Closed The Lost Boy (Sayana)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Timothy Mered on June 14th, 2015, 4:10 am


Tea? He made a funny face as he tried to imagine how drinking tea would heal the cut on his cheek and the light scrape itching on his back. Like a cat perched on a high wall he watched Sayana’s every movement with a steady gaze. Whatever alarm he’d felt had now disappeared entirely. She looked less tense and distressed now and the sound of water reaching a boil soothed his ears.

Only for a tick did he frown at how quick she’d earned his trust. Like a lost puppy he’d followed her into her house without really knowing a thing about who she was or where she came from. Smiling quietly, Timothy slid over to the other end of the couch and waited in anticipation.

Had she not warned him in advance he would’ve flinched and pulled away. Instead he followed her exact instructions and edged close enough to feel warmth emanating from her frame. “I’m ready,” he said.

The damp cloth stung his skin like a needle but also brought a smooth, cold sensation with it, cleaning the cut to the very core. Her soft hands cupping his chin weren’t needed to keep still, but he was somehow glad she steadied him anyway. No deceiver could feign the care and precision with which she treated him and he grew ever happier that he hadn’t turned away from Sayana.

His heart sank a little when she spoke again. “Do you have to leave already?” Disbelief colored his voice. “I don’t think I want you to be sad. No one wants to be sad, or alone…” A flicker of hesitation flashed over his face and he opened and closed his mouth a few times before continuing.

“Was that why you were crying? Because you have to leave? But why would you have to leave? It can’t be money…you seem to have enough of that, and pretty rings too.” He narrowed his eyes. “Is there someone here that’s hurting you?” Someone like Dylan came to mind. Dylan would grow up one day and he could imagine people like that existed everywhere throughout the world, only in adult form. The idea made his gut turn inside out. Jed Radacke and Adelaide Sitai had been prime examples of bad people, and they had been young once too.

Concern, brittle but undoubtedly present, welled up inside of him. Concern for the young, small woman in front of him. He didn’t know how to help her. When she was done with cleaning the cut he muttered a thanks and shrunk a little.

After all, he’d come here to be looked after and now that that was done, it was time to leave. But he didn’t want to leave yet, even though he’d promised himself to do so. No, he wanted to stay, but maybe Sayana didn’t want to. A light red colored his cheeks as he realized how nonchalant he’d acted in the Eypharians house. It had been excitement mostly. Something about the woman and her house had rekindled a flame in him. It spread through his veins like a wildfire and he desperately didn't want to disappoint or offend her. He'd suffered rejection once in Syliras already and he didn't think he could handle another.

“I am sorry I jumped on your couch, that was rude.” he said eventually, “I just like your feels like a proper home, though it'd be nice to have windows.” A bout of silence engulfed them. He tried to imagine how a window would look in Sayana's appartement. Golden rays and gentle breezes and a sight of the greenery outside the citadel, then it would be a perfect home.

"I should probably head back after tea," he sighed. "I hope Dylan's not around. He gave me this," he pointed to his cheek, "but Aenysa won't punish him 'cause he'll spin a tale and no one will believe me, they never do 'cause I told them I am from Sunberth and they all hate Sunberth and I am new and they don't know me yet and-" He gasped for air. ...And it gets very lonely and I wish I could stay here a little longer, he finished in the privacy of his mind.
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The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Sayana on June 15th, 2015, 1:52 pm


He stayed quite calm as she dabbed at his cheek and hardly seemed to flinch. It was soothing for her to just slowly work at something she knew she could do and know that it was helping. After the cut on his cheek, she worked at ridding him of the dried blood upon his lip. It reddened the cloth but after a few more firm strokes it was done. Next, she took out the jar of Krolar paste to gently smooth over his cuts with a finger. “Careful you don’t eat any. It might not taste the best.” She warned softly.

However, he didn’t seem so interested in traveling to somewhere new. Did he like where he was at or was he just afraid of travel? She could understand the latter. She didn’t want to travel by land, which left by sea… When he asked whether it was the reason for her crying, she stopped. Her focus was gone from the tending and her stomach tightened uncomfortably. “I… I just know I have to go.” She spoke as she tried to keep her emotions at bay. But it wasn’t an answer. Did he deserve an answer? Was she just too unwilling to say?

The silence extended between them and eventually she went back to caring to his face. Just a couple more dabs and he was set. So long as she could also give him some of the tea to help. Her mind was still on whether or not to explain it to him. Explain what she had gone through and why she desired what she did. She wasn’t even sure if it was a subject appropriate for a young boy. But if he had lost his parents then grief was probably not a new concept for him. Grief and death.

He interrupted her thoughts with an apology. A flicker of surprise crossed her face. She hadn’t even considered that it might have been rude. She had been truly grateful that he had taken a liking for her home. “I didn’t mind at all,” the Eypharian hastily confirmed. “And I’m glad you like it. I like it too.” At his comment about the lack of windows she gave a chuckle. “Yes. Yes I would very much like some windows. But it seems as though the farmers of Mithyrn Outpost have it much better off than I do with their little cottages that have windows. Still, I make do and I’m trying to get something installed in the ceiling.” She gave a quick glance upwards at the place she had mentally marked out. “But with a new start I could find some place beyond these walls and have beautiful windows as well as a home.”

As they talked, Sayana got the tea ready. Two cups. One with vyfox for him and one with a small piece of ginger for her. She took the two steaming cups and a handful of the little honey candies she had mentioned earlier and brought them back to the couch to place on the smaller table in front of it. “It’s hot. And you might want to let it soak for a bit.” She advised as she pushed his cup towards him and let her own cup steep.

She exhaled in a soft sigh when he said he’d be going after the tea. She didn’t want him to go, not in the least. It seemed as though another boy had been the one to give him the cut and that the caregiver at the orphanage wasn’t all that sympathetic to Timothy. “If… if you stay a little longer, I could walk you back and explain to this Aenysa why I had kept you out. Or even tell your side of the story with this Dylan kid.” Sayana offered.

She was quiet for a little while, partly wondering if he’d take her up on the offer but partly wondering whether she should tell him of her loss. He seemed to be more receptive to her vulnerabilities. But that was the other problem. She hated feeling so vulnerable. Yet he had offered to tend to her wounds but if he left now, what sort of offer had it been? Driven partly by the gnawing at her gut to tell him and also the ticking down of the clock of their time together, she at last spoke.

“Timothy, Tim, may I have a hug?” She asked. Though it was more of a heads up than a true question because she moved in swiftly for the embrace right after speaking. Holding him tight she continued after taking a deep breath. “Tim, I’m sad because I just lost my child, my son. He was born too early. And, and he wasn’t born alive. I don’t even know if I can have another one.” By now her tears were back but at least she could hug him tight and keep her face from view.

“I just want to love and care for someone. And I know you’re not my son. But please don’t think less of me for wanting someone.” She would have kept him in her arms for several more chimes but she loosened her hold enough should he wish to break the embrace.
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The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Timothy Mered on June 16th, 2015, 11:16 pm


A dimple showed in his cheeks. “They’re not starving us or anything at the Welcome Home.” The paste she was smearing on him stank a little and made his skin feel oily, but within ticks he could feel the paste take effect. It wasn’t so bad really.

His face grew more serious again as Sayana dodged his question. For some reason she had spoken of her desire to leave, but now she refused to state her reasons. While it was clear she wasn’t a threat, there was still much mystery to the dark-skinned woman and he grew hungrier to learn the truth of her motivations.

Most of the silence between them was spent quietly observing her. Her rings and crystals indicated some degree of wealth, that much was clear. But why then she confined herself in a small home was beyond him. It was as she swiped rough cloth over his lips that he noticed something behind her. The bed was large, far too broad for one person, though he could hardly imagine another person living in the same chamber. Yet, as he let his eyes scan the chambers he could tell she wasn’t as alone as she’d let on.

His jaw dropped a little as he thought back to her strange behavior earlier at the door. What if she had really broken in and this was someone else’s home? No, she would never do that.

You don’t know her.

She’s only helping an-

And you don’t know her.

But then Sayana spoke very casually about her plans for an actual window. It had to be her home. She seemed to know her way around at least. Shaking his suspicions off his eyes settled on the small woman again. She smelled a bit of nutmeg, or maybe it was just the paste.

As soon as she placed the tea on the table, Timothy grabbed the hot cup with both hands and carefully sipped the drink. It tasted leafy, watery and burned his tongue but wasn’t altogether unpleasant. “Ouch. Hot,” he said with a small smile before putting the cup back down.

As he leaned back into the couch, he felt his eyelids grow heavier. It was nice to just sit and not be worried about anything for a moment. Sayana however, did appear to be worried. His heart skipped a beat as she expressed her concern over him. Anyone else would’ve earned a dirty look at the mere suggestion of walking him back. He could walk himself just fine. With her however, he was a bit more forgiving. There was something in her that had touched his heart and he couldn’t leave before he knew what it was.

“No,” he shook his head slowly as he sank even further back into the couch. “Please don’t talk about Dylan to her…I’ve got to solve this myself.” He wanted to solve it himself, not hide behind the skirts of some stranger woman barely taller than himself. “Just like you know you’ve got to move, I know I have to do this myself. Besides, maybe I can prove myself to the Knights if I can beat him.”

The silence that followed was only interrupted by slurping sounds as Timothy tested the tea again. He was extremely thankful for the cup as the quiet was agonizing. The air was thick with expectation. She was clearly thinking hard about something, and she likely saw the same in him, but neither dared to speak up. It wasn’t until he’d put his cup back down for the fourth time that she, rather suddenly, spoke again.

The embrace that followed came so unexpected that his limbs stiffened for three full ticks. Arms felt heavy and clunky at his side and he didn’t know whether to lean in or pull out. But then he felt the faint beating of her heart pressing against his collarbone, her warmth wrapping around him like a blanket,
In that moment, all the pieces came together. The words she breathed into his ear were barely needed. His arms, as if by magic, found their way up and around her back and with a quiet gasp, he returned the hug and rested his chin on her left shoulder. “I’m sorry for your loss,” he whispered.

A lump entered his throat. She was alone, even if there was someone living with her. She felt deserted. Abandoned. He understood her perfectly, and she had given him a taste of a home and family he so sorely missed. A choked snort sounded as he hugged her fiercely. Seasons of loneliness and uncertainty washed away as silvery lanes began to form on his cheeks. But the salty drops splashing onto Sayana’s couch and back were not ones of pain or despair.

“I-I..I u-under-r-stan-d,” he half-sobbed, half-chuckled. “I’ve been l-looking for someone t-too,” As sudden as she’d pulled him in, he pulled out and dared to ask what had been on his mind for at least half a bell.

“C-can’t I stay w-with you for a while?” he asked as he dabbed his eyes with his sleeves.
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The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Sayana on June 17th, 2015, 5:05 pm


When he refused her offer to walk him back and speak on his behalf, it reminded her of her younger self. She had wanted to do things her own way and rarely asked for help. The only exclusion being her aunt and the advice and dagger training she provided. It was as if with each new piece of information about Timothy she had to adjust her perception of him and figure out what he might actually need versus what she thought she could provide him.

At last when she couldn’t take it much longer and hugged him, she could feel him stiffen a little within her embrace. But then he relaxed and returned the hug and everything started to feel better, even just a little bit better. His words of sympathy felt hollow and she was about to call him on it but then figured there was probably little else a boy of his age would know to say in such a situation. Regardless, the physical comfort was more than enough and she almost completely engulfed his small frame within her arms.

For several moments they clutched each other and Sayana hoped that he needed it just as much as she. It felt good to be needed, even in a small way like this. As he stuttered out the next words, her heart went out to him and entirely believing that he had been wanting a parent figure too. He pulled out suddenly and for a moment she thought she might have done wrong but then he confirmed what she had been hoping for during the entire visit with him.

“Please. I want you with me.” She said, almost begged. She tried to wipe her eyes in a more dignified way but it soon didn’t matter because her brain was ticking with ideas and plans. She made a quick glance to the door as if daring it to open before she got up quickly from the couch. “Yes, come with me Timothy. We’ll go on an adventure, just you and me. I know this home might be nice but I need a fresh start. We need a fresh start, together.”

She went to grab her backpack but then thought better of it and took her larger rucksack. Her money alone would take up a fair bit of space and she didn’t intend to leave empty handed. She started with her bare essentials: waterskin, comb, flint and steel. Next she packed her red top and skirt as well as her dancing shoes. Then she returned the Krolar paste and Vyfox jar to the herb kit she had and packed it in too. It also had her newly acquired Connal and the herb that Nivel had given her for her birthday. Of course… she had to take all those.

As the Eypharian packed she asked, “Tim, will there be anything that you need? Like from the orphanage? I can always get you clothes especially if any of the ones you have are too small.” Sayana slipped a silver necklace around her neck followed by one with a small quartz crystal in the shape of a star and another with a golden locket. There was Orin’s cookbook, the flute that Isolde had given her and the baby sling… With a soft sigh, Sayana left the baby sling in the drawer. She need a fresh start and didn’t want to be reminded of such. And then the perfume bottle from Devi. Oh and her instruments, of course. The tambourine, the finger cymbals… but she decided to leave the shakers behind.

She tried to be discrete with her money. It was hidden in several places, in the chest, in a drawer, within her mattress but if the boy was watching he’d see at least several hundred golden coins going into her rucksack. “Timothy, how do you like sailing? We can sail to one of the closer cities. I’ll pay for our fares. Maybe I’ll have enough for a home or at least a fine inn to stay at.”

There was now some true excitement in her voice. She had something to strive towards, things were going to get better. She’d be able to take Tim with her and leave her sorrows behind. At last she loaded up several daggers into her belt and opened the drawer where she had put the Lakan. Aren… She still loved him. But how could he love her after all of this? And what she had done. She stood in front of the drawer for at least half a chime. What if she became lost to him forever? Finally she took it out and attached it to her belt. As much as she was afraid what might happen between them, she didn’t want to sever all ties.

“We’ll go to the harbor, but first I need to visit the Rearing Stallion. I have to at least let Remi know where I’m headed.” She ought to have everything by now and she slung the rucksack over her shoulders. "And you're coming right? I can't do this alone." She said wanting one more affirmation that he wanted to be with her and go with her.
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The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Timothy Mered on June 18th, 2015, 2:09 am


Certainly, the whole world had stopped. He could almost feel the entire plane grind to a halt underneath his feet. Awe, happiness, and relief all fought for a place on his face as Sayana nearly pleaded for him to stay with her. The flutter in his heart, the ice thawing in his gut…It was not just a feeling. Feelings were shallow, fleeting things. Like the steady dull throb on his lower lip. This was so much more. Even as their embrace ended, he felt like they were still in it. In that moment there was no more Syliras, no more Riverfall, no more Kenash and no more Sunberth. In that instant there was only him and-


Seasons spent far removed from his mother’s grave had made him forget. His mother’s face was but a blur in his mind. She had had light skin and only two arms, of that much he was certain. But she had tended to his bruises and cuts just like how Sayana had. She had made him tea like Sayana had. She had dressed like Sayana did, and they had lived in a small but cozy home just like Sayana.

“I’d very much like to start again,” Timothy nodded vigorously. He was so overcome with warmth and hope that it took him several ticks to realize she had started to pack already. Following her example, Timothy jumped up from the couch and looked on as she filled a large rucksack with clothes and large quantities of money.

Living with her can’t be bad, he grinned to himself.

“I’ll need to go back,” Timothy replied. “All my belongings are there. I can’t leave without them.” She was right about some of his clothes getting too small, but he wasn’t worried about it. A hint of concern flashed across his face however when Sayana hesitated to pack a baby sling, only to leave it in the yanked-open drawer. Timothy stared blankly at the cloth for a moment as Sayana continued to pack.

And then he knew what to do. Like lightning an idea hit him. An idea on how he might help Sayana get happy. An idea on how he could do something good for more than one person. Nimble fingers lifted the baby sling from the drawer and he quickly stuffed it under shirt then crossed his arms over his chest to prevent it from falling down again.

He’d never been more certain about anything in his life.

“I didn’t expect to go right now,” he said, arching one eyebrow at her. Yet his rapidly broadening smile betrayed an eagerness on par with her own. “But it’s alright I suppose. There’s nothing for me here anyway.”

Although he was brimming with joy, a pang shot through his heart as he recalled how the knights had rejected him, said he was too young to become a squire and put him in the Orphanage instead. It wouldn’t matter now. He’d found something far better anyway.

“I know where to find the harbor. I’ll just have to go back and fetch my belongings, then I’ll meet you there okay?”

Spinning on his heel he turned around and headed for the door. He was going to get his stuff whether she was okay with it or not. Nothing she would say or do could deter him from that. “Of course I am coming,” he smiled over his shoulders. “You’re my mum now.” A wink and a smile later he’d pushed through the door and light boots pattered on stone; back to the Welcome Home.


Out of breath and stinking with sweat, Timothy stormed into the Orphanage. A few heads turned, but not many kids were startled to see one of their own come running in, even though Aenysa prohibited it. The Syliran caretaker opened her mouth to remind the unruly Sunberthian Orphan, but he’d already jumped up the stairs and fled into his room.

“Why is he allowed to run?” one of the younger girls Aenysa had been tending to piped up.

“He isn’t,” Aenysa replied simply. “Go play with Lilly for a while, I have to talk to Timothy.” She rolled up her sleeves, let out a deep sigh, and began to plod up the steps. It wasn’t all that unusual for new Orphans to consider themselves beyond her few, simple rules, but Timothy was an exception to exceptions.

Most new boys or girls were quick to adapt, having never know their parents to begin with. The Sunberthian youth hadn’t told her much, but she had learned enough to know that things were different with the boy.

When she pushed through the ajar door leading into the small room Timothy shared with a few other boys, she found him hunched over his chest of belongings throwing clothes into a pile behind him, his back turned towards her.

“Are you planning to go somewhere?” she joked, leaning casually against the door frame.

He didn’t respond. What did he have slung over his shoulder? “-Or did Dresen steal something from you again?” she tried.

“No,” Timothy shut the chest, dragged out a rucksack from underneath his bed and began to stuff his clothes, comb, few coppers, and other belongings in it. “I am going on an adventure.”

“Timothy…you can’t just leave. I know you haven’t quite settled in yet, but you’ve got to give it a chance. You’ve got to give me a chance…”

He hated that tone. Clutching his bulky rucksack under one arm, he scrambled onto his legs and turned around. Aenysa gasped. Of course she did. He had hoped she’d be out so he wouldn’t have to fight his way past her, but now there was no other choice.

The five-months old baby boy strapped to his chest by Sayana’s sling was as much of a misfit in this children’s prison as he was. Andreas always cried. Aenysa couldn’t sooth her, Lilly’s six-year-old smiles couldn’t calm him. But then Timothy had sat down and held Andreas’s tiny wrinkly hand. Not to comfort the baby, but to feel less lonely himself. Back then, not a dozen days ago, Aenysa had expressed her amazement for his ability to calm down the infant that had done nothing by cry and kick and scream.

Even now, as Timothy’s intentions punched her in the face, she couldn’t deny that Andreas was perfectly calm and quiet, resting his large head against Timothy’s chest.

“No…you can’t..I am not allowing you Timothy! Put the baby back!”

Never! Without him, without someone as nice as Sayana, Andreas would never make it. He’d be like all those other hollow, kids hanging around her, clutching to Aenysa’s skirt, begging for her attention. Andreas had been more of a comfort than Aenysa had ever been, and he wasn’t about to abandon the young baby boy.

Grabbing his rucksack with both hands, Timothy stormed forward and ducked underneath Aenysa’s outstretched arms.

“Come back!”

He was already downstairs, jumping the last few steps. His knees buckled under the impact. Nearly tripping over his own feet, he bolted towards the door, elbowing his way through a sea of outstretched arms barely reaching his waist. He’d already dodged Aenysa. He’d survived Jed Radacke. Toddlers weren’t going to stop him now.

The wind had relentlessly stabbed at his windpipes and his cheeks were glowing red by the time he arrived at the docks. Not once had he stopped running. Not once had he looked over his shoulder or paused to listen to the shouts. He’d heard the clattering of metal. Knights had been alerted and he was certain there’d be more than a few days of hard labour awaiting him if he didn’t escape.

But a boy could slip through crowds where Knights could not. Soon enough they would find him, but not if he managed to find Sayana first. Glancing around desperately, he searched the pier for the familiar woman.


Andreas stirred but remained in silent slumber. For whatever reason, his antics had apparently lulled the boy further into sleep instead of awaken him. But there was no time for that mystery now. Slinging his rucksasck over his back, Timothy began to make his way along the pier with a hurried skip in his step.

Finally, he found her at the far end of the docks. She hadn’t seen him yet, so he gently tapped her shoulder. “I’ll explain later,” he breathed immediately. Shouts sounded from the other side of the docks. Timothy’s wide eyes shot towards the buzz in the crowd. Brushed metal glistened in the sun. Within one or two chimes, the Knights would’ve shouldered their way through. “We have to go now.” He grabbed Sayana’s sleeve and waited for her to steer them both towards whatever ship she’d arranged to board.
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The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Sayana on June 18th, 2015, 3:30 pm


Sayana nodded when he said he’d have to go back for various belongings. It would be one more stop before going to the harbor but if he had something important then it would be well worth it. Mentally she was planning the best route. Rearing Stallion, Orphanage, Harbor… She hoped she hadn’t startled him too much by wanting to leave immediately. She wasn’t sure when Aren would be returning and she was afraid he might reject the idea entirely. She needed hope and she needed a new start.

She was glad to see Timothy smiling and he seemed eager to follow her. But when he spoke of splitting up and meeting at the harbor her heart sank. Did he mean what he said or was this just a ruse for him to escape back to the Orphanage and never see her again? She was reminded harshly of his first rejection and she took several steps after him by the time he made it to the door. Yet he was quick, and also quick to try to reassure her. His smile and wink, was that genuine or merely an act? And then he was gone. Now she would just have to have faith that he really would meet her at the harbor.

She took one last glance at her home and quickly downed her lukewarm cup of tea. It was spicy and crisp but seemed to calm her nerves. Sayana couldn’t help but return to her set of drawers to pull out her red and white wedding dress. How happy she had been and everything had felt so right then. She draped the beautiful gown on the bed and suddenly realized she had forgotten Aren’s wedding giftmost likely a broach or beautiful hair clip. Quickly she found it and put it into her bag along with her other things. Now she was ready to leave.

After quickly blowing out the candles and grabbing her dark purple cloak, she departed her home. She was leaving what she had spent nearly a year to build but she needed the new start. At a quick pace she headed for the taverns. As she neared the Rearing Stallion she walked more carefully and ducked under the height of the windows to make her way to the rear door to the kitchen. The last thing she wanted was an encounter with Ser Kevith and a full on reprimand for skipping work. Cautiously she opened the kitchen door and peeked inside. Thankfully it was just Remi cooking and the ex-knight was nowhere to be seen.

Sayana quietly slipped through the door and gestured to the cook to get her attention. Remi looked up in surprise and immediately approached the young dancer. “Sayana! Where have you been? We’ve been so worried about you.” “Shh…” The Eypharian replied with a finger to her lips as she looked around expecting Kevith to appear in an instant. “Remi, I can’t stay long. I’m here to say goodbye.” The cook quieted significantly and Sayana was able to continue her explanation. “I’ll be leaving Syliras. I’m going to take a ship. I don’t know where I’m headed but I need a fresh start. I… I had a stillborn and that why I haven’t been coming in to dance. I’m sorry to have let you down and I’m sure Kevith is furious with me but it shook me to my core and I wouldn’t have been able to dance well. I should have told you but it was all so much. But I have hope now. Remi, if Aren or any of my friends come looking for me, please tell them this. That I took a ship and I’m starting anew. And that I love them, I really do. But I’ve never been all that good at writing notes.”

Despite all the emotion she felt with what she was conveying, the last statement brought about a soft chuckle. The cook seemed to understand. However, she quickly dashed into the back with a brief word for Sayana to stay a moment longer. In a chime Remi returned with a small but heavy bag of what appeared to be coins. “Your Summer’s pay, dear. Don’t think we didn’t appreciate your hard work for when you were here.” Sayana smiled at the cook’s thoughtfulness and foresight and quickly packed it away. “Thank you Remi. For everything.” She reached out to give the woman a quick embrace.

Soon she was on her way to the harbor. Her pace quickened as she winded through the narrow streets and she started to feel the true weight of her rucksack upon her shoulders. Almost there. She began to smell the salty tang of the sea and hear the sound of the waves against the shore. She looked fiercely around for Timothy but he was nowhere to be seen. Hope. Faith. She’d have to trust that he was still coming. She took a couple steps onto the dock and her heart clenched. Here was where it had happened, where she had buried her son. She fought against the memories and tried to replace them with visions of her new life with Tim. She couldn’t let the past haunt her forever.

With a shake of her head she focused on what was going on at the harbor. People were coming and going. There were maybe twenty, thirty, fifty ships docked. Maybe even more. Some were clearly being loaded or unloaded but most were simply moored in the harbor. “Excuse me!” She called out to a man lugging several sacks of flour. “Do you know if any ships are leaving today? One I could pay a fare to go to a different city?” “There are a few departing Miss. Where are you trying to go?” “Umm… where are they headed?” The sailor frowned at her lack of a destination but answered her question regardless. “One I think is headed for Riverfall. But something about that ship gives me the jitters. Mine is going to Alvadas.” “How far is that?” “Bout fifteen days give or take.” “Can you take me to the captain?”

With a nod the sailor hefted the sacks back over his shoulder and led the way. The man in charge was tall and looked distinctly svefra. “I’d like passage for two, to Alvadas. How much will that be?” “Thirty gold mizas. Who’s the other?” “My son,” Sayana replied and a smile lighted upon her face. “He’ll be coming shortly.” “Very well.”

Sayana anxiously scanned the docks hoping to see Tim and after a couple chimes she resigned herself to looking out at the sea. It was beautiful and with so much hope. She wondered what she’d find in the land beyond and this city called Alvadas. And then she was interrupted by a tap on her shoulder.

“I’ll explain later. We have to go now.”

“Wait, what?” Then she saw the baby he carried. “Timothy! What have you--” But the knights were fast approaching and she had to act quickly. “Captain, may I press upon you for a favor? They have us for the wrong person. You know how knights can be. How they treated the svefra this past Spring. Can you hide us? I promise you fifteen enjoyable nights on the journey ahead.” Despite her rushed words she managed to put significant allure to her last sentence as she slid a hand up the side of his head and gazed deeply into his eyes. Her two mid hands had grasped his hips to demonstrate she might have much more prowess than other women with her multiple arms.

The captain seemed stunned for a moment but quickly recovered with a nod. “Yes, yes. This way.” He led them down to the hull where the goods were being loaded. Mostly it was various bags of flours but there were other food products like dried meats and vegetables. “I have to get back. I’ll try to deter them.” The captain said before leaving quickly to return to the deck.

“Tim, hide your bag under some sacks of flour and get behind these crates with me. Then grab as many sacks as you can to cover yourself up.” Sayana was already doing the same after dumping her bag some place out of sight. Grabbing several sacks at once she dragged them over to start covering them up.

Even though the captain had promised to delay the knights it took only five to ten chimes before the clanging of armor could be heard coming down the stairs into the hull. Sayana held her breath as she kept the sacks in place. The hull was more than half loaded and she hoped it would be hard enough for the knights to find them unless they looked in every corner and rummaged through much of the goods.
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The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Timothy Mered on June 20th, 2015, 2:23 am


“Come on…” Timothy anxiously stamped his feet. Sayana was taking far too long. With every passing tick the wall of people between them and the Knights thinned. By the time the captain approved, Timothy had already rushed past the boar of a man and leapt aboard. Andreas’s blue eyes slowly opened. The baby’s chest swelled to let out a cry, muffled only as Timothy pressed the young boy closer.

Timothy blinked furiously as they were led into the dark. The light from above was just enough to make out the shape of crates and sacks. Sayana’s instructions were hardly needed as he tossed his rucksack in a corner before covering it with a sack of potatoes. Already he could hear metal-cladded boots pound on the deck.

“We’re looking for a boy,” a low, gruff voice sounded.

“An Orphan.” Timothy’s heart skipped a beat. Aenysa wasn’t exactly old, but he hadn’t expected her to have chased him this far. Her voice was not tense and angry like the Knight’s but dripping with concern. “He’s small-ish, green eyes, dark blonde. He ran away and took one the babes.”

“I haven’t seen anyone like that,” the captain shot back.

A kick delivered to his chest by Andreas spurred Timothy back into action. Sayana had already covered herself up and he’d hidden his rucksack behind the other pile of sacks. “I’ll fin somewhere else,” he breathed in Sayana’s direction. Without another word he sprinted deeper into the hull fearing every creak might give him away. Whatever the Captain had said hadn’t held the Knights at bay for long as he could hear them coming down.

There was no other option. A stack of crates at the far end of the hull kept him out of sight. But should the Knights venture deep into the belly of the ship, he’d be easily spotted.

Should Sayana peer through the holes in her cover she would be able to make out several figures. Leading was the ship's captain. After him came a gruff, stout Knight with an impressive, greying moustache. The Welcome Home's caretaker, Aenysa, followed in Ser Granley's footsteps and two younger Knights closed the line.

“I do not see why this is necessary!” The Captain protested. “No one enters my ship without my permission. Except for you apparently.”

Sweat glistened on Ser Granley's forehead. Knights his age spent their time standing on ceremony, not chasing little boys. “Shut your mouth will you?” the gruff Knight’s voice sounded. “You wouldn’t be the first Sfevra smuggler.” A curt nod was given to the two younger Knights and they remained standing near the trapdoor, using only their eyes to prod.

“You insult me. I ship nothing but the finest wares! Why do you care for a boy and baby anyway, don’t you Knights have better things to do?”

There was only the sound of slow, deliberate footsteps. As far as he could tell, the Knights weren’t turning the place inside out, merely looking for a pluck of dark-blonde hair hidden in some corner.

“Oh!” Aenysa gasped, “have you no heart at all? He’s an Orphan…and that poor, poor baby…”

The voices were close now. So close that he could hear Aenysa’s irregular breathing.

“Careful now sailor,” the Knight threatened. “The law is the law. Stealing infants is a very serious crime. We cannot let criminals walk away.”

The shadow of the knight loomed over him like statue. But before the man could close the distance between them, Aenysa spoke up again. But her voice was different this time. “I don’t think he’s here, Officer Granley.”


Aenysa’s boots hit the floor not a feet removed from Timothy’s hand. One glance down was all it took. Instead, she gazed firmly ahead to meet Ser Granley’s eyes. “I don’t think he’s here. He has a baby, we would’ve heard the little one by now.”

The Knight grumbled some more, then turned back around. “I can’t believe they escaped us…”

That was when Aenysa’s fierce eyes met Timothy’s wide greens. But she didn’t shout, she didn’t cry for Ser Granley to return. Instead she marched straight ahead. “Who knows. Maybe he’ll come back and explain himself someday,” she said a little too loudly.

“He’d better not,” Granley said. “If he values his life.”

“Ser Granley! He’s just a boy!”

“There’s laws ma’am, and laws must be upheld!”

Slowly but surely Aenysa’s high-pitched voice and the Knight’s low one faded away. Timothy only dared to breathe again one he was certain all had left the hull.

“Sayana?” he whispered as he crawled out of cover. “Sayana are you there?”
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The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Sayana on June 20th, 2015, 3:09 pm


Sayana had to trust Timothy’s survival sense since she had already covered herself up. He was an orphan and he’d probably had to take care of himself before. Still, she couldn’t help but try to peer through the various bags of goods to see where he was and how he was doing. But the stomping of boots made her stop and focus on her own cover. With the help of her many arms it was easier to hold the bags in place but it was tricky to keep her hands out of sight too.

At the sound of voices she froze, her heart thudding in her chest. If they found her, would she be able to talk them out of it? What if they simply found Timothy? Would she get out from her cover to save him? Could she even carry on with her life without him?

“I don’t think he’s here, Officer Granley.” “Hmm?”

She shifted slightly and suddenly there was a series of stomping footsteps towards her. The knight had caught the movement out of the corner of his eye but when he approached he couldn’t tell where it had been from.

“I don’t think he’s here. He has a baby, we would’ve heard the little one by now.”

Ser Granley stopped his scanning. It must have been a trick of the light or something, and Aenysa’s words made sense. Sayana let out a long silent breath as it seemed that the two were finishing up their search, unsuccessful. As their footsteps began retreating, the Eypharian could hardly believe what Timothy had done. He had managed to take a baby from the orphanage. A baby she could raise and nourish. And he trusted her. Trusted her to take care of them both.

At last the voices subsided and Sayana could get out from her uncomfortable position. Slowly she uncovered herself and heard Timothy’s whispered voice. “Yes Tim, I’m here. We did it. I don’t think they’ll be coming back.” Even as she spoke there was a quick thud of footsteps and her voice caught in her throat. But when she looked up, it was only the captain.

“You said you were only bringing your son,” he accused with a finger pointed at her. She took her time getting up and dusted some flour off her black dress. “Yes, I did say I was bringing my sons,” she replied calmly. He narrowed his eyes. “And what’s all this about stealing a little orphan babe?” “They’re not orphans. They are my sons.” Sayana replied firmly. “The Orphanage wouldn’t let me have them back.” “But you said they mistook you for the wrong person?” The captain continued to press. “Yes, when they took my boys away. They thought I had… done something when it was someone else.”

Her story and lies were the best she could come up with on the spot but she held her face in a calm but firm expression. It seemed like the captain was nobler than she had first thought and it took him another chime to finally relent. “Alright, but you owe me another fare.” “For my sweet little babe?” She replied innocently. “What about half the fare?” “Full fare. He might end up crying the whole way.” She gave a nod and retrieved the coins. “We set sail in a bell,” the captain stated and headed back onto the deck.

With that taken care of, Sayana strode over to Timothy and ruffled his hair. “You little rascal. How’d you manage to sneak a baby out? Does he have a name? He’d better be a boy or I’ll be damned to explain that away to the captain.” Her face was lit up with joy as she looked at the wee little babe in the sling about Timothy. “Can I… can I hold him?” She reached out with her mid arms and felt an unspeakable amount of warmth already surrounding her.

As she took the baby in her arms everything felt right. The soft warm body pressed against her chest. Timothy there to take care of and look after. A new life ahead.

ReceiptThree fares of 15gm each = 45gm

OOCThis will be my last post. It's up to you if you'd like to make one more to wrap up the thread. Then we can set sail.
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The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Timothy Mered on June 21st, 2015, 12:05 am


His lips settled into a grim line. Thunder clouds gathered in his eyes as they chased the captain back up the deck. The Sfevra didn't appear the drunk and stupid kind of sailor that would fall for Sayana's lies. "Why do you even bother?" Timothy asked as Sayana ruffled his hair. It was a nice feeling, as if he was being rewarded for doing something good. "Never mind," he added.

He wasn't quite sure if he'd done something good. And Aenysa's words cut marrow deep. She had seen him, of that he was certain. But why hadn't she informed the Knights? The only answer he could think of is that she didn't want to see him punished. He shivered at the thought. Andreas kicked his tiny, wrinkled feet against his chest again. He was almost relief to hand the blue-eyed child to Sayana, then at least she would be too pre-occupied to see the guilt shaking him from head to toe. He'd commited a terrible crime and only barely escaped the iron fist of justice. He hadn't forgotten the last time the Knights had caught him.

Swallowing, Timothy plonked down on the floor and sighed deeply. "His name's Andreas. I hope we can go now. Anywhere is better than here."
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The Lost Boy (Sayana)

Postby Nivel on August 16th, 2015, 8:36 pm

Timothy Mered :
XP Award:
  • Intimidation 1
  • Observation 5
  • Unarmed combat 1
  • Brawling 1
  • Endurance 3
  • Socialization 2
  • Subterfuge 2
  • Acting 1
  • Rhetoric 2
  • Larceny 3
  • Intelligence 1
  • Interrogation 1
  • Planing 1
  • Acrobatics 1
  • Stealth 2
  • Escape artist 1
  • Child care 2
  • Location: The Welcome home Orphanage
  • Aenysa:The Welcome Home's caretaker,
  • Dylan: the colossal prick
  • Dylan: Sweet Dyllie Billie
  • Myrella: Dylan’s (probably ex) girlfriend
  • Sayana; The heart broken Eypharian
  • Sayana : Lost her child.
  • Garland: Sayana’s squire friend
  • Location: Sayana’s (old) Sylirian apartment.
  • Don’t get Krolar paste in your mouth
  • Hugs of Hope
  • Wanted by the Knights, but not in the good way.
  • Aenysa: Her final words.
Notes:This was a really fun (but sad) read, I really liked it. One think I would like to recommend is if you could organize your lores..they're a little crazy to shift through and I hope I didn’t give your double lores as a result.
Sayana :
XP Award:
  • Herbalism 1
  • Appraisal 1
  • Rhetoric 3
  • Persuasion 3
  • Subterfuge 3
  • Medicine 2
  • Leadership 1
  • Hostessing 1
  • Planning 2
  • Stealth 2
  • Seduction 1
  • Interrogation 1
  • Child care 1
  • Black, the colour of mourning
  • Herbalism: Dried Connal helps with sleeping.
  • Timothy: The self reliant Orphan
  • Medicine: Cleaning a wound
  • Medicine: Keeping a patient calm and relaxed
  • Hugs can help
  • It feels good to be needed
  • Andreas: my new baby
Notes: You killed off your baby and now your leaving me O__O but honestly this is an interesting turn to your story and I’d like to she how it turns out.

Additional Comments: If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me.

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