighs turned into a glossy brown coat. He was soft. Now that Dan shifted, it was easier for her to get comfortable and situated. She moved higher on his back, as to not fall, then moved her hair to one side of her shoulder. Making it easier to lay along side his back. The horse kelvic whipped his tail and began heading out.
Every few hours, Dan made sure to stop so Nikia was able to stretch. In between her naps, the kelvic would open her eyes and see a different scenery each time. Almost like photographs. In her slumber, she felt the sun's warmth on her back, but not so much the sounds around them. Even though Nikia was exhausted, she could feel the pain ease away. The final stop they made, the wolf was feeling much better. She smiled, played, and took the time to make sure Dan was alright. The days adventure made Nikia worried. Dan must be exhausted. She thought, as she got back on the horse's back. And set their way once more.
It didn't take them long for the two kelvic's to reach the city gates. Nikia was gently placed on the follow ground and was waved on to enter the city. She was still a little groggy from the trip. Dan's arm wrapped around her waist as they made their way through the city and towards the castle. They managed to make their way through the crammed spaced of people. After a short while of direction, the kelvic's had approached the castle. Almost home. Nikia thought, happily. Moments later, they arrived at their destination. She heard Dan's voice sounding hopeful as they walked through the hallways. The wolf smiled and pointed to the second door on their right. "Just right there." She stated. Then continued, "You'll have to excuse the mess. I wasn't expecting company."
Nikia opened her door to see her small apartment piled with boxes, of her parents belongings, on each side of the door way. She had failed to move them for a while now, not wanting to say goodbye. Her apartment was empty, for the most part. Besides the furniture it came with. A small table say in the middle of the room, her bed against the corner of the wall -right side- opposite of the entrance with a table next to it. Her chest rested at the foot of the bed filed with letters from her parents while her blankets lay on top of it. The bathroom was located on the opposite side oh her bed. Nikia and her parents didn't have much of anything. Her father barely made enough to live let alone provide much. The sleeping arrangements were simple. Nikia got the bed while her parents slept on the floor. A fairly difficult way to live, but nonetheless, it was home.
The wolf moved aside for Dan to enter. She mazed her way through the boxes and reached for a blanket to wrap around herself. Trying to look a little decent. Then reached one for Dan. Nikia returned to the door way with a blanket at hand waiting for Dan with a nervous smile.
"There is no stronger bond than a pack of wolves"
"Common" Thoughts