Completed In a Reverie

Simply a dream, where strangers seem to meet and nothing is quite what you think.

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Herein lies the realm of dreams, where dreamers who are scattered all over the world in the physical can come together in the mysterious world of dreams. Remember, unless one is a Dreamwalker, there is no control over dreams. Ever. Anything can happen, and by threading a dream, you are subject to whomever can walk dreams and the whims of Storytellers.

In a Reverie

Postby Karin on August 17th, 2015, 1:26 pm

51st of Summer, in a dream

Karin blinked. She was walking along a dusty corridor, her bare feet trailing dust and cobwebs behind her. The walls of the corridor were bare, cracked and non-descript. There was a feeling of dryness on her tongue, as if she hadn't had enough to drink, and there was a dank smell of something rotting in the air. Karin didn't notice. Through the windows she could see the mountain she was trying to reach. Its snow dusted flanks shone dully with moonlight, and its jagged peaks glistened like teeth in a star-crusted mouth.

The mountain almost looked purple in this light, and as close as she'd ever got to it. Sometimes it looked fierce, other times it looked meek. This night, it looked menacing. Karin didn't mind though, she knew the rock couldn't hold venom towards her. She was more worried about that... thing. That thing which she couldn't quite remember. The winter wind was cold on her shoulders as it moaned through the floorboards and over the windowpanes. The stars glowed fiercely, as if they'd been stoked by the furnace. The girl shivered, not because she was cold, but because of the something she feared as the stars burned ever brighter.

She walked on. Her mission seemed almost impossible, to scale that fierce mountain. She looked down at her hands, the pale skin of her knuckles dusted with a fine coating of ash. Around her, the building was crumbling silently into the fire which had crept up on her like the most seasoned thief. Ash and smoke billowed, silk curtains of death that Karin ignored. Doggedly, she continued, her back to the fire, her front to the snow. Ash obscured her vision and she coughed, a wracking cough that frightened her to the core. She wasn't used to feeling fear, not here in this corridor at least.

The fear gnawed at her, and she crawled forward on her hands and her knees towards the door that loomed imposingly in front of her. The door creaked, but she ignored it. Flames licked at her feet and a spasm of pain flickered through her body. She wasn't used to pain either, but some feeling deep inside of her told her that if she stopped, she'd die. So she reached to grasp the handle, getting her hand burnt in the process, and...

She was out. She stood up, breathing deeply with her heart pounding in her chest. Curling her toes into warm, shell-studded sand, she angled her hand over her eyes. The sunlight pounded down on her, flushing her pale skin crimson and she squinted into the distance. Just... about... there. She found what she was looking for. Yes, the mountain was there, in the distance. She looked behind her, a feeling of something missing clouding her mind for a moment in confusion. There used to be something there... I think? What was it?

The building that had been there was gone, in its place was a long beach of never-ending, rolling, golden sands framed by a glistening sea on one side and a carpet of green forest on the other. She shook her head confusedly, her eyes narrowing against the sun as she looked round again. The tree trunks to her left cast charcoal shadows across the beach, and the memory of the burning building quickly receded from her mind as she walked towards the forest that lay in front of the mountain. As soon as she stepped forward, the forest blanketed her.

There was no transition, but Karin didn't notice that. It was cool under the branches, but there was no breeze to stir the air. Wondrously, she looked around her. The trees were thick and strong, their branches blocking the sky. Its greenery was lurid green, its boughs taller than the eye could fathom, yet to Karin they were perfectly natural. In fact, it was as natural as if she'd lived in this cool forest all her life. Around her, the air stood still. There was no sound, no rustling, no animal calls- not even a bird chirruped in the branches.

The silence was oppressive as Karin shook her head, trying to clear it. Her mission, it was dearly important in some way, if she could only remember why. She ventured a step forward. The sound of rustling behind her made her head turn around with a snap. The sound was loud in the quiet. Her heart pounded in the pit of her throat. Of course, there was nobody there. Rapping her knuckles against her temple in frustration, she sat down on a fallen log, its trunk covered in ivy. The bark was stained deep ruby with the blood of some forgotten animal, and it was scattered with clawed pits, scarred over with dirt and soil. Her fingers sought out the pits absentmindedly. What was my mission again? She glanced down, studying the trunk.

The blood didn't phase her, nor did the ants that crawled over her hand, the hand she had placed in front of their home. She marvelled at the efficiency of the stream of insects. Their tiny legs scuttled over the rough terrain, clinging to precipitous chunks of bark and all the while, they carried a steady stream of chewed leaves between them. They were quite large, and as she glanced closer, she saw their poison sacs were full. But she wasn't afraid. Karin had never been afraid of the natural world, but as the ants clambered over her, she felt an unusual sadness welling inside her. She couldn't explain it, this sadness. Maybe it was the sight of the little insects, so full of purpose. Or maybe it was something else entirely.

As a tear welled and fell down her cheek, silently the rain started to fall too. Drops of rain fell onto the ants, and some of them were knocked off. Others scurried away, finding shelter in their home, the busyness and familial comfort of the ants nest. That's it, she thought sadly. They have a family. She sat there for a while, her tears mingling in the rain until she was calm again, and she wasn't even sure why she was crying. Still, the rain kept pouring. The ants were long gone, and Karin was drenched through. If anyone were to look at her, she'd look a sorry sight. Her long blonde hair flattened to her head, and her clothes at least five shades darker than they were originally.

She peeled off her cloak and deposited it next to her on the floor, watching as it was absorbed into the earth. With a distracted glance, she heard a thud of fabric on earth away past her left shoulder. She glanced over, but couldn't see anything. Whilst she had been sat musing, the rain had slackened, and a curious, muffled snuffling had started up. Karin's detachment from reality snapped into focus as a large, swollen boar roared through the clearing in front of her. It's eyes glinted with a murderous intent, and it's tusks were stained with the same blood that spilled across the fallen tree. Feeling that the animal would surely do her harm if she didn't move, Karin scrambled up from her sitting position, wishing she hadn't sat still for so long.

The oppressive atmosphere of the forest pressed down on her, suffocating her in fug, but the girl had a curious feeling, like... she was past caring. She jogged through the trees, hearing the boar snuffling behind her. She'd done nothing to anger this creature, but it's rage was almost tangible in the air. Karin's breathing was laboured. She paused for a second, resting her hand on... the same fallen log she'd left. Looking down detachedly, she saw herself draped over the log, two tusks protruding through her stomach...

And in a blink, Karin was sitting on the log again. This time it was different though. She could remember, and her hand went down to her belly, expecting a gaping hole. Nothing there. How bizarre! Instead, she saw a chink of sunlight shining through the branches. With a sigh of relief, she realised the oppressiveness of the forest had lifted. Birds were singing somewhere above her, and the mountain could be seen in the distance. It was time to walk again.
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Last edited by Karin on December 1st, 2015, 1:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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In a Reverie

Postby Cuicatl on August 22nd, 2015, 6:39 pm

Taloba was a city of ash and scale at long last, after years of darkness under the golden light of the sun. It slithered together, scale on scale, with the aching sound of steel on steel. Under the moon, it breathed deeply and stretched like some great lissome beast poised to pounce.

The Dhani had come in the night, under the feet of the sleeping Myrians that thought their city impenetrable under foot. They'd swallowed Myri, an absolute goddess. Ten mouths had opened wide and Myri had divorced nine necks of their heads before the tenth took her arm, and then her shoulder, and finally avenged the headless necks.

It had been war. Smoke had engulfed the Myrians not eaten as they slept, swallowing them whole while they fought. The Dhani had bottomless stomachs, impossibly wide jaws.

Strangely, Cuicatl looked upon the finished product of the Dhani siege and was unmoved. The city moved and breathed, scales shining under the cold light Leth provided, yet Cuicatl was detached. She'd watched Myri be swallowed, the training yards devoured, and her Fangmates crushed under the suffocating weight of constrictor coils and had no desire to rush in, scythe swinging and war-cry on her tongue. Instead, she turned away.

And she walked towards a mountain that jutted from the jungle landscape, standing tall above the smoke. The contrast between the serene mountain, both cold and distant, and Taloba, hot and terrifying, was sharp. Almost mechanically, Cuicatl started towards it, and soon enough she'd left the snake that was Taloba behind.

As she walked, she could see the change in the shape of the trees. They didn't transition smoothly from the twisted, tall canopy of the jungle to the disproportionately stunted strange trees, so she noticed when the strong trees mingled starkly with the foreign trees. Their white bark reminded Cuicatl of bones, and through that, she was reminded of the snake-city behind her. However, when she turned there were only trees behind her.
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In a Reverie

Postby Duende on August 25th, 2015, 8:12 pm

  There was no beginning to Duende's dream. The sound of waves crashing against a rough-hewn coast like white noise came first. Until, then, it morphed into a wind through trees. Leaves rustling, branches swaying gently, whispering amongst themselves, their humid, heavy breath congealing beneath.
  The earth was thick, and moist, and the man's bare feet sunk a little into it. Sweat licked a soft brow, and he rose a hand, lethargically, to wipe it from his creamy-olive skin. Confusion, mild and unafraid, pooled in his gray-blue gaze as it took in a mountain peak looming above him. It was so close, he thought about reaching out to touch it with his hands, and yet so far, at once.
   "Huh." The simplistic philosophical sigh lilted off his lips, which, as his soft pink tongue grazed over them, were strangely tangy with the taste of blood. Duende looked down at himself. He was dressed in his favourite beige linen shirt, its fabric crinkled, his blue-dyed trousers were rolled up to the knees, representative of his usual scruffy attitude. His feet were bare, and he saw wet sand clinging to his thick leg hairs. Had he been at a beach? His mind was foggy.
  Touching his fingertips to his lips, he withdrew them to see the blood glisten in the dim light. Then, he heard, sharp, someone behind him. When had the wind stopped whispering? It was so silent. When he turned there were only trees. He peered through their trunks, sure that he heard the soft breaths of a feminine person.
  A jolting and intense urge took hold of him to find her. Who was she? He didn't know but he spurred himself through the forest with an urgency. The mountain receded into the distance behind him as he left it behind in search of this woman, whoever she was. In his dreamy mind, Duende didn't notice the way the forest seemed to shrink around him, the way he traversed fathoms of distance in just a chime.
  At last he found her! She was sitting on a tree trunk, splattered in red. He stopped, frozen, as he watched her. A tear rolled down her cheek, and for some reason, he felt very angry with her. She seemed at once a stranger and familiar. Who was she? Why was she crying? Why was she crying?! He felt unreasonable rage fill him up.
  If he had been awake, watching back on this dream, he might have construed his reaction to this stranger as transference of his feelings towards his mother. She had passed away not long ago and his heart was trekking through the anger stages of grief, of being left behind. Although he was currently amnesiac and couldn't consciously remember his mother, his subconscious had not forgot.
  The blood dripped from his lips, he ignored it. His steely gaze fixed on her. Karin. She noticed him, and scrambled to her feet. Why was she here? She should be gone! The query persisted in his head, though he didn't know why. And the boar leapt after her!—But now it was not Duende. Suddenly separated from the animal, he stood where it had, and watched the beast charge forth. How strange... He mused.
  He touched his lips again, almost in habit—there was no more blood. Taking a deep, deep lungful of earthy air, the man's rage dissipated as rapidly as it had roared up in him. He forgot what had just happened. When he looked up, the woman was sitting on the fallen log where she had been before. Yet now she was farther away from him, a hundred feet.
  He looked around for the boar, although he didn't know that's what he was looking for, while his left hand ruffled his hair. When he saw Karin rise, making to move on, he began towards her, that urge to stay with her gripping him again. He paused behind a bush a few feet ahead, awaited in the shadows, uncharacteristically cautious. Hello? And his mind called out what he had thought, aloud— "Hello?" So he stepped into plain sight and turned towards her with an unreadable, yet inherently friendly, aura

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In a Reverie

Postby Karin on September 11th, 2015, 11:44 am

Note: :
Remember that everything that Karin thinks, you can hear as plain as day in your head. So anything in italics, you can hear. Anything she thinks about, you can detect, even if she's simply thinking about the surroundings. Even if she's being mean xD
Also, Lisana said that we can skip her this time round in a pm :)

Before the girl could stand up properly, and continue on her uncertain quest, a halting voice called from out of the shadows, some small distance away. The voice sounded masculine, and Karin didn't fully understand why there was a stranger lurking in the shadows, but she accepted it anyway.

Her gaze focused on the figure who had just stepped from behind the trailing bushes, glaring against the sunlight which was suddenly getting in her eyes. His welcoming 'hello' sounded friendly enough, and his presence seemed affable, but there was something that nagged at the girl like the tide on a beach, firstly drawing in a feeling of unease and then falling away again to acceptance of the stranger. She finally settled on acceptance, for a while simply standing and staring quite uncharacteristically at the man.

"Hello." She started simple. Can this man help me get to the mountain? Once she had decided to trust, the trust came easily, and she took a few steps forward, going to introduce herself. However, as she got closer and closer to the man, his blue-grey eyes regarding her, she found she couldn't think of anything to say. The forest's dappled light twinkled down, playing with the woodland floor, and she directed her gaze downwards, staring at a patch of sunlight dancing on a fallen leaf.

If this man can help me get to the mountain, should I be friends with him? On a snap decision, the girl said, "Let's be friends," as she edgily kicked up some dirt, unearthing a stone with her foot. For some reason, she just couldn't place the man. "Well... First of all, are you friend or foe?" The girl, in her dreamlike state, didn't really expect an answer. In fact, she didn't expect anything. Her only goals were to get to the slopes and cliffs she'd seen in the distance, her mind was clamouring with tips and ideas to get her there. In the distance, the girl thought she heard a footstep on earth, and without warning, she turned and started walking in the direction of the footstep.

As she walked, the forest sloughed off its tall, leafy green appearance and became small, stunted, pale and bone-bleached white, although the transition wasn't smooth. In fact, the change of the forest felt like a death; horrible and sudden but leaving scars of the past in the occasional beautiful green trunks twisting up into the sky. The leaves of the new trees were an ashy silver in appearance, and when she looked up into the twig-like branches, the girl could see bug-eyed creatures, bulbous and flittering, perching in the boughs. She stopped, and looked over her shoulder, to see if the man was following her. You can't afford to waste time with this stranger, Karin. He's not the important one here.

A crunch of twig on twig made the girl snap her head around. She had walked only a short distance ahead, but the scenery was drastically different from the forest previously. The landscape had shifted to flat, neutral greys, whites and blacks. Twisted trees fought and scrambled to find purchase on rocky ground, and the sky overhead was a dark, star-filled sky, fading to midnight violet on the horizon.

A representation of Leth hung drunkenly in the sky, lopsided and off-kilter, and the light the moon gave off crawled uncomfortably on Karin's skin. And she could see a woman, standing there, looking over her shoulder. For what reason, Karin couldn't guess, but it was a strange vision to see- this tall, savage woman standing amidst the ruin of life. In a strange role reversal, Karin stood a few feet away, regarding the woman, hesitantly stepping forwards and offering a polite, "Hello."

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In a Reverie

Postby Karin on December 1st, 2015, 1:21 pm

The woman's body pulsed in the light of Leth, growing larger and smaller, bulbous, slim, tall, stunted. Then with a shattering like petals, her body disappeared in a short draught, curling upwards lazily to the moon, where she joined the stars.

Karin didn't register it, apart from to notice that the stars were lining up, pointing with a studded light towards the mountain, up a path which had grown amongst the twisted roots. It was paved with ashen stone, and Karin's feet trod dully against the surface of it.

she was going to persevere. The man was still following at a distance, although as she walked, he seemed to fade into the distance, becoming the backdrop of the ashen forest. As she walked, the mountain seemed to grow in her vision, until all she could see were rocks, boulders.

The path had twisted and turned now, scree under her feet making her fall over, bending her limbs backwards, bruised and battered, although she didn't feel any pain. She stumbled, stubbing her toes against the solid mountain flank, and with a detached, mindless horror she noticed her foot slowly detaching from her leg.

A silence fell, that bone-aching silence that mutes your ears and dampens your vision. Still, no pain. The foot lay there, on the path behind her. It looked alive still, and as Karin continued walking forward, doggedly, the foot followed.

Her hand separated. Her kneecaps followed ahead of her a pace. Her hair floated sideways, and her very essence seemed to separate from her body as it lay crumpled on the floor, finally dying.

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In a Reverie

Postby Karin on December 1st, 2015, 1:32 pm

It didn't matter though. Her body lay, broken. But her spirit... that continued on. The path was straight now, and steadily climbing. The ashen rocks, and twisted boulders caught up with roots were now safely behind her. Her mountain, so distant was now close, she could sense it. The unattainable goal- attainable.

The air was crystal clear, sparkling with frost. Breathing in, the girl felt the shards pierce her throat, and her spectral essence solidified into the outline of a person, made entirely of ice. The mountain glowed white in the moonlight, it's slopes covered in a fine, dusty snow that dusted Karin's legs, feet and thighs as she walked.

Time seemed to slow, the mountain's many phases flashed like snowflakes in front of Karin's vision. It's birth, in fire. It's growth, moving, twisting, rocks sloughed off and life growing like a blossom or a virus across the vast surface. The mountain's slow death, as trees broke and smashed, and rocks crumbled into dust and pebbles.

Through it, Karin the ice-girl walked. She was ten footsteps away from the summit. Ten small footsteps, which she covered with ease. Finally at the top, the form of Karin looked around, her dream-environment obscured by mist and fog.

Through it, through the fog and blur, the vast shapes of whales and octopus's swam lazily, and the girl came to realise that the fog wasn't fog at all, but water. Water that was growing, drowning the land beneath it. There wasn't anything she could do. She was stranded, and helpless.

The water crept, so still yet so fast at the same time. Panic and helplessness crept over the girl, and her ice form started to melt as the twisted form of Syna shone bright in the sky, far more brightly than in real life.

Syna's shining face grew and grew, and Karin melted, turning to water. The water solidified, and Karin had her body back again, fresh and clean. But the vast ocean kept growing, and growing, and growing. Syna shone brighter and brighter, seeming to dwarf even the very mountain Karin stood on.

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In a Reverie

Postby Karin on December 1st, 2015, 1:36 pm

The summit grew hotter. White hot, growing and pulsing as shards of rock flew from the surface. Karin stood amongst it all, growing in unease and unhappiness. Her dream-state was fading, and her natural emotions were returning, at precisely the wrong moment.

Panic overfilled her as she saw where the water was, she couldn't do anything about it, it would overcome her, she had no control, she would drown surely! The water crept and crept, and grew faster and faster. Echoing cries and howls issued from the thundering deep, and as the ocean climbed over her head, Karin drowned in sleep...

Before waking, with a start.

Drenched in sweat.
Clutching the sheets with pale hands.

Breathing deep, the fresh air, not water filling her nostrils.

Not a dream anymore... awake.

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