Hot Bath and Relaxation too good to be true then again...

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Hot Bath and Relaxation too good to be true then again...

Postby Stag Fern on October 29th, 2010, 9:24 am

55 Fall 510, A.V

Stag's injuries grew from bad to worse. 2 nights ago he was bloodied and bruised all over but his right thigh was where the major wound was after all he was just stabbed there, last night however he was in so much pain that even when he slept he screamed more often then not the other guest all tried to give him some form alleviation. The Inn-keeper concerned for his well-being and also the reputation of the inn was going to send Stag off to the Sacred Hotsprings by tommorow. Yet when the 9th bell of the 55th day was heard Stag was still asleep in his room sweating heavily but the inn-keeper was busy taking care of guests. The Inn-keeper did however send one of her helpers to help him up and mount his horse then gave him directions on where this Hot spring lies then the helper went back inside now Stag was all alone.

So far in his entire life Stag had never felt so weak and helpless everytime he was put down he simply stood up and everytime he was on the verge of breaking he simply pushed through. This however was different without use of one of his legs his horse Daraq won't move and he wasn't promminently on top of Daraq he was more of drooped. His wild thick hair masked his pain just sitting on Daraq was hard. Yet he rode past the gates, slower than he would like but this beats crawling anyday. His blood dripped here and there with every step his horse took. "Sir do you need help" said a wandering adventurer as he moved towards to Stag.The adventurer wore a brown tunic, a pair of brown pants of a darker shade, greaves, and sword by his side and a bow with a quiver of arrows right next to him, yet he also wore a big thick hat covering his eyes which was odd for since the sun didn't shine that bright, he was also horsed, ontop of a frostmarch. He should have been intimidating but strangely he was of small stature. Yes umm where is this sacred hotsprings thought Stag but thinking what he was about to say was harder than actually putting it to action. Groaning he sat up straight, smiled, almost fainted but not just yet he opened his mouth." Huhsfees sptdtes hote es eskes" said Stag. "Um sorry sir what was that I couldn't quite get that" said the adventurer, annoyed by this he tried again but to but to no avail. His voice didn't come back now feeling his anger rise he took a deep breath and let it all out "HOT SPRING SACRED OUCH LEG!" burst Stag his anger must have risen so high combined with his pain that his voice returned. His shout didn't just startle the knight but also his horse Daraq. Panicked Daraq galloped forward, Stag barely held on for dear life but surprisingly Stag+galloping horse+badly hurt leg bleeding profusely=a good conversation with a stranger.

"SIR SLOW DOWN, PULL THE LEAD" Yelled the adventurer as he put his heels to his horse to make it gallop and he was gaining speed"HEY THIS IS HARDER THAN IT LOOKS, BROWNY BUT ALLLLRIGGGHHTT" shouted Stag back but it just made Daraq move even faster, yup he truly was like his owner, personality wise. "SIR PUT YOUR HEELS TO IT AND PULL WHAT ARE YOU A NOVICE?" "UH YEAH I AM YOU GOT A PROMBLEM WITH THAT BESIDES I CAN'T USE MY RIGHT LEG IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED" Stag pointed towards the dripping blood sputtering everywhere"WELL SIR TRY" "WHAT ME TRY TO DO WHAT AMPUTATE MY LEG NO!!!" "NO SIR ALTHOUGH...NEVERMIND USE BOTH YOUR LEGS AND PULL NOW!!! "YOU BETTER BE RIGHT BROWNY HOLD ON HEY IT'S WORKING". When both horses slowed to a slow walk the aftermath kicked in. His leg, throbbing, his body trembling, his lungs conpensating for the shortness of breath but he didn't care he was right in front of the springs. Stag went back to his drooped position while the adventurer was kind enough to help him out, "Sir here is the springs now I may leave you be...but that is a wound no wonder you couldn't use it I'm no healer but I'll tell you it'll heal in a few days now in you go...for now I will stand guard for you" said the adventurer and he just grabbed Stag by the collar, ripped him of his mount and threw him right into the hotspring

Even though his clothes were still on him he felt comforatble and the water was heavenly, truly it was Stag almost thought of staying here in this position and spot not moving at all but besides that he felt fuzzy already the waters were having an effect on him. Browny why do you call me Sir as if i'm a knight thought Stag then he dozed off floating in this heavenly water.
Last edited by Stag Fern on November 6th, 2010, 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hot Bath and Relaxation too good to be true then again...

Postby Stag Fern on October 30th, 2010, 2:23 pm

55 fal 510 A.V

Stag woke up all of a sudden. He wasn't in the water but in a room a little cottage to be exact lying on a comfy bed. It was a nice cottage, not to big and not to small, it had a fireplace but with no fire but it had wood but most of all it felt breezy. Stag stood up then wondered why his clothes were not on him. All he had on was his shorts and a a belt on nothing else not even his knife. Stag tried to recall what happened but try as he might the last known instance that he remembers was him about to sleep floating on water and the person who threw him in...Browny. Barging straight into the cottage without even knocking was Browny. Browny came in his brown clothes but he also came in with his big hat. "What did you do with my clothes sir" Stag said spitting out like poison even though he has no weapon he will fight and even if he did he won't use it "Huh oh there out back right there" he said pointing towards the window. Stag looked at Browny with curiousity and disgust but not for long then he jumped out the window.

Outside it was warm with red light pointing him towards his clothes. Stag found his clothes slightly wet but other than that they were just the way he left them. His torn shirt was there, his leather jacket still there too, his leather pants yup, his leather boots and his buckskin cloak with antlers on them were all there. "Sir do you happen to be named Stag" said Browny "Why yes how do you know my name browny " "It's, Grace if you must know Stag" she said then removed her hat. Her hair fell down to her shoulders, her green eyes met his dark eyes then she smiled. Stag was shocked he couldn't breathe, he forgot to breathe and fell to the ground A woman removed my clothing, but worse of all she saved my life the thought disgusted Stag being saved by a woman is saying he's weak"Who are you then and how do you know my name" asked Stag "You forgot now didn't you well why won't we talk in the spring?" she said sarcastically and a bit angry. Stag thought that she really meant what she said so jumped in the spring "Wow the water is great come on jump in it's nice" he said but he was abruptly picked up and tossed to the side. "As I was saying me and you met before when I was alone, I got lost from my parents..." she blushed a bit then continued on "I was in an alley way when two muggers came well I was outmatched there until you came in..." she blushed again looking at Stag with those green eyes then looked away, it must have been embarrassing for her to talk about his achivements then she continued "When you came you made short work of them i still remember hat you did, you grabbed one of them by the shoulder and spun them around to meet with your fist, you gave the other one a good punch to the stomach then you kneed him in real good, after that you told me your name and we both ran away and you personally helped me find my parernts however you never told me your knight..thankyou" she said with a smile letting her hair cover her eyes. Ah now I remember hah, but i wasn't that great as a matter of fact it was totally different the way I remembered it Stag thought to himself a bit and tried to remember it in his point of view. On that day Stag did notice two other muggers but didn't come to intentionally save the girl, he came to steal some Mizas but when he saw the girl he thought that if I save her maybe I can get a reward of sorts and that's what he did but he ended up getting beat up so him and the girl ran unexpectedly found her parents in the Pig Foot's tavern in Sunberth. Yet he didn't interupt Grace from praising him, it felt nice being praised and all. "Well anytime but have you seen my horse Daraq " "Over there he is actually a pretty spirited horse kinda like you" she said. AAAAAAHHHH a high-pitched shout came not too far from where they were so both of them ran to see what it was.

What they saw was the usual scenario in the hot springs. it's that they are naked people in the springs and sometimes 1 or 2 or maybe even 3 people take advantage of the situation and this was no different. Stag saw a naked girl being harassed by two other men, all of them were outside the water and without the water Stag could see every inch of her but he focused on the men. One of the men was short but large with a few tatoos on his arms the other was skinny but tall. "Can you believe what they're doing, makes me sick everytime how bout you flank them while I save the girl right Stag...hey where'd you go Stag,Stag". Stag was already sprinting towards the men and then let his fists fly. Stag's fist landed everywhere he wanted them to land 2 on each of their faces and 3 on the stomach but that wasn't quite enough for them to give up their prize. The skinny one grabbed Stag by the neck in a headlock while the short but large one reached for a rock. Stag then raised his arms to cover his head but unfortunately for him the rock still found it's mark on his head. Stag suffered three grueling, two on the middle and one on the back of his head, each blow opened a gruesome blow. Stag grew dizzy, he felt his entire body grow heavy, his eyes weak and heavy but that's alright Grace was there. When he opened his eyes again he was lying on the ground, blood dripped from his head, normally that would be a bad thing but it was okay, after he was being treated by two women. "Are you alright Stag" said Grace as she gently put a cloth on his right eyebrow to stop the bleeding "I'm sorry Stag but that will turn to a scar is that alright with stay still". Stag gave Grace a nod then looked towards the other girl. She had long black hair that fell to her hips, fair skin not as fair as snow but fair enough coupled with hazel eyes that could melt a man's heart and it's working on him, she truly was a fem-fatale when it came to looks. She was wrapped around in Stag's cloak becuse her clothes fell in the pool when Stag fought. She noticed his stare and noticed his smile "Hi there umm..thank you for saving me..Stag was it yes well since you helped save me my name is Elle" Stag gave her a nod then he fell asleep.

Stag had a nice dream. In his dream he was a galiant knight riding daraq across a battlefield showing his valor among all those who accompanied him. "Wake up sleepy head" said a woman's voice. Stag woke up, he was back in the cottage but this time he was clothed. "How are you did you get a nice rest" said Grace, another woman right next to her smiled then turned her head away. Stretching and cracking his knuckeles he turned towards them"Yeah I'm good better than I have been in fact any way how long was i out" "Just a bell Ser" said Elle smiling again then turning away, "Just a bell huh..I'm no Ser but i like that ring to it Ser Stag...hmm nah just call me Stag we're friends already" Stag said with a smile he then walked towards the door. "Thank you...Se.r...Stag well you must be leaving now I bid you a farewell" Elle said. Stag looked back once more "I can't just leave two women here come on I'll accompany you back to Sylirias" said Stag. both agreed

At the end of the day in his inn, he lay on his bed wondering to himself what other people he's gonna meet in this City.
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Hot Bath and Relaxation too good to be true then again...

Postby Ataraxia on November 14th, 2010, 2:56 am


Stag Fern
Riding + 2, Unarmed + 2, Rhetoric + 2

The dangers of leaving a wound untreated | Shouting at a stranger | Kick starting a horse | Being womanhandled | Dreams of Knighthood | Saving the Damsel | You win some, you lose some

Hey Stag. Thanks for fixing the thread, it's good that you went back and switched things around with whining to me! I appreciate players who don't complain if a mod tells them something is amiss in their thread. This was a funny story, poor Stag gets the crap beat out of him quite a bit, huh? If you have any questions, you know the drill. Peace out.
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