44th of the season, 515AV
10th Bell, Morning
10th Bell, Morning
Graders:I know language lores don't often cross your mind, but I tried to work a bit into this thread. If you could make a point to look for them, I would greatly appreciate it!.Thanks! 
"Mayra!" The halfbreed's head snapped up at the sound of her name. The hulking barbarian that was Saron was approaching her as she walked towards the tents of the Pride. She wasn't herding today, she was simply in charge of taking care of the cows for the morning. Mayra waved at the Drykas, already worn out for the day. Having to wake up bells before the sun to finish by midday did its toll on here, even if she was ow used to the odd schedule.
"Hello Saron." She muttered when he stopped as she got near, but continued treading through the grass past him. When he didn't reply, he looked at her pointedly. Greetings. She swung her hand across her chest, only to have the movement copied by Saron. It was almost identical to hers only the fingers were crooked correctly, where as hers had not been. "Oh." She realized, watching his hands and copying his movement again.
"Good." He said in common, making an unknown movement with his hand, presumably meaning good. Or approval, or something.
"You know, I can't learn every single Pavi word every moment of the day." She muttered, trotting to catch up with the Drykas' strides.
"No you can't, but if you hope to stay here, you have to try." He gave her a knowing look and the half-Chaktawe looked down, trying to keep the blush from her cheeks. "I was easy on you, because I thought you were passing through. But you should find a purpose here soon if you wish to stay. A husband, a family..." She didn't have to look at him to tell he was trying to prod her into a descision. Saron had been one of the few who didn't push her to conform to his barbarian ways, but she was starting to see that it was almost a requirement of the Drykas to absorb foreigners. Her utter lack of interest in learning their culture has alienated her, but Mayra didn't particularly mind. She had intended to stay the last thirty days of the Spring, only begging for the job so she could continue on. It was halfway through summer and she was still showing up nearly every day to put the cows out. "Herding cows cannot be your only purpose." He filled in the silence when she did not respond.
"I... I actually wanted to talk to you about that." She looked up when Saron stopped as they neared the maternity tent. "I think I'm going to be staying here for a little while longer." Saron's face was hard and unreadable as most of the barbarians were, and Mayra squinted, unsure of how to read his expression.
"Mhmm." He urged her to continue.
"Look, I understand if you want me to look for another job. I told you I was only asking for thirty days, and clearly I've over-stayed my welcome."
"I know, I am paying you too much to herd cows." He agreed, nodding towards the tent and stepping forward. Mayra took a deep breathe, her heart was picking up with the thought of loosing her only security in the moving city, but she turned towards the tent anyway. "Which is why I am asking you to stay a little later today." The much larger Drykas reached in front of her to swipe aside the flap of the tent so that she could enter.
"Saron, I-"
"Mianda and I were talking..." He interrupted her, the tone of his voice telling her not to speak. Mayra closed her lips, mute now. "You mentioned your skill with hunting animals last season, but have failed to show any previous knowledge with the cattle. Hesbri had to show you everything, and she still is." His first wife was standing on the edge of a low woven wall in one corner of the tent. The morning sun filtered through slits in the mostly closed tent, and kept the space warm. Mayra gulped, looking down at her feet as she came to stand beside the two taller barbarians.
"But cattle are not hunting animals, dear." The more thickly accented voice of Miana spoke up and Mayra watched as her brown eyes seemed to dig into Saron's. A sparkle of something she couldn't read danced on the edge of his lips as he looked at his wife and Mayra felt the sudden urge to look away. As if she was too close to this private moment, even though they were talking to her.
"So, my wife would like you to help her with the birth today. A bitch is having pups," She followed the motion of his hand with her eyes, seeing the dog sniffing around her enclosure. The woven wall only reached to about Mayra's hips, but the dog inside was not terribly big. She couldn't immediately identify the breed, but recognized she was of Cyphrus nature. "And Mianda would like to see this skill you speak of."
"I cared for mostly cats." She informed the two quietly, Mianda's presence muting her willingness to speak up.
"Yes, that is what you told us." Mianda spoke up, shuffling past her husband to move closer to Mayra's side. The half-breed had to struggle from moving away from the unfamiliar barbarian woman, uncertain of her motives. The foreigner trusted Saron mostly, but had little contact with the rest of his family besides his fourth wife, Hesbri. "But you will be more comfortable with dogs than with cows, yes?"
Mayra shrugged, then nodded. Sure, dogs were closer than cows, but they were still foreign to her. But the prospect of moving from herding to actual training and care-taking with animals she was familiar with was not something she could simply give up.
"Good. Help Mianda with the bitch and her pups and I will see you tomorrow. You needn't wake up as early as with the herd, so come at sunrise." Saron smoothed a hand over his wife's back who smiled at him and turned to leave the tent, merely nodding at Mayra.

"Mayra!" The halfbreed's head snapped up at the sound of her name. The hulking barbarian that was Saron was approaching her as she walked towards the tents of the Pride. She wasn't herding today, she was simply in charge of taking care of the cows for the morning. Mayra waved at the Drykas, already worn out for the day. Having to wake up bells before the sun to finish by midday did its toll on here, even if she was ow used to the odd schedule.
"Hello Saron." She muttered when he stopped as she got near, but continued treading through the grass past him. When he didn't reply, he looked at her pointedly. Greetings. She swung her hand across her chest, only to have the movement copied by Saron. It was almost identical to hers only the fingers were crooked correctly, where as hers had not been. "Oh." She realized, watching his hands and copying his movement again.
"Good." He said in common, making an unknown movement with his hand, presumably meaning good. Or approval, or something.
"You know, I can't learn every single Pavi word every moment of the day." She muttered, trotting to catch up with the Drykas' strides.
"No you can't, but if you hope to stay here, you have to try." He gave her a knowing look and the half-Chaktawe looked down, trying to keep the blush from her cheeks. "I was easy on you, because I thought you were passing through. But you should find a purpose here soon if you wish to stay. A husband, a family..." She didn't have to look at him to tell he was trying to prod her into a descision. Saron had been one of the few who didn't push her to conform to his barbarian ways, but she was starting to see that it was almost a requirement of the Drykas to absorb foreigners. Her utter lack of interest in learning their culture has alienated her, but Mayra didn't particularly mind. She had intended to stay the last thirty days of the Spring, only begging for the job so she could continue on. It was halfway through summer and she was still showing up nearly every day to put the cows out. "Herding cows cannot be your only purpose." He filled in the silence when she did not respond.
"I... I actually wanted to talk to you about that." She looked up when Saron stopped as they neared the maternity tent. "I think I'm going to be staying here for a little while longer." Saron's face was hard and unreadable as most of the barbarians were, and Mayra squinted, unsure of how to read his expression.
"Mhmm." He urged her to continue.
"Look, I understand if you want me to look for another job. I told you I was only asking for thirty days, and clearly I've over-stayed my welcome."
"I know, I am paying you too much to herd cows." He agreed, nodding towards the tent and stepping forward. Mayra took a deep breathe, her heart was picking up with the thought of loosing her only security in the moving city, but she turned towards the tent anyway. "Which is why I am asking you to stay a little later today." The much larger Drykas reached in front of her to swipe aside the flap of the tent so that she could enter.
"Saron, I-"
"Mianda and I were talking..." He interrupted her, the tone of his voice telling her not to speak. Mayra closed her lips, mute now. "You mentioned your skill with hunting animals last season, but have failed to show any previous knowledge with the cattle. Hesbri had to show you everything, and she still is." His first wife was standing on the edge of a low woven wall in one corner of the tent. The morning sun filtered through slits in the mostly closed tent, and kept the space warm. Mayra gulped, looking down at her feet as she came to stand beside the two taller barbarians.
"But cattle are not hunting animals, dear." The more thickly accented voice of Miana spoke up and Mayra watched as her brown eyes seemed to dig into Saron's. A sparkle of something she couldn't read danced on the edge of his lips as he looked at his wife and Mayra felt the sudden urge to look away. As if she was too close to this private moment, even though they were talking to her.
"So, my wife would like you to help her with the birth today. A bitch is having pups," She followed the motion of his hand with her eyes, seeing the dog sniffing around her enclosure. The woven wall only reached to about Mayra's hips, but the dog inside was not terribly big. She couldn't immediately identify the breed, but recognized she was of Cyphrus nature. "And Mianda would like to see this skill you speak of."
"I cared for mostly cats." She informed the two quietly, Mianda's presence muting her willingness to speak up.
"Yes, that is what you told us." Mianda spoke up, shuffling past her husband to move closer to Mayra's side. The half-breed had to struggle from moving away from the unfamiliar barbarian woman, uncertain of her motives. The foreigner trusted Saron mostly, but had little contact with the rest of his family besides his fourth wife, Hesbri. "But you will be more comfortable with dogs than with cows, yes?"
Mayra shrugged, then nodded. Sure, dogs were closer than cows, but they were still foreign to her. But the prospect of moving from herding to actual training and care-taking with animals she was familiar with was not something she could simply give up.
"Good. Help Mianda with the bitch and her pups and I will see you tomorrow. You needn't wake up as early as with the herd, so come at sunrise." Saron smoothed a hand over his wife's back who smiled at him and turned to leave the tent, merely nodding at Mayra.