5th, Summer, 515 AV
"Show me your stance," the Knight ordered, and Katelyn drew an arrow, nocking it to her bowstring. She braced her feet shoulder width apart, twisted to face the target down range and lifted her bow, pulling its string back until it was anchored at her chin. The Knight tsk'ed loudly, and the squire felt the line of her jaw twitch. Her own patron was standing just a few feet away, watching patiently. As a Mage-knight he had never taken the time to learn how to use any long ranged weapons, but when his squire expressed a direct interest, he'd set up a training session with one of his comrades.
Zulkar was Inartan born, and his competence with a bow was almost a given. He seemed quick to judge Katelyn's comparably poor performance with a critical eye, and stepped closer to examine what needed improved. His pokes and prods were sharp, deliberate, and held an air of impatience. This was all so simple to him, and impossible to think of as otherwise, so his automatic frustration was obvious.
The fiery haired man lifted her elbow with a light swat, pushed her belly in, and jabbed her boots with his toes, making her move feet a little closer together. Apparently her definition of shoulder width was different than his. "Nock at the corner of your mouth. Your bow's strength in comparison to the length of your arms means you should draw back farther and anchor toward the mouth, not the chin. Now release the arrow."
Kate's fingers let go without hesitation, and the limbs snapped back with powerful force, sending her arrow flying toward the round rings 50 yards away. The field tip moved with incredible speed and slammed into the outermost ring on the left edge of the target. The squire didn't need to look at the Knight's expression to feel disappointed. She was having consistent issues with her aim. The redhead's form wasn't horrible, but there was simply something lacking. Ser Zulkar seemed to see it immediately.