[Note by Crosspatch] Aron Kulk

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Aron Kulk

Postby Aron Kulk on August 27th, 2015, 4:06 am

Aron Kulk


Race: What's your race?
-Im Human
Gender: Gender here.
Age: How old are you?
Im 22
Birthday: Day, Season, Year.
-39, Winter, 493
Birthplace: Where were you born?
-I was born somewhere in Syliras

Appearance: What do you look like?
-I have long, messy, dark hair, almost black, with a normal body build.
What you would notice most easily from me is my scar. I have it over my right eyebrow, and its shaped like some kind of star with seven points. One of them is longer, so people usually comment it looks like a shooting star.

Character Concept

Let's talk about you some more.
-Well, I am around 5.8 feets tall and 101 lbs, so Im rather common, not much to tell there.
I sometimes go outside Syliras, usually to practice against some tree or to take a bath in my secret place x3

-I am usually happy, sometimes stubborn, a bit problematic, and almost never lie. Almost.
-Bad things about me... let me think. I dont like spiders, I dont like peppers. I definitely dont like a spider in a pepper.I would rather eat stones. But bad things, I suppose I am childish, also selfish and stupid at times

Character History

Tell me all about your past, baby.
-Hmn... there isnt much I can tell you about my far past as I dont know it myself. Klaws didnt told me much.
Oh, yeah, sorry about that. Klaws was my master when it comes to reimancy, and my only family for the general stuff. He is not really blood related, this is what he told me:
"Long time ago, while I was travelling, I met a man who was trying to steal my money. I was going to fry him, when four kids stopped me by standing between us.
He told me those were four of his kids, the more grown up was probably around 13, but still they were able to put themselves between their father and a fireball twice their combined size. I was surprised, and seeing how poor they were, I invited them to eat"

-Yeah, Master Klaws always was weird and generous when you less would expect it! : )
Anyway, the story continues like this:

"Instead of going to eat, he asked me if I wouldnt mind buying ingredients instead, as he had more kids to feed and he would feel bad if I had to pay so much.
So, once we had everything, he took me to his place. It was like two old tents sewed towether, with more patches than people inhabits Syliras.
Inside, there were another two kids, and a little baby."

-Yup, that little baby its me, you guessed it right! :3
"As we were eating, he explained me his story. He once had a really beautiful wife, and a great shop in Syliras, so they were more or less rich. Being the world as dangerous as it is, they decided they would have various kids so they would protect each other and never be alone. But his wife got ill two years after she gave birth to the sixth son, and it was a very expensive illness, so he had to sell the shop to feed his six sons and take care of his wife.
To make things worse, she was pregnant. At the same time you were born, she died."

"That man, your father, really made me sad. So, as I was looking for an apprentice and someone to continue my path, I made him an offer. I would give him a big sum of money, so he could take care of his sons and get a good job to maintain them. In exchange, I would take his seventh son as mine, and take care of him like my son. It was a hard decission for him, but he had six more sons to feed, and he knew that a baby would be safer in my hands than in that enviroment."

-And thats as far as I know about my far past, although I can tell you a bit more about what made me the man I am today.
This scar, I got it when I was eight. I was playing with some kids when they said to play jobs. Each one was making the job their parents did, a knight, a shop assistant, a hunter... but I didnt knew what I could do, as I just knew Klaws and his reimancy, but it was a feared thing.

One of the kids started to say his father knew Klaws was a demon that eats baby souls to breath fire. Soon all the kids started to mock me, and I tried to defend Klaws. He was nice to me, he wasnt a monster like they said!
Then without noticing I let a small fireball explode in front of me, and several more followed that one. I was so angry that I just wanted them to shut up... maybe forever. I dont remember what got inside me, but I wanted to burn them all.

One of the parents, that was close to where we were playing, heard the kids screams of fear and came running. When he saw me, I dont think he even gave it a thought. He took a stone from the ground and threw it hard at me, hitting me over the eyebrow. It wasnt a solid stone, so when it hit me, it scathered. That made my scar look like this, and probably saved my life, as a real stone would have killed me with such a hit.

While I was knocked out, he took the kids away, and probably thought I was dead. I got up and went back with Klaws, to tell him what happened. He slapped me hard in the face, then took care of my scar. He explained me all dangers emotions could have in reimancy, how using much energy can be really bad, and also gave up on my training.

I had to wait five years until he was calmed enough to continue training me, and of course, we left that city.

The poor Klaws, he died a year ago. His dream was to see a world where reimancy could be studied and practiced without fear or danger, where people would respect that knowledge. As his "son", I decided to continue his work, and I decided I would live in a new city. I chose Syliras because its where my real roots are, or were, and because with some luck, I will be able to find my brothers one day.


Fluent Language: Common


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Skill 1 Woodcarving 26 SP 26 Competent
Skill 2 Magic: Flux 5 SP 5 Novice
Skill 3 Reimancy: Fire 15 RB, 12 SP 27 Competent
Skill 4 Storytelling 7 SP 7 Novice


Helpful Lores: (Pick 2)
Lore: Syliran Geography
Lore: Think Twice Before Acting


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: None


Location: Where in Mizahar are you living?

-In Syliras

House: As a character, please note that your starting package does not include a cottage; instead, it includes a 20x20 apartment with the furniture listed in the Housing section. As it is the cheapest housing available, the apartment is situated deep within the interior of Stormhold Citadel and does not include any windows, only ventilation shaft to bring in fresh air. Each hallway is lined with torches which are kept lit at all hours of the day, allowing for light and giving residents free access to something to light their hearth from. A diagram is included below:



Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Woodcarver Tool Kit -50GM 50 GM

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Aron Kulk
Posts: 4
Words: 2105
Joined roleplay: August 27th, 2015, 3:10 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Human
Character sheet

Aron Kulk

Postby Crosspatch on September 11th, 2015, 9:25 am


Hello there!

I'm Crosspatch, one of the friendly CS Liaisons on Mizahar! I've been looking over your Character Sheet, and I have noticed some minor issues that need to be resolved and fixed. Sadly these need to be done before you can continue roleplaying, so let's take a look at them shall we?

  • As Winter 515 AV has yet to come round your character would presently be 21 years old.
  • Reimancy is a magic that people need to be initiated into. Who initiated your character into this magic? How did they learn it? Please also explain on how your character came about learning Flux.
  • As a side note, "demons" do not exist in Mizahar.
  • Use of magic in Syliras is forbidden to those outside the Knights order, more so if it is the more destructive ones such as reimancy. Use of such magic would result in a quick and swift execution from the knights due to the potential dangers.
  • Wandering and travelling the land without any points in Wilderness Survival is strongly discouraged. Please take this into consideration.
  • Woodcarving would just be labelled as "Carving".
  • Due to being Competent in Reimancy can you please clearly state somewhere the two element type your PC is familiar with? (These being: fire, water, air and earth).
  • Please choose a cloak or coat. You cannot have both.
  • You appear to be missing an heirloom. An Heirloom can be any one free item as long as it is under the value of 50gm, is meaningful to the character and is not magical in any shape or form (for example, it could be the woodcarver tool kit).

Once these problems have been dealt with, drop me a PM and I'll remove this intervention and approve your CS for you. Also if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask and I'll do my best to answer!

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