1. Overview
Fortune telling is the ancient art of interpreting the past, present and future through various mediums. This skill often faces the most skepticism throughout some cultures, while other races, such as the Konti, embrace it into their lives. Fortune telling, however, does not directly include the use of gnosis or magics.
1.1 Related Skills
Various skills can be used in conjunction with fortune telling, used both in the presentation of the reading and to make it more accurate.
1.1.1 Social Skills
A large part of fortune telling is presenting what is discovered, and to do so, various skills such as
rhetoric, or simply
socialization, aid this section of the reading, increasing the believability and creating a more enjoyable experience.
Observation also aids with cold-reading, which is a set of techniques used to uncover simple facts about the subject to set the atmosphere.
1.1.2 Magics
While fortune telling does not directly entail the use of magics and gnosis, these can be used to provide a more accurate prediction. A magic such as
auristics may enhance the experience, the ability to perceive other’s feelings and auras providing a clearer insight into what may be in their life, while
Hypnotism could be used to help persuade others of the reliability of the reading, increasing trust. Of course, the gnosis of
Divination, which interprets the past, present and future, can provide the truth, but others may reveal facts about the person the reading is about to help build trust and make the prediction clearer.
2. Fortunetelling in different cultures
2.1 Development through different cultures
2.1.1 Falyndar Taloba
The Myrians are a fierce race, using, as expected, methods that involve the body parts of sacrifices. Favoured methods include cleromancy, the art of interpreting the casting of bones, and haruspicy, interpreting the liver of their sacrifices. Opinions vary throughout the clans, some finding it silly, others considering it to cheat the gods.
2.1.2 Kalea Lhavit
Lhavit is a highly spiritual place, and has close links with fortune telling methods that use the night sky, such as astromancy, the art of reading the positions of the stars. The fortunetellers of the city also incorporate the city's only export, tea, in the fortunetelling method of tasseography. Wind Reach
Augery, interpreting the flights of birds, is the most common method of fortunetelling used among the Inarta. Due to high skills in glassmaking, it is also not uncommon to find many crystal balls in Wind Reach, suitable for scrying purposes. Sultros
The Isur, while aren't the most superstitious, have a handeful of fortunetellers among themselves. They tend towards runestones made from precious metals, with more expensive ones considered more reliable. Alvadas
Fortune telling is considered a game and illusion, often celebrated due to the city's illusions. A fortune teller is judged on their skill of guessing the future of another, but is still respected.
2.1.3 Taldera Avanthal
The Vantha often use the sky in their fortune telling, watching Morwen's Lights and the colours in the sky and associating them with different meanings. Bone rune stones are also found often, made from the pieces of bone unsuitable for other uses. The Spires
While some Jamoura believe that fortune telling is a waste of time, there are those that are curious about it and what they can learn. This has lead to foreign fortune tellers sharing their skills with the Jamouras, with many various methods originating from different cultures.
2.1.4 Sylira Sunberth
Fortunetelling is most often viewed as a scam, the art sullied by the high number of con artists posing as fortunetellers. This leaves little respect for real fortunetellers, as their abilities are doubted. If a person's predictions become accurate, the fortuneteller may easily be considered to be working with mages and will still be viewed with hatred and distrust. Nyka
In the city of monks, superstitious people are common, and many rely on the words of the monks to provide them with their fortunes. Ravok
Ravokians view the art of fortune telling in one of two ways: as a serious science or as a foolish practice. Nonetheless, it is not hard to find a fortune teller willing to read your palm or cast some runes to provide you with a reading. Sahova
In Sahova, most fortune telling is on the verge of magical. Most often, fortune tellers use the bones of Konti seers for casting or rune stones, sometimes maledicted to bring out the power in them. Because of this, most fortune tellers are taken seriously for there is often more than just the art. Syliras
Citizens of Syliras respect the art of fortune telling due to the reverence of Konti by the Order. These Konti share their methods among the people, resulting in similar methods such as palmistry and tea leaves. Zeltiva
Zeltiva holds many Svefra fortune telling methods, such as hydromancy, reading from water, as well as a variety of others that were once studied at the University by students eager to uncover any mysteries behind them. However, many more educated or higher class citizens disprove of the practice, considering it fools guessing at what might be.
2.1.5 Cyphrus Endrykas
As a migratory city, the city of Drykas relies more on natural types of fortune telling, as possessions for a craft that is often considered useless can become a nuisance when traveling. Their deep respect for Caiyha results in most using animal parts to read into the future, trusting the goddess of flora and fauna to guide them, including but not limited to bones, innards, and the consumption of eyes. Kenash
Many in Kenash see fortune telling as a novelty, something to amuse them. Most often, the slaves are the ones that take it more seriously, but the Dynasty members have more readings simply for their entertainment. Riverfall
As Konti are welcomed and often respected, their fortune telling methods shine through the most. Palmistry and tasseography are common, as are tarot cards.
2.1.6 Eyktol Ahnatep
Palmistry is very common among the Eypharians due to their many hands. This allows for a wider range of interpretations, as each set of arms represents a different aspect of life. Lower hands are associated with material aspects of life, mid hands with more social aspects and high hands with the gods and spiritual aspects of life. Yahebah
To some Benshiras, fortune telling to go against the ways of the Prophet. They do not think it wise to seek guidance from the art of fortune telling as it displays lack of faith and trust in Yahal. Because of this, most fortune tellers are looked down on, although some may still be found among the city using methods learned from other races. Chaktawe
Among the Chaktawe, fortune telling is a spiritual art, used only when they reach a problem their guardian cannot guide them through. They tend toward pyromancy, using fire, and astromancy due to the many stars in the desert's night sky. From their faith in Eywaat also comes the use of augery, interpreting their god's domain.
2.1.7 Other Mura
In the isle of Konti, fortune telling is practiced often. As is the nature of the women, methods tend towards the simpler side, such as palmistry and tea leaves. Tarot is also used, but many find having cards impractical with a partially aquatic city. Abura
The Akvatari use fortune telling to predict events of tragedy. They tend to overthink the meaning until they settle on one they like. Because of this, methods that have no defined meanings are preferable, such as using a crystal ball. Fortune telling methods also tend to be very artistic or beautiful, tarot cards as one example. Svefra
The Svefra practices vary from pod to pod. However, unity remains in the fact that hydromancy, the study of water, and augery, seeing birds as omens of the future, are commonly used, due to their surroundings. Due to their travelling nature, a wide variety of practices are commonly found, and a superstitious race helps spread the methods.
charo - seashells sea weed coral fish
3. Methods of Fortune Telling
3.1 Tarot Cards
3.1.1 Preparation
When performing a reading using tarot cards, as with any type of fortune telling, a calm atmosphere is required. The questioner must shuffle the cards and cut the deck, focusing on the question. A spread is then chosen.
3.1.2 Decks
Most decks are very similar, with slight variations with race and city. Meanings tend to stay the same, only the images and names altered to fit with the culture.
3.1.3 Spreads
Although there is no limit to the spread used, there are several which are considered as standard spreads, which all decent fortune tellers are expected to know. These include, but are not limited:
The Three Cards Spread: As the name suggests, three cards are revealed, each presenting a relevant aspect of the Past, Present or Future, in that order. This spread is a very simple one that can be found throughout Mizahar.
The Five Card Horseshoe: In this spread, the cards are laid out in an upward facing arc, starting from the Present Position, to the Present Desires, the Unexpected, the Immediate Future and the Outcome. This spread is more complex and allows a larger view on the reading.
The Avalis Eye: Five cards are laid out in a cross shape, with an extra card placed on the middle. The middle card is the Present, while the one on top is the Challenge. To the left is the Past and to the right the Future. The card at the top represents the Goal while the card at the bottom is the Sacrifice. This spread is often chosen due to its connection with the goddess. It allows a clearer view on various aspects that affect the reading.
3.1.4 Interpretation
Every card has several meanings, often suggested to by the image and the name. Using knowledge of the current situation helps put the meaning in context. The position the card is in also affects what it means, as do other cards around it. A fortune teller must take care to consider the other cards and their locations to determine the best meaning for a certain card. Reverse cards
Reverse cards, or cards placed upside down, are often seen to hold the opposite meaning to their actual meanings. However, the interpretation can also be that the energy has either increased or decreased, or been blocked in some way. It is up to the fortune teller to decide which meaning works best with the current situation and other cards.
3.4 Palmistry
Palmistry is a simple skill, often used with beginners who have little experience and no equipment to aid their readings. It is simply the art of interpreting a person's character and predicting their future by examining their palms. Despite the fact that it can be very simple, with the variety of races, care must be taken to understand the differences between them. For example, palm reading with an Isur, the Isurian Arm can be used for more divine readings. Additionally, with multi-armed Eypharians, the position of the hand can present different meanings. Higher hands are more associated with divinity while lower hands are for more material possessions.
3.4.1 Interpretations
The most common thought with choosing a hand is that the dominant hand represents the past and present, while the non-dominant represents the future. With various cultures, this can be different.
There are four four major lines to be interpreted:

1.The Heart, or Cheva, Line, which deals with emotions and romance. In general, straight lines tend to represent good emotional control, and any broken or overlapping lines signify trauma. People with long lines are considered to be in good relationships, while short lines show lack of interest.
2.The Head, or Eyris, Line, which deals with knowledge and the mental state. Long straight lines are considered to belong to logical thinkers, while short lines represent short memories. Wavy lines are attributed to those with short attention spans, and lines swooping down tend to belong to the more creative.
3.The Life, or Kihala, Line, which deals with health and general well being. People with long deep lines have strong and long lives ahead of them, with larger curved lines showing strength and enthusiasm. Those with straighter lines are more inhibited. Breaks in the line represent sudden changes, while multiple lines suggest positive forces or great vitality.
4.The Fate, or Lhex, Line, which deals with effect of the world on your life and your destiny. The deeper the line, the more fate affects your life, but breaks and changes in direction show how your life is changed often by outward forces.
3.5 Tasseography
Tasseography is the study of the shapes left by tea leaves, interpreted into various meanings depending on their shape and location. It is used most in areas such as the Lhavit region, where tea drinking is more common, but can often be found elsewhere.
3.5.1 Preparation
First, a cup of tea must be brewed, allowing the drink to steep. A calm, quiet mind must be held, with any thoughts that come into focus the subject of the reading. Maintaining a calm mind, the tea can be drunk allowing a small amount of tea to remain. The drinker must then swirl the nearly empty teacup and the tea leaves will disperse around the cup. The last step is to drain the teacup of any liquid by placing it upside down.
3.5.2 Interpretation
The interpretation of the tea leaves is often based upon the mindset of the reader. Shapes seen towards the rim of the cup represent the current, while in the middle, they apply to the near future. Shapes seen at the base present the final conclusion. The meanings of the shapes can vary in regards to other shapes nearby and the reader, as one may, for example, associate a star shape with Lhavit and the other read it as hope. Because of this, there are no true meanings for any shape created by the tea leaves, although fortunetellers may use their own definitions.
4. Skill Progression
4.1 Novice
Novice fortune tellers are the most doubted out of all fortune tellers. Only one or two methods are known, and these are done clumsily, with many mistakes. At a novice level, most interpretations are done to the book, with little room for creative meanings.
4.2 Competent
At a competent level, fortune tellers become confident with various methods, spreads and decks, although they are often used at the incorrect time. Readings become more accurate and are believed a little more. However, competent fortune tellers still rely a lot on set interpretations.
4.3 Expert
An expert fortune teller is often well known throughout their town or city, their readings fairly accurate. The majority of methods are available, while they tend to focus on a few, using the correct spread for the reading desired. Interpretations are also creative, working in other facts that they can get from the person who is receiving the reading.
4.4 Master
Master fortune tellers are renowned across the whole of Mizahar, and even the most skeptical believe their predictions, coming from across the lands to see them in action. Nearly every method is known by these exception fortune tellers, and they always use the most effective one. Readings are almost always accurate, claimed to come from the gods themselves.