[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 13th, 2010, 8:07 am

Chaya smiled, "It's great that you're confident. One really needs to have it in order to start anew, don't you think?" She held up the parchment and quill she had in her hands for Haeli, "To finalize the transaction you will need to sign this for me here. It'll be a record of your owing and your loans so that we can best keep track of where you're at debt-wise. If you require assistants, we may be able to set that up for you as well, but that will add on to the debt you'll owe the city in the end. Any other material you may inquire with us and we will be happy to assist you in any way. You will also receive 6 kina a day beginning next season once you have this place in order. What would you like to call it?"

The parchment read:

CC Attendant: Chaya Tuva
Building: 214, Zintia Peak
Amount Loaned: 3116 kina
Purpose: Business Transaction
Amount owed to Lhavit: 3116 kina, 100 kina a season.
Salary: To begin in the season of Winter - 6 kina

Knowing that Haeli might not be able to read Lhavitian, however, Chaya read it aloud, "CC attendent is me, Chaya Tuva, your building is 214 on Zintia Peak, remember that! The amount loaned will be 3116 kina, provided you do not ask for materials, if you do I can change that easily. You will owe 3116 kina to the city (also subject to change should you wish anything else), and we will require 100 kina a season from your business transactions each season. We will, of course, not require it until next season, which means you have, what day is it... 60th? You will have 31 days to have this place in a suitable state to begin a business, then we will begin your salary of 6 kina a day to pay for anything you might need to further purchase. If 31 days doesn't sound like a suitable timeframe we can also bump that up. Any questions?"
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Brady on November 15th, 2010, 3:59 am

The Maverick
The 72nd of Fall 510AV

The city wasn't nearly as interesting to Brady in the day as it was at night. He had woken about noon after the previous nights activities, and had been wandering around since. Eventually deciding to do something useful he walked to the building that some locals had directed him to.

When he arrived he opened the door, walked in and looked around. The room was devoid of life, but there was a nice little bell on the counter. So he reached over and rung it a few times leaning on the counter to wait for service.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Haeli on November 16th, 2010, 7:28 pm

Haeli didn't in fact read Lhavitian so she was grateful when Chaya read the contract aloud. Thirty one days seemed such a short period of time for planting and harvesting and getting things in order, especially in the fall. But Haeli understood bargaining and she did have a great deal of stores she already had made in the swamps for trading to sailors. Thirty days would be enough time, granted, if she had help. "Due to the nature of the business, there will be a lot of physical labor. We'll need to haul in soil, dig, plant, build shelves, and all the rest. I am curious if you could provide a salary as well, something appropriate, so I can hire someone strong to help me do such things. I am not a very good builder and there will be a lot of things the building will need to get ready to open. How about a salary in the 4 to 5 kina range?" She asked thoughtfully. It was true she'd use Morphing like crazy, using her Derek Salvi form to work harder and longer than her original one could. But one man couldn't do the work alone, not all of it, so help would be required.

She just didn't know where she'd find reliable help. But that was a swamp she could traverse another day.

"If I have a little help then definitely I can be ready by Winter to open."
Haeli said then picked up the pen and ink provided and signed the contract she could not read. If Chaya was in agreement, she'd get started immediately. She'd need some sort of pack animal and a set of packs to start hauling in dirt, a shovel, and various other tools and woods to begin constructing her gardens. The place already had a great philtering lab, so that wasn't required, but other things that were living necessities were. It was a daunting task, but one she felt she could accomplish if she focused solely on the business first then saw to her own needs later.

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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Pandemonium on November 20th, 2010, 3:29 am

75th Fall, 510

The streets were quiet as Pander made her way into the city, and she supposed that it was better that way. While she couldn't help but find the reactions of the poor guards at the gates amusing, she knew that her form was certainly going to attract a lot of attention, and she'd prefer to have her things in a safe place before she decided to have some fun. The sunlight reflected off the ruby sitting at the base of her throat as she made her way down the street, heading towards the building that the helpful guide had recommended to her before she had made her way into the city.

The Cosmos Center certainly looked official enough, but then, so did everything else in the great city of Lhavit. Never before had she see such detail and effort put into a building, of all things. And it wasn't just the fancy official ones, but all of them, right down to the most drab and modest of housing. She had heard that the city had been carved from crystals by the devout followers of Zinitila, but it was truly something else to see it in person. She couldn't wait to see what the view would be like from some of the higher peaks.

She nudged the door to the Center open with her head and slipped inside, looking around. The inside was just as detailed as the rest, and as usual, everything was at a height that she could barely reach at her measly one foot size. With a sigh, she located a chair and pushed it over to the counter, making an annoyed sound at the scraping noise it produced. Once it was in position, she leapt onto it and used it as her reaching point for the counter. Scrambling up, she kicked her back legs against the chair until she could shift her weight forward enough to get herself back in place. It certainly wasn't the most graceful of entrances, and she was grateful no workers were around to see it.

Shaking her head and adjusting her long tail to wrap around her body, she tapped a paw on the bell provided and settled down to wait for someone to arrive.

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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 20th, 2010, 11:33 pm


It was several chimes before a woman appeared from one of the back rooms, nodded politely at Brady while tightening her bun with a spare quill. She motioned for him to sit at one of the immaculate white desks. “Welcome, welcome,” Youchi greeted in Common, “What can I do for you today?” When she settled herself in a chair she whipped out a spare piece of parchment.


Chaya smiled brightly at Haeli’s questions. She was a very perceptive girl, very likeable! “Of course, Haeli, we can do this for you. An extra 4 kina for a helper. Would you prefer this salary begin now or next season?” Once Haeli signed the parchment, Chaya rolled it up then continued speaking to let the foreign girl know of the process that is taken with such matters, “We will keep copies of this parchment in the Cosmos Center, then send one to the Circle of Towers, they also keep records of every transaction for their dealings with the public. If you ever have a need for another request, you can stop by the Center again and just ask for me, that’s Chaya Tuva.”

Digging around in her pocket, Chaya took out a small rounded key. “Here is the key to this building, keep it safe!”


The bell was rung, and out emerged a woman who appeared quite young for her true age. She glanced around, as if having sworn she had missed a customer, or that someone was simply trying to play a trick on her, but once her eyes fixated on the counter the bell was located on, she honed in on Pander with surprise. “Ah, how lovely, a Pycon, yes?” Youchi inquired with a smile. “What brings you to the Cosmos Center? What can I help you with?”
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Pandemonium on November 21st, 2010, 9:03 am

Pander chose not to be offended by the way the pretty young woman looked over her head first; it happened all the time, after all, and she plainly didn't have the time or energy to complain every single time it happened. Instead, she perked her ears up to better listen to what the woman said, a smile on her lips.

"I'm surprised," She commented lightly in Lhavitian. "Not mainly people equate my appearance with a Pycon. Though I suppose my skin gives me away, right? It always does."

Pressing on without waiting for an answer, Pander continued to speak in a soft, pleasant tone. "At any rate, I'm looking for a place where I can store my things and perhaps retire to when I am in need of rest. It really doesn't have to be big or well equipped; I have everything else I need in hand." She made a gesture to the tiny backpack on her back.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kayven Aracev on January 12th, 2011, 1:13 am

Kayven strode slowly through the main thoroughfare of Lhavit. It was truly breathtaking in its beauty, even for a devotee of Vayt like himself. The Widower even went so far as to remove the cowl from his head, bearing his bald scalp and golden eyes to the general populace at large for the sake of a better view of his surroundings. The soaring vistas and sparkling crystalline insets seemed to dazzle the eye, and the ever-climbing towers reminded Kayven vaguely of Kalinor. With a little imagination, he could almost imagine silk ropes connecting the buildings at their upper levels, with graceful figures flitting along them like wraiths. A quick shake of his head was all it took to dispel this vision, focusing on the people around him.

While the Lhavitian population was overwhelmingly human, they were a colorful bunch, dressed in all manners of orange and blues. Kayven supposed that was to reflect the cycle of the stars, considering the patron deity of Lhavit was Zindila. Still, however detestable humans were normally, they had created something truly wondrous with this city. Kayven turned right, off of the main thoroughfare to come face-to-face with the Cosmos Center. The guide of the mountain had instructed the Symenestra to come here upon arrival to set up lodging and other accommodations. Keeping his face exposed to the world left Kayven feeling slightly uncomfortable, vulnerable even, but he knew it was best to keep it so and leave the right impression.

Striding through the main gates with barely a nod to the young boy in the garden, Kayven stepped into the lavish lobby and stood for a moment. Clad all in black, he stood out like a sore thumb amidst the vibrant colors here, and his ashen skin and golden eyes did little to help the impression that he was anything other than benevolent. Granted, such an impression would have been incredibly false, but it also would have been helpful. Undaunted, Kayven strode up to the desk, eyeing the crystal bell before ticking it with one long claw three times, waiting to be received, and accommodated.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on January 14th, 2011, 10:36 am


A few moments after he had rung the bell, a deceptively younger looking woman appeared in the lavish front room. She stepped up with a smile on her face to the Symnestra male, willing to help in anyway possible. "Welcome to Lhavit," Youchi began, assuming that Common was the best choice. "How may I help you today?" She stepped around the counter and got out a quill and parchment, ready to take down anything that would help this man settle into the city of Lhavit.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kayven Aracev on January 14th, 2011, 9:08 pm

Kayven smiled widely, showing just the barest hint of teeth. The less these people saw of his fangs and other non-human characteristics the better, as far as Kayven was concerned. "I thank you for your speedy response, milday," he began in Common, keeping his voice pleasant. "As I'm sure you surmised, I am a newcomer to this city. As I feel it would be inappropriate to sleep in the open, I would like to secure lodgings for myself, as well as a source of income, if it pleases you." Kayven had to struggle not to gouge his own eyes out with his claws. 'Inappropriate,' more like inconceivable for a man of his station! He clasped his hands together, taking great care not to scratch himself as he awaited the woman's response.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on January 14th, 2011, 11:01 pm

Youchi smiled back at the Symenestra. "Speed is always essential in my job for best satisfaction," she said lightly. She took down notes on her piece of parchment: Lodgings and a source of income. "Well, as a newcomer, once again welcome to Lhavit. We'll organise your residence first, then move only the income, if that pleases you?" Smiling and nodding, Youchi moved along. "It would indeed be inappropriate for you to sleep outside, which is why we have lodgings, at a place called the Solar Winds Apartments. Here you will lodge if you want permanent residence. Would you like to hear the price range for this residence? Or would you prefer to stay less-sedentially in the Shooting Star Inn?"
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