Timestamp: 21st Day of Fall, 514 AV Lian tossed and turned restlessly in his sleep as fleeting images flickered through his mind. A bone chilling howl echoing through the still air. Snarls, growls, and flashing teeth ready to rend and tear. Sharp, short snorts of fear, and a whinnied challenge from Talise followed soon after by an equine scream of terror and agony. A sickening rush of air, and terrific force as a terrible weight of grey fur and sharp claws hurled itself at him. With a short cry, Lian sat up abruptly in his bedroll, eyes wide, and searching for the grey death that awaited him. His sides heaved as he gasped for air, and fumbled for his bow. But the agony of being torn apart never came. As awareness overcame lingering terror, he realized that he was safe in his tent. The dim, grey light of the predawn sky filtered through the canvas, allowing him just enough light to recognize where he was. Lian took a deep breath, and exhaled it slowly, forcing himself to calm down. It had been a nightmare. One of many he had had in the past few days since his close call with the wolves out in the Sea of Grass. The encounter with the wolves during his last hunting trip had not gone the way it did during his nightmares...but Lian knew that it could have all too easily. He had gotten careless. In focusing so completely on trying to improve his tracking skills, he had made the stupidest mistake of them all - forgetting to keep an eye out for danger. It was a mistake that he didn't plan on ever making again. He had gotten lucky this time. Next time, he might not. The Sea of Grass did not suffer stupid fools, and it was the height of stupidity to forget to keep an eye out for danger at all times when out in the Sea of Grass. So he would just have to make certain that there was no next time. One way of doing that was to hone his skills so he wouldn't have to focus on them so exclusively that he forgot everything else. Another would be to rely solely on his Webbing, but Lian didn't like that idea. Partly because it was a constant reminder of the fact that he had failed to learn the skills he should have learned when his father, and his brother were alive to teach him. The skills they had wanted him to learn. But it was also partly due to the risks involved. Being in the Web felt like...home. It was a pleasure that he felt only rarely when he wasn't immersed in the Web. And sometimes he found himself not wanting to leave the Web when it was time to do so. It was all too easy to stay and explore its depths for "just a little while longer." Lian could see all too easily why some of the Webbers who were stronger than he was ended up getting lost in the Web. Lian had to wonder if they were truly getting lost, or if they had simply lost the will to return to this world. He knew that if he were to rely on his Webbing a lot more than he already was, he might well lose the will to return. That thought steeled his determination to master the skills he should have mastered as a child. Since he had already proven that he couldn't trust himself to stay alert to his surroundings if he became too focused on improving his skills, it was clear to him that he needed a safe place to practice. And possibly someone to teach him as well. Both of those things could be found at the Hunter's Allegiance. Lian turned to watch his captive for a while. Seirei was laying on her side, seemingly asleep. Even in the dim light, Lian could see the outline of her rounded belly. His mind flashed back to the many times he had forced himself upon the girl, releasing his seed into her tense, unwilling body night after night until he was certain that it had taken root within her. And even when he had suspected he had succeeded, he had persisted in using the girl until Waisana had confirmed his hopes, and informed him that he could harm both Seirei and his unborn child if he continued to use her. Since then, he had not touched the girl. To his critical eye, it was obvious that his treatment of his captive had affected Seirei deeply. Even in her sleep, she held herself tense, and still, as if afraid of drawing his attention. He hated seeing her obvious fear, but it made sense. He had woken her more than once when he had taken her while she was unresisting, and helpless as she slept. By the time she had realized what was happening, he was already buried deep inside of her, and she was helpless to fight back. Lian felt more than a little guilt at the way he had treated his captive...treated Seirei. She had every right to hate and fear him. But as he stared in awe at her swollen belly, he felt a fierce sense of pride, as well. He had planted his seed in her, and this was the result. He had created the life growing inside her, causing her belly to swell as it grew. That was his unborn child sleeping within her. If it was a boy, he would have his heir. If it was a girl, he would have a daughter to love, and spoil, much the way he had loved his little sister. Lian wasn't sure which he wanted more. He felt deep regret for the pain he had caused Seirei...but he knew that it would not be enough to stop him from getting her with child again when the time came. He would give her plenty of time to recover from the birth. Plenty of time to get used to raising a child...his child. A year would probably be enough time if everything went well. And then the cycle would begin again. But this time, it would be different. He would take the time to explain why Seirei was being forced to bear children against her will. If possible, Lian would be more gentle when he began using her again. And he would stop as soon as he suspected he had succeeded in planting his seed within her. He wouldn't use her more often than necessary to get her with child this time around either. He would also find a way to reward her. A payment for her services as it were. Lian shook his head, dismissing his current train of thoughts. That would be many seasons in the future. For now, he had to get going if he wanted to make the most of the day. Lian quickly gathered everything he thought he'd need, and left the tent. Sensing his need, Talise was waiting for him when he emerged. Lian took a few ticks to stroke Talise's neck, and tell her how beautiful she was. Talise preened under the attention, and nudged him fondly. It didn't take long for Lian to put the yvas on his strider. Then he mounted her, and they were off. |