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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.
- 2 job threads - 1 thread on search for parents / origin of pendent. - Nightmares progressivly get worse. - Seek to learn Meditation. Or find a hypnotist to unlock hidden memories. - At least 1 thread: Learns Panpipes.
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Last edited by Kai' on January 28th, 2016, 9:29 pm, edited 9 times in total.
▪ Gain a second Gnosis mark from Laviku ▪ Adopt a child ▪ Make friends ▪ Save up for a Good Lock and Good Key ▪ Get attacked by Pirates (Birth pod??) / made to walk the plank / invoke The Nal'lyeo ▪ Save up for harpoon and bolts (50gm + bolts) ▪ Learn to play an instrument - panpipes ▪ Spend a night at Black Beach Cavern & get scared away ▪ Flashback thread of the Djed Storm 512av
▪ Grader?? ▪ Improve writting skills ▪ Develop TidalWave Pod more (NPC's / History / Culture etc.) ▪ Song Writing? ▪ Develop Kai's Parent Pod. (Name / Flesh out History / Flesh out NPC's etc.)
Last edited by Kai' on January 29th, 2016, 2:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
"They come from the God of oceans, sea and spray, From the ages of water, over full in their day. If marked by the creator, they come to play games, Or warn of storm and turmoil, respect they have gained. Loyal to Laviku, only to him through and through, With Command over his beasts, his will they do. Their story, all they have done, To be passed through the notes of a song.
They are the Otani, the children of the sea Messengers and warriors, oh but fickle they can be. They are the Otani, the children of the sea Music and song for their attention is key
They shift their forms, like shadows in the dark With the guise of otters, fish and drum-sharks Beware their theft, of a face that is yours They tell Lord Laviku of how your soul soars Deliverence of tribute or offerings to the sea Unscathed, your voyage across the Suvan will be
They are the Otani, the children of the sea Messengers and warriors, oh but fickle they can be. They are the Otani, the children of the sea Music and song for their attention is key"
A Simple prayer:' Dear Laviku, let this work. This one time, I pray.' and also: ' He also found himself praying to his God Laviku, that the sailors and owners of that ship were friendly.'
Last edited by Kai' on October 23rd, 2015, 4:31 pm, edited 11 times in total.
⊹ Brief: The pod of the current champion of Laviku. Its members are mostly young and reckless and they claim to be the sea’s most loyal protectors.
⊹ Location :
⊹ Once, when the Tidalwaves' numbers had been great, their Kin could have been found scattered across the entirety of the Southern Suvan Sea. Surfing its currents in irregular and chaotic patterns, travelling wherever their whims took them. Clusters of their Kin often hung around the Faleyk Gulf, Kanvi Whirlpool and occasionally drifted nearer Riverfall. ⊹ The Djed Storm of 512av devastated the Pod and their numbers dwindled to but a handful. Since then they have never strayed very far from one another, clinging to true Svefran values of family. While the Tidalwaves might hug the coastlines for security these days, they can still be found cruising the Southern Suvan, roaming the open waters in seemingly haphazard patterns through the year. ⊹ Zealous and loyal protectors of the Sea, travellers might meet a pair of Tidalwave warriors in any corner of the Suvan, keeping a watch of threats.
A large family vessel, 80ft long with mutliple cabins and living space. It can comfortably house up to 10 individuals for an extended period of time. It supports 2 light mounts and requires a crew of 6, able to ferry 4 passengers.
Champion's Personal Casinor
A small, personal ship no longer than 30 feet with a single cabin. This Casinor is the personal ship of the current Champion of Laviku, Naku Tidalwave and is therefore rarely found sailing with the main fleet. This ship is capable of traversing inland seas and coastal areas though it is unequipped to travel on the open ocean. Much of the free space on the ship has been converted into living quarters thus cargo is limited to 500 lbs. Equipped with a heavy harpoon for defense, this vessel requires a crew of 1 and is able to ferry up to 5 passengers.
A small, personal ship no longer than 30 feet with a single cabin. This Casinor is the personal ship of the brothers, Dast'gir and Tristan Tidalwave. Most often they remain close to the main Palivar, though as self-proclaimed warriors of the Suvan, when trouble is spotted across the waters, they depart to defend the sea. This ship is capable of traversing inland seas and coastal areas though it is unequipped to travel on the open ocean. Much of the free space on the ship has been converted into living quarters thus cargo is limited to 500 lbs. Equipped with a heavy harpoon for defense, this vessel requires a crew of 1 and is able to ferry up to 5 passengers.
▪ PC Vessels:
⊹ History :
⊹ Lia' Reina was once in the Oceangem Pod. Prefered swift action over slow, contemplative decisions when it came to looking after the Suvan, so left and formed the Tidalwaves. The Pod to follow developed from the Lia's own fierce, reckless nature. ⊹ Formed Pod over the Summer Season 486av. Laviku bestowed the Tidalwaves the Pardisa of an Orca. Taken from the very nature of the Lia's own Tavan. ⊹ Tidalwaves are swift and devastating in decending upon those who cause harm to the Sea. Attracted many warriors, hunters, fishermen. The Pod grew. ⊹ Djed Storm hit the Tidalwaves hard. Most of their warriors, elders and experienced members were lost. Hence how many presently are so young and so few.
⊹ Culture :
TidalWave's Pod Pardisa Orca
⊹ A Warrior Pod. Most loyal protectors of the Sea. Defenders of all inhabitants of the Suvan, be it animal or plant life. ⊹
History: Naku Tidalwave is the current champion of the God of the Sea, Laviku. He is known to traverse through the Suvan Sea, serving as its protector in many aspects. If one needs to contact Naku, they only need send an Avikki bird to deliver a message to him. However, since Naku is widely sought after and has much of Laviku's business to take care of, it should be noted that he will not always answer each and every call.
Concept: While Naku is said to be impulsive and unpredictable, he is far from unreliable. While most of his appearances are unannounced, he knows the right time to be in a certain place. Characteristic of a Svefra, Naku is whimsical and comes off as lacking in seriousness. He tends not to bother with trivial matters and can quip jokes about almost anything. However, there are a few matters that he is very loyal to. Naku puts Laviku before everything else. His intense loyalty to the Sea God leads him to patrolling the sea with his pod. Any of Laviku's enemies, such as those who do not respect his domain and creatures, are punished severely.
Name: Eathelyn Tidalwave Race: Human, Svefra DOB: 61st Summer 483av POB: Southern Suvan Sea Job / Title: Fortune Teller Family Ties: Niece of Johan. Aunty to Crystal and Noh'vu. Adoptive mother of Kai. Shares Cheva Marks with Alec.
Name: Crystal (Crys) Tidalwave Race: Human, Svefra DOB: 13th Spring 500AV POB: Southern Suvan Sea Job / Title: Seamstress Family Ties: Younger sister to Noh'vu. Second Cousin to Kai. Niece of Eathelyn and Alec.
Name: Noh'Vu Tidalwave Race: Human, Svefra DOB: 49th Spring 497 POB: Southern Suvan Sea Job / Title: Fisherman Family Ties: Elder brother to Crystal. First Cousin to Kai. Nephew of Eathelyn and Alec.
⊹ Brief: Once known as the Itsane Pod , they were one rumoured to sail the deep expanse of Ocean surrounding the land of Mizahar. Their Pod once thrived, many hundreds of cycles ago, its members of course blessed and guided by their Father Laviku. They were a hardy family, strong and reckless, surfing the currents of the blue divide. That is, until the sickness took them.
⊹ History :
No one knows quite how they fell pray to it, nor the origins of their sickness. Stories merely tell of how the minds of the Pod warped into disillusion and insanity. Some call it the ' Ocean Madness ', believing the sickness to derive from over extended periods at sea and lack of interaction with the world. Whatever the cause, the Itsane's caught it. Animalistic urges overtook the conscience of sophistication. Bedlam ensued. The Pod hit port cities in a wild frenzy. Death followed wherever they went. They were a disgrace to their race, to their God and Laviku swiftly began to take notice of their behaviour. He cursed them, shunned them, banned them forever from his Grace. Hysteria and heartbreak plagued the Pod as they were hunted down from the creatures of the sea, creatures they once had called friend. The madness only seemed to take a firmer hold of the Pod after that. They yearned to have the reverence of their once beloved Father. They became driven by that need. Soon the Isane's turned to Cannablism of their own Race. They believed that if they ate the flesh and drank the blood of their Marked Kin, that they would in turn gain the love Laviku had bestowed upon their prey. Alas, they drift the Oceans, broken, near extinct. Their existence remembered as nothing but rumour and scary bedtime stories. They are all but forgotten.
⊹ NPC Pod Members :
Name: Clara Race: Human, Svefra DOB: POB: Outer Oceans Job / Title: Lia Family Ties: Mother to twins Sister to Kailytta Aunty to Kai and Nineve
Gnosis: Oceanus Mark [Cursed] 1
Name: Nathaniel Race: Human, Svefra DOB: POB: Outer Oceans Job / Title: Pirate Family Ties: Son of Clara Twin to Noel Cousin to Kai and Nineve Nephew to Kailytta
Gnosis: Oceanus Mark [Cursed] 1
Name: Noel Race: Human, Svefra DOB: POB: Outer Oceans Job / Title: Pirate Family Ties: Son of Clara Twin to Nathaniel Cousin to Kai and Nineve Nephew to Kailytta
Gnosis: Oceanus Mark [Cursed] 1
Name: Dorian Race: Human, Svefra DOB: POB: Outer Oceans Job / Title: Pirate Family Ties: Husband to Kailytta Father to Kai and Nineve Grandfather to Lee'vi
Gnosis: Oceanus Mark [Cursed] 1
Name: Kailytta Race: Human, Svefra DOB: DOD: POB: Outer Oceans Family Ties: Wife to Dorian Mother to Kai and Nineve Grandmother to Lee'vi Sister to Clara Aunty to the twins
Gnosis: Oceanus Mark [Cursed] 1
Name: Nineve Race: Human, Svefra DOB: POB: Outer Oceans Job / Title: Family Ties: Daughter of Dorian and Kailytta Mother to Lee'vi Sister to Kai Niece of Clara Cousin to the Twins
Gnosis: Oceanus Mark [Cursed] 1
Name: Lee'vi Race: Human, Svefra DOB: POB: Outer Oceans Job / Title: n/a Family Ties: Son of Nineve GrandSon of Dorian and Kailytta Nephew to Kai
Gnosis: Oceanus Mark 1
Name: Baku Race: Human, Svefra DOB: POB: Outer Oceans Job / Title: Pirate Family Ties: None