18th of Autumn, 515 AV
The full moon smiled down upon him through a clear sky with brightness rivalling that of the sun. Shadyn took that as Leth’s confirmation of a prayer for direction he had made the last night. Funny, really, considering it should not be a full moon right now. Actually, the correct term, he realized, would be miraculous. He had never considered himself particularly religious, but…something in him had changed.
Or had there really been a change? Had it not been the awakening of that part of him that had long lay dormant, subdued by the righteous corruption of the culture in which he had been raised. Whenever he had left Wind Reach, though, as much as he loved his home he had to acknowledge that his heart swelled and grew to match the great expanses around him. The moon had always been a friend to him and these reveries, and now in his journey it had continued to be his night-riding companion, his center-point of navigation and the marking of time...and peace. Could a cold, silvery orb high in the second heaven provide this? No, it had to come from the one behind it...Leth.
He regretted not having read more about the gods during his schooling, but it was too late now. He would have to work to change that. Still, from what he remembered, Leth was a great deal like himself, and he liked that. The turbulent and malice filled past, and then the shift towards a more peaceful and contemplative spirit. Quite admirable, really, and quite a large step towards the perfection of spirit and character that he so desperately sought.
18th of Autumn, 515 AV
The full moon smiled down upon him through a clear sky with brightness rivalling that of the sun. Shadyn took that as Leth’s confirmation of a prayer for direction he had made the last night. Funny, really, considering it should not be a full moon right now. Actually, the correct term, he realized, would be miraculous. He had never considered himself particularly religious, but…something in him had changed.
Or had there really been a change? Had it not been the awakening of that part of him that had long lay dormant, subdued by the righteous corruption of the culture in which he had been raised. Whenever he had left Wind Reach, though, as much as he loved his home he had to acknowledge that his heart swelled and grew to match the great expanses around him. The moon had always been a friend to him and these reveries, and now in his journey it had continued to be his night-riding companion, his center-point of navigation and the marking of time...and peace. Could a cold, silvery orb high in the second heaven provide this? No, it had to come from the one behind it...Leth.
He regretted not having read more about the gods during his schooling, but it was too late now. He would have to work to change that. Still, from what he remembered, Leth was a great deal like himself, and he liked that. The turbulent and malice filled past, and then the shift towards a more peaceful and contemplative spirit. Quite admirable, really, and quite a large step towards the perfection of spirit and character that he so desperately sought.