11 Fall, 515 AV
8th Bell, Evening
8th Bell, Evening
Black over blue, then white, then repeat, then change, blue over white, then black, turn the whole of the yarn over and perform the same from the opposite direction. Pearl was diligent as she worked to weave the yarns with her eyes focused on the pieces she held in her hands. Her fingers moved slowly and in time with the mantra she repeated in her head over and over again so she could weave the pieces of yarn into the pattern her husband chose. The process was tedious, and her fingers were becoming tired and stiff from the positions she had to hold them in for so long during the weaving.
The two of them had bought so many Zibri not so long ago that the entire family had had to resort to weaving the Satalu every evening so they would have enough to place upon their herd, sooner rather than later. At first, the prospect of weaving the Satalu was something she looked forward to. Now it was a tedious task. Of course, she didn’t mind it terribly, it was simply time consuming and, well, no one could call it boring, for it was definitely not boring, as her husband had chosen a pattern that was both beautiful and difficult. That thought brought a smirk to her face and she glanced over at her husband, who was deep in concentration as he was weaving his own pieces of yarn.
Pearl watched him for a moment, the mischief growing within her eyes as she glanced around the fire at the rest of her family, watching each of them for a tick. Belkaia was sitting with Kyanite in her lap while she was patiently teaching him how to weave the yarns into the pattern; her fingers were guiding their son’s as they both worked silently. Just the sight of them caused her smile to soften and the mischief in her eyes to yield momentarily. Yuki sat cross-legged on the other side of the fire holding the Satalu yarn in her fingers and working her own weaving of the pattern. Garrison was cuddled up with her; curled up in her lap and sleeping soundly. Even Raven and Roan were busy weaving.
The embers in the fire pit were crackling; the small popping and hissing sounds mixing with those of the cricket’s rhythmic song of the evening. It was too quiet and there was too much temptation for Pearl to resist; she shoved her elbow at her husband’s arm; the action a little more forceful than just a nudge to get his attention. She meant for it to mess up his weaving, or at the very least interrupt his train of thought and cause him to look away from what he was doing. When he looked at her, his face shadowed by the light from the fire pit, she smiled at him. Those blue eyes full of mischief as that smile turned to a smirk and she elbowed him again, a bit more forceful this time than the last.
Raven, having caught the interaction between husband and wife, and the glint in Pearl’s eye from across the fire, laughed; his booming laughter silencing the crickets. “I think you have a fight on your hands there, my boy!” He managed to say between spurts of laughter just as Pearl slid her foot between Dravite’s and the log they were sitting on and shoved as hard as she could, trying to kick his foot out in front of him.
“Think you can take me?” she teased, making a silly, playful face at her husband with one brow arched; the firelight reflecting in her eyes causing them to sparkle as she issued her challenge.