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The Blackwater Pavilion welcomes Lian.

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

Moderator: Gossamer

A Rough Diamond

Postby Dravite on September 17th, 2015, 10:39 pm


At the mention of stolen horses Dravite sat up, surprised he hadn't heard about it through his line of work but as Lian divulged on the details he couldn't help but recognise the bigger picture, one his friend probably failed to see through the fog of his own anger, "witnesses?" The horse lord questioned, or rather, presented the woman's argument in alternative form, "many got animals from the chest," he then agreed, "if she was that desperate to leave you she has found the perfect excuse.”

For a time he looked thoughtful, hearing his friend out, it wasn't fair to just assume, logic must play its part too. "You should go to her," Dravite finally decided, "when you have calmed down, you must give it a few days perhaps. Ask her who witnessed her claim her gift from the gods and if they agree to her story you can do none but believe her; better still, ask to see the horses, you're Drykas, you know better than most whether or not a horse is stolen or bonded." Perhaps not the words poor Lian wanted to hear, but they would give the man something to think about; another perspective.

Shortly after this Pearl emerged from the tent, followed closely by Kyanite who was wielding a small instrument. The boy dashed towards the pair excitedly and welcomed Lian to the camp before holding up the drum like a king, triumphant in battle, holds up the severed head of his enemy. surprise, curiosity, gift, Dravite signed as he asked about the drum, "what is it?"

"Drum!" Kyanite announced gleefully as he moved to first lean against his father and then on his lap to trap the base of the drum between his knobby little knees.

Kyanite struck the taut leather, pounding it as if the idea of the instrument was to make as much noise as possible. Only a few ticks in, Dravite put his hand over that of his son’s and whispered, "Softly, slowly."

Dravite smiled up at Pearl as if to thank her for thinking of the children while she was out before he started singing lowly to the boy. "Little lion and his drum, hum, hum," the horse lord struck the top of the drum whenever he said the word hum, "playing songs for everyone, hum, hum; hear him matching through the grove, drumming softly as he goes; little lion and his drum, hum, hum."

Blue eyes stared up at him when the song was done and Dravite couldn't help but smile, "again," Kyanite insisted.
"No, you must practice, why don't you go play for the goats," he suggested to the boy.
"Kimba, Kimba, Kimba," the boy called, dashing across camp to where the mother goat lay enjoying the sun; she was very tolerant of the drumming and the boy.
"Gently," Dravite encouraged, "leave the thunder to the gods."

A sidelong glance had Lian in his sights again and he smiled half-heartedly for the man, unable to fathom what he must be going through; if one of his wives left with his sons he would be harder to tame than a tornado. "Women are, delicate," Dravite picked his words carefully in case Pearl or Yuki were within earshot, "trust is very important, perhaps you must show her you can be trusted; that you can remain level headed when rage clouds your vision and you feel a storm in your heart. If she is truly a Drykas, you can no longer rule her with fear, so give her your trust and maybe she will return it to you."

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A Rough Diamond

Postby Lian Windrunner on September 18th, 2015, 2:07 am

Lian nodded.

"Yes. Seirei claims there were witnesses. A woman by the name of Naiya Dawnwhisper was with her when it happened. And there were those who were standing around the chest at the time, of course." he said softly.

He had met Naiya Dawnwhisper for the first time last season when they had had to work together with another woman to escape some underground caves. He had met her again when he had gone seeking Seirei when she failed to return home the day the chest appeared. When Lian had first met the woman, he was impressed with her bravery. Now though...he was furious with her for helping to shelter his captive. Former captive.

When Dravite suggested that he go see Seirei, Lian's first impulse was to jump up, and seek her out immediately. He would find her, drag her out of the Dawnwhisper pavilion, and punish her for her crimes. He would...Dravite continued with the qualification that he should wait a few days until he had calmed down. Personally, Lian thought that he would need a lot more than a few days to "calm down" over losing his children. Even the merest thought of it lanced through him like a knife, reopening the gaping wound before it could even begin to heal.

Still...his friend had a good point. In his current frame of mind, there was a very good chance that he would kill Seirei if he saw her. Stolen striders or not, that would put him in the wrong. And he was no murderer. Perhaps in a few days, he wouldn't be calm exactly, but his fury might not be quite so dangerous.

Dravite had another good point as well. Lian had seen Seirei's striders. Though she was bonded only to the mare, both mare and colt had clearly claimed her as their own. For all Lian's claims that she had stolen them, even he had his doubts about it. There was this to consider as well. Whether she had stolen them, and later bonded to the mare, or whether it was true the colt had been gifted to her by the chest...did it truly matter? Because Dravite was right. Lian was Drykas. He knew a bond when he saw one. Then again...

"The bond is real." he admitted slowly.

"But she stole them all the same. Seirei isn't...wasn't Drykas when she made an offering to the chest. The chest was given to our people, not to foreigners. Seirei had no right to pretend she was one of us and make an offering to it!"

And yet...Seirei was half Drykas. Her father was part of a large, successful pavilion. She was also a mortal, like any other. Could she, or any mortal steal from the gods? Or fool them into thinking she was something she was not? Who was he to claim the gods were foolish enough to fall for such a thing? If it were wrong for foreign captives to make an offering to the chest, wouldn't the gods have struck Seirei down where she stood for daring to do it? And yet...

Dravite's wife and son approached them. The young boy greeted him politely, and Lian smiled softly. He returned the boy's greeting before he started showing his new drum to Dravite. Lian watched fondly as Dravite sang and taught his son how to use the drum properly. After a while, the young boy ran off to practice playing his drum for the goats. Lian wondered if his son would ever get a drum for a gift, and practice playing it for animals as this boy was. When his friend spoke again, Lian listened intently.

" not know what to think." he admitted painfully.

"Seirei had no right to make an offering to something that was a gift to our people when she wasn't a Drykas. And yet...the gods did not turn her away. Perhaps they saw something in her that I cannot. She is half Drykas, after all. Raised by a foreigner or not...perhaps that is close enough in the eyes of the gods. The bond is a true bond. I can't deny that. And yet...the bond was influenced by the magic of the chest. It has to have been. With that being the case, is it the same kind of a bond that a Drykas has with a strider? Or is it something new? Something different...foreign? How can we be completely sure either way? On the other hand, a bond to a strider is what makes a Drykas. If Seirei isn't a true Drykas because of the nature of her bond...then what is she?"

Lian paused, struggling to wrap his mind around the situation.

"Part of the reason I am having so much difficulty accepting it is that it happened too suddenly. Seirei has bonded to a strider, but she knows nothing of our traditions, or our ways. So how can she be one of us? Had she learned our ways over time, and adopted them as her own before bonding to a strider, I could have accepted it. I would have seen her as one of us. I even had made a challenge to one of our healers that if Seirei became one of us, and accepted our ways and traditions as her own without knowing what was at stake, I would have freed her, and helped her start a new life among us. She's made some progress in that direction. Enough that I had begun to think it was possible she might become one of us one day. But now? Like this? How can I accept this?"

Lian sighed pensively.

"You have given me a lot to think about, my friend. I do not know if I can give Seirei my trust. But I want my children back. If trusting Seirei, and accepting her as one of us is what I must do to get them back, I will try.".
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A Rough Diamond

Postby Dove Brown on November 4th, 2015, 1:39 pm

Your Grades!
Brought to you on the wings of a Dove!

Please remember to edit your grading request. If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding your grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM.

Name: Dravite
XP Award:
  • Bodybuilding 3
  • Wilderness Survival 2
  • Animal husbandry 1
  • Tanning 1
  • Planning 2
  • Horsemanship 1
  • Singing 2
  • Weaving 1
  • Leadership 1
  • Politics 1
  • Interrogation 1
  • Logic 1
  • Play Musical Instrument: Drum 1
  • Wilderness Survival: securing a tent's pegs and ropes against bad weather
  • Pearl: a proactive planner
  • Weaving: using dry grass to practice
  • Logic: giving another perspective
  • Politics: choosing words carefully
Notes: One or two of your skills have recently ticked up a category, but are still labelled as the lower one in your CS. It would be hepful if you corrected this when you have time.

Name: Lian Windrunner
XP Award:
  • Socialisation 3
  • Subterfuge 1
  • Bodybuilding 1
  • Rhetoric 1
  • Storytelling 1
  • Logic 1
  • Subterfuge: leaving things unsaid
  • Pearl: Dravite's wife
  • Pearl: Trail's daughter
  • Seirei: claims a strider mare and foal
  • Seirei: stole my children
  • Lian: much to think about
Notes: Well written and evocative.

Name: Pearl
XP Award:
  • Socialisation 3
  • Horsemanship 1
  • Planning 1
  • Play Musical instrument 1
  • Childcare 1
  • Moving the city brings an influx of injuries
  • Horsemanship: making makeshift packs
  • Knox: not a pack horse
  • Lian Windrunner: Dravite's friend and hunting companion
  • Lian Windrunner: pavillion guest

Loot: -288 GM, 5CM for your purchases
Notes: Thanks for having added them to your ledger already
Very busy at work. May not be around much for a while.
Threads: 3/3

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