Hello! I'd like to begin working on a job thread. I know that my character would like to be a poisoncrafter. However, I'm a little confused as to what this entails, and although the Price List page did help some, I still have some questions.
1. Does my character have to be employed by someone else to start working? Or can she sell poison on her own?
2. If she can sell poison on her own, does she have to find actual PCs who want to buy the poison from her?
3. I already asked this question to Crosspatch, but I just want to double-check: In a fantasy forum such as this, how realistic do job threads need to be? Obviously I'd need to describe how to find various ingredients for poisons and how they are made, but do those descriptions need to be perfectly scientific? Or am I allowed to use my imagination?
4. How can my character buy a kit to begin making her own poison? The wiki said that she'd need one, but I'm not entirely sure where she can get one.
5. The wiki said that I'd need to find a Storyteller with whom to fix my income. Which Storyteller should I speak to about that? Or does it matter?
Thank you so much for your help!