69 Summer 515
Clyde’s job as a Reimancer tended to take him all over Nyka. From one quarter to another, doing various things. Most had been rather simple, at least by his skill. However today he’d gotten a particular job, one that he was less certain of completing.
After all, he had never taken on a storm before.
He’d made waves with attraction, lightning bolts with transmutation, attracted and thrown blasts of wind, but to take on and break up a storm, release its fury, vent its power, that was another order of thing. Something that would likely test even his might and mettle.
But he did not squirm or shake under the pressure. No, he felt a challenge, one finally ready to test him, something he’d not felt in some time.
The first thing he noticed as he headed towards the docks was the dark sky. It should have been about midday, the sun high, but instead the sky was grey and pallid. Out over the water it was even darker, with a heavy dark grey almost black curtain of clouds moving towards Nyka. It seemed to be moving slowly, but as Clyde’s eyes adjusted to the scale he realized how fast it must be moving.
Also in the distance he could hear the occasional boom of thunder, shortly after the flash of light that was a strike of lightning. It was a storm, a big one, a full tempest, rushing right towards Nyka and the docks.
In the short time it took for him to reach the docks, Cha in hand, the clouds had noticeably rushed closer. Clyde mentally prepared himself, willing up his full might and power as he faced the approaching storm. As it neared sails began to blow about in the rushing wind, the air became wet as bits of water splashed about and fell from the clouds. The level of noise rose and fell with the wind, carried booms of thunder seeming to ebb and flow. And that was only the edges of the storm, its excess, brushing against the docks.
It was clear why he was desired to defuse the situation. If its raw power were to vent directly into the docks and Nyka, there would be considerable damage. Not to mention capsized ships, fires from lightning strikes, and other bits of Chaos.
Chaos wasn’t bad, it was something Clyde understood better than others. For a moment he felt a flare of his Chaon mark, a sense of its power, but it soon faded away to the back of his mind and memory. This storm while at times making Chaos, wasn’t of Rhysol’s domain. It was of another deity. So Clyde felt no issue with fighting it.
Focusing now on his inner self, on his djed, his potency and inner being, Clyde willed his res to rise, to exude, to pour forth from his body like a flood. His robes clung limply about him, forgotten. All that existed to Clyde was himself, Cha in his hand, and the onrushing storm. His foe of the day.
Soon Clyde was in the middle of an expanding cloud of res gas, bright and silvery and glowing, but still see through and tenuous and not blocking his mundane sight.
Words: 539