We were talking about para-elements in chat the other day, and unless the conversation carried on after I was gone, we couldn't manage to find a complete list of para-elements. Lava (fire+earth), lightning (fire+air), and ice (air+water) are pretty easy, and it sounded like steam/mist (fire+water) might have been another one that people have seen used.
Is there supposed to be a specific para-element for each combination (six in total), or is there more freedom for imagination than that - if you can conceptualise it as a product of two (or three?) elements, can that be a para-element?
Also, if I understand correctly, earth reimancy relates specifically to rock, which means that things like wood and metal fall outside the typical boundaries of reimancy. Is it possible that wood and/or metal might be a para-element (earth+water? earth+air?), or are these things deliberately outside the scope of reimancy for balance reasons/etc?
Is there any way to create/influence magnetism (via lightning/electricity, or some other magic?), or is magnetism a physics thing (like gravity/etc), that magic cannot replicate?