Orin, those issues are going to be taken up on a case by case basis with the location you choose to move your PC too. It's going to matter greatly if that location has an AS verses a DS, for example, and what they are willing to continue on with your storythread. You probably should contact around and get prior permission to say continue your chosen path before moving.
Don't expect someone, namely an ST, to automatically continue your stuff. They might not have any interest in it and truthfully if its not from their domain they DONT have to continue it. Another ST might be glad too.
In the rare event someone has outstanding business loans, they will have to sell their business back to whomever they borrowed the money from before they left. They can then re-establish the business with a new debt holder in another location. If they had 50% of it paid off, they will only get 50% of its total worth out of it. But at the new location, the cost should be exactly the same so their loan should then only be 50% to get started unless they've spent all their profit and have no savings.
What works in the real world works here too.