Fall 32, 515 AV
He was running. No, he was lurking, then hurrying forward on soft paws, then peering out of the grass and sniffing before moving on. The copper brown marten was chasing his prey through a dark and deep forest, evading tufts of grass, squeezing under bushes and hopping over rotting trunks. The scent was high up his nose and his ears located each and every rustling sound. He was moving in short bursts of speed, dashing here and there, never losing his prey. At that point, Jay didn’t even know what he was chasing, but he didn’t find that strange at all. It’d feed him, more than that, he was aching for fresh meet and warm blood between his teeth.
The thrill of the hunt fueled his short legs, his slender furry body was like an arrow. If only he could run a little faster, get just a little closer to the thing in front of him… then he’d close the gap. The marten should’ve been exhausted, even collapsed a long time ago, but adrenaline still ran hot through his veins and his body was in excellent shape.
He zigzagged through a forest of small bushes, likely raspberry or blueberry, using his slender and agile built to catch up. Despite the deep shadows, he could almost see it now. So close! The sights and sounds of fleeing prey added a final boost. Two, three steps, then jump.
Sharp teeth closed around slippery scales, his jaw locked as something wet slapped against his cheek. Soft rippling reached his ears while the wet cold thing continued writhing and thrashing in his muzzle. With all his might, Jay kept it between his teeth and pinned it to the ground with one paw. His claws sank into scales. There was no mistaking the oily taste and lack of blood.
He had caught a fish. In a forest. With that, he was catapulted out of his reverie and black eyes snapped open. A scream, albeit cut short, was still ringing in his ears. A tick later, Jay realized it had been his scream. Right, that meant human form. Looking around, he was mildly surprised to see trees and deep shadows. So the forest part hadn’t been a dream. He was standing at the edge of a small pond that magnificently reflected the light of moon and stars. A steady trickle provided the pond with fresh water, so that had been the rippling noise in his dream.
There was no doubt that Jay had dreamt… and walked around at the same time. Furrowing his brow, he leaned forward to gaze into the pond. His reflection looked just as confused. Sleepwalking… he’d never done it before. No matter how he looked at it, this couldn’t be a good sign. With a sigh, he bent down as if his face in the pond held all the answers to his questions. One hand had found his golden earring and was playing with it, stroking the smooth surface.
He was running. No, he was lurking, then hurrying forward on soft paws, then peering out of the grass and sniffing before moving on. The copper brown marten was chasing his prey through a dark and deep forest, evading tufts of grass, squeezing under bushes and hopping over rotting trunks. The scent was high up his nose and his ears located each and every rustling sound. He was moving in short bursts of speed, dashing here and there, never losing his prey. At that point, Jay didn’t even know what he was chasing, but he didn’t find that strange at all. It’d feed him, more than that, he was aching for fresh meet and warm blood between his teeth.
The thrill of the hunt fueled his short legs, his slender furry body was like an arrow. If only he could run a little faster, get just a little closer to the thing in front of him… then he’d close the gap. The marten should’ve been exhausted, even collapsed a long time ago, but adrenaline still ran hot through his veins and his body was in excellent shape.
He zigzagged through a forest of small bushes, likely raspberry or blueberry, using his slender and agile built to catch up. Despite the deep shadows, he could almost see it now. So close! The sights and sounds of fleeing prey added a final boost. Two, three steps, then jump.
Sharp teeth closed around slippery scales, his jaw locked as something wet slapped against his cheek. Soft rippling reached his ears while the wet cold thing continued writhing and thrashing in his muzzle. With all his might, Jay kept it between his teeth and pinned it to the ground with one paw. His claws sank into scales. There was no mistaking the oily taste and lack of blood.
He had caught a fish. In a forest. With that, he was catapulted out of his reverie and black eyes snapped open. A scream, albeit cut short, was still ringing in his ears. A tick later, Jay realized it had been his scream. Right, that meant human form. Looking around, he was mildly surprised to see trees and deep shadows. So the forest part hadn’t been a dream. He was standing at the edge of a small pond that magnificently reflected the light of moon and stars. A steady trickle provided the pond with fresh water, so that had been the rippling noise in his dream.
There was no doubt that Jay had dreamt… and walked around at the same time. Furrowing his brow, he leaned forward to gaze into the pond. His reflection looked just as confused. Sleepwalking… he’d never done it before. No matter how he looked at it, this couldn’t be a good sign. With a sigh, he bent down as if his face in the pond held all the answers to his questions. One hand had found his golden earring and was playing with it, stroking the smooth surface.