Lighting A New Path

But first you have to make the candle

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

Lighting A New Path

Postby Ssezzkero on October 9th, 2015, 3:03 am

53rd of Fall, 515AV


"Yesss." The Iyvess stood up a little straighter when the Philterer emerged from the back door of the shop.

"I am Madame Kemac, the Sanity Center told me you would be coming. Come with me." The words were no-nonsense, which lead the snake to nod, taking a step forward and passing the boundary of the counter. She glanced back at the silent man who was sit cross-legged on the counter, humming as he widdled a piece of wood. The silent man only winked at her as she followed Madame Kemac, and Sezkero tried to blink the blush away as she passed through the door to the backroom.

The room was clearly storage, fine wood shelves and cabinets lined the hallway and It was filled to the brim with various jars, of which she could only assume were various cosmetic products. "Don't touch these." The woman said as they passed through and Sezkero gave a nod before realizing the woman could not see it and affirming with a 'Yes'.

When they entered the back room, Sezkero immediately saw how the strange pastes and oils were made. The Philtering lab looked large to Sezkero, and there were glass and steel pots and jars everywhere. Copper tubing and various buckets and jars lined the walls and in the center of the room, there was one cleaned table. Clearly the table was a work space that was continuously used, as she could tell from the various nicks and stains that coated the once fine wood. To one corner of the large table a few things were laid out. Various jars of oil, a bag of beeswax pellets, a few measuring cups, a burner, a few empty candle holders and what looked to be strings attached to a small chunk of metal. Candles? Sezkero questioned to herself, looking at the ingredients. It was pretty hard to assume wrong. Of course if she had, she would feel like an idiot.
Last edited by Ssezzkero on October 23rd, 2015, 6:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Lighting A New Path

Postby Ssezzkero on October 9th, 2015, 3:04 am

"Since my husband nor I were the ones to pick you out, I will judge the Sanity Center's decision today. We will start with very simple instructions. Since you have no skill, right now I need to know if you can become my second pair of hands. I wasn't born an Eypharian, so I am not so lucky." The words were dulled as if Madame Kemac had better things to do with her time than teach an apprentice, but Sezkero only nodded silently with wide eyes.

"Bug repelling candles!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together once and whirling away from Sezkero to reach the other side of the table. The Iyvess cringed as the loud scrapping of wood on stone echoed in the brightly lit room as Madame Kemac slid a chair to the other side of the table. "I will give you instructions, you will do them. This shouldn’t be too hard. It is more cooking than herbalism or philtering, but it holds those components too."

"Madame Kemac?"

"You speak, how wonderful. What is it?"

"You want me to do thisss all mysself? The firsst time?"

"How else are you going to learn? It's an easy process, don't worry…" Madame Kemac paused and Sezkero watched her eyes fly through the ingredients as she thought. "What do you think the process is?"

"Uhh…" Sezkero's mind immediately fell blank as she realized the bulls-eye lantern had been pointed at her. How do you make a candle? Sezkero panicked. Melt the wax Something answered from inside her. Duh. "Melt the waxx?"

"Melt it?" Madame Kemac asked, an expression of doubt taking over her features.


"Yes, you melt it." Sezkero blushed, her heart racing she didn't know the first thing about making a candle, and it didn't help that Madame Kemac was giving her doubt, even when she was right. Slightly frustrated, Sezkero stepped forward, looking at the ingredients and tools for a second. There was beeswax and a heating lamp. Two metal bowls, a pot, and a heating stand. Sezkero placed the stand over the unlit heating lamp, and then stacked a pot on top of that.
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Lighting A New Path

Postby Ssezzkero on October 9th, 2015, 3:04 am

"Ssssso you heat the wax in the pot. Then…" Sezkero looked at the little jars of oils, trying to figure out what they were for. This was not a regular candle, so the was was probably not being melted just to be shaped. The oils probably gave it the bug repelling component somehow. "And pour in sssome oilsss while it isss liquid. And then pour it in the candle holdersss."

"Good, you aren't a moron. The last one they sent me couldn't figure that out." Sezkero saw her first smile from Madame Kemac and a shy smile of her own flickered in return, which only made the woman grin wider. "You have the general idea. Of course I don’t expect you to know what the mixture of essential oils are for the candle, or that you need to melt the wax over water so you don't burn it. But, that is why you are learning." Madame Kemac informed her.

"Thesse are called essssential oilsss?" The Iyvess questioned, tapping the lid of one of them.

"That is what I said, didn't I?" Madame Kemac returned to the dull, un-amused tone that made Sezkero think she was an idiot. "Now, let's begin.


"We will prepare the candle mold first, so that you don't have to worry about those while you are cooking. You should always avoid multitasking while philtering, it leads to mistakes." Sezkero picked up the two wicks that lay beside the candle holders, and moved the wooden sticks that lay beside them to the side, unsure of their use.

"No, we need those. You'll wrap the end of the wick around the stick to hold it and then place it into the candle jar, so that the wick stand up straight. When you are done with the wax, you can pour it around the stick and the wick won't move." Sezkero nodded, realizing the use for the sticks were as it was explained to her. Examining the stick for a tick, the Iyvess noticed that there was a small hold drilled into the center, just large enough for her to thread the wick through. Glancing at her instructor once, Sezkero decided to thread the tip of the wick through and then wrap it around the stick and tied a not.
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Lighting A New Path

Postby Ssezzkero on October 9th, 2015, 3:05 am

"Wouldn't thisss wasste thread when we cut it?"

"No, I can use the wicks without the sticks, so we will save the length for another time. But right now, you should use the sticks." The woman informed, crossing her arms on the table and leaning into them as Sezkero adjusted the wicks in the jar.

"Great. Light the oil lamp, I've got it prepared for you." Doing as instructed, Sezkero picked up a match, striking it across the strike pad twice before it lit. Then she hovered the match over the wick until it lit. "Good now, back away, it will get hot quick. You probably aren't an idiot with fire, but you never know with the kids these days." Madame Kemac spoke and Sezkero blew out the match, taking her hands away from the lamp. The Iyvess took a moment to look at her teacher. She knew for a fact she was easily three times the woman's age, and yet as a human she could only look to be in her late twenties or early thirties. Human age was so obscure, Sezkero could never really tell, but she did know that she was not a kid on any account. Hoping to show some initiative, Sezkero placed the heating stand over the flame before Madame Kemac could tell her to, and then placed the pot on the stand.

"No, fill the pot with water. I've put it in a jug right there for you," Madame Kemac reached across from her side of the table to tap the jug. "You should never leave a flam unattended, so make sure you have your water and all supplies before you start the oil lamp." Seskero poured the water into the pot.

"Iss thiss okay?" Sezkero tilted the pot towards her to show it was only filled half way.

"A little more, so it reaches the bottom of the bowl." Sezkero added just a little more water into the pot, before picking it up to place it on the heating stand. "Great, now, I want you to measure out six ounces of the beeswax pellets."

"Alright, jusst with thisss?" She picked up the metal measuring cup. Her instructor nodded as she leaned into her crossed arms, resting her chin on her forearms. Sezkero did as she was told, measuring out six ounces.

"Great, how is the water boiling?"

"Almosst there."

"Perfect, put the wax beads in one of the metal bowls and place it over the boiling water." Sezkero did so, carefully resting the boil on the edges of the pot. "Now, take the tongs and slide the jars closer to the oil lamp. Be careful not to burn yourself."

"Why?" Sezkero asked, furrowing her brow as she did so.

"You want them to warm up so that when the wax is poured in them, they don't shatter. Glass doesn't handle temperature change very well."

"Oh." Sezkero nodded, she hadn't known that but she also didn't use glass enough to know that, it was too expensive for her use. The Iyvess was slowly realizing how expensive this lab must be. She had chosen a very expensive profession to learn. Sezkero Picked up the spoon, preparing to stir the wax pellets together so they could heat up quicker.

"No." Sezkero froze, wide brown eyes turning to Madame Kemac before the spoon could reach the wax. "Let it melt on it's own, you don't need to stir it until we have the oils ready." Tentatively, Sezkero placed the spoon back on the counter, watching the wax melt on it's own, turning into an almost oil-looking liquid in the bowl.
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Lighting A New Path

Postby Ssezzkero on October 9th, 2015, 3:06 am

"Okay, while that melts, you just want to drop the oils in, alright? Read out the labels for me, I forgot which one I wanted you to do."

"Lemongrasssss, Eucalyptusss and Cccitronella." Sezkero read out, twisting the little clay jars towards her so she could read them.

"Perfect, now lets drop them into the wax. Six drops lemongrass, five drop eucalyptus and four drops citronella, alright?"

"Jusst all like that? No ssstirring, no preparation?"

"Just put them in." Her instructor nodded, and Sezkero shrugged, picking up the lemongrass and dropping the five requested drops around the bowl of wax, trying not to center them in any particular area.

"Why thesse 'esssssential oilss'?" Sezkero asked, testing out the new word, as she moved to drop the eucalyptus in as well, followed by the citronella.

"They all have insect repelling properties, and they smell nice. That is all." The humans suddenly gave Sezkero a wide grin. "I'm glad you are interested."

"Well, that isss why I asssked for thisss job." Ker replied with a smile, peering into the wax, which was all melted by now. To her surprise, the oil didn't gather on the top like she would have assume it would. "It'sss melted now, do I mixx it?"

"Nope, just pull the candle jars away from the heating lamp now. Be careful, use your tongs." Sezkero picked up the tongs, sliding the jars away from the heat, and grabbing the measuring cup.

"Sshhould I put the waxx in here ssso I can pour it into the jarss better?

"Great thinking. I usually don't, but I guess you may not have as good aim as me, yes do that."

"Will it ssstick to the sssidesss?"

"No, the oils keep the wax from sticking."

"Great." Sezkero pulled the lamp out from under the heating stand with the tongs, setting it aside. Madame Kemac stood then, coming around the table, snagging a pair of tweezers from a drawer on the way. She inched the wick down in the oil lamp until the flame was almost out and then blew it out, pulling the wick back into place. "Continue, before the wax hardens." She nodded towards Sezkero's work, since the snake had stopped to watch. Taking a rag, Sezkero lifted the bowl of wax from the boiling water, carefully lowering it over the measuring cup so she could pour it in. The taller woman reach from beside her to hold the cup for her to pour with both hands and Sezkero murmured a thank you as she poured the wax in.
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Lighting A New Path

Postby Ssezzkero on October 9th, 2015, 3:07 am

"Perfect, you see how the wax is almost like oil? It won't stick to the sides." Sezkero nodded, setting the bowl aside to pick up the measuring cup herself.

"Ssso I can jusst hold it like thisss?" Sezkero grasped the small jar between her thumb and ring fingers, holding the stick down with her fore and middle finger, leaving a space large enough for her to pour the wax in. Her instructor nodded and Sezkero did so. Although her aim was not very good, Sezkero filled the candle slowly, trying to minimize her spilling of wax.

"Okay, now for the next one." Sezkero pulled the cup up, ceasing the flow of wax and moved to the next candle jar, grasping the warm glass the same way and pouring the wax in. As she tipped the last of the wax into the jar, a drop landed on her finger. Hissing in pain, Sezkero set the nearly empty measuring cup down instantly, yanking her hand away from the process.

Almost as if shew as prepared for it, Madame Kemac grabbed Sezkero's hand, wiping the burning wax of with a rag and pressing in on the burn.

"ZZZULRAV'SSS WRATH!" Sezkero exclaimed, no longer able to hold in the pain and her eyes welled up. "That burnssssss!" She cringed. As her instructor laughed.

"You'll get used to it." She chuckled?

"Burning my handsss?"

"Yes." She nodded, presenting one of her palms to reveal scarred and calloused knuckles from years of work. Her finger tips were also stained from some recent chemical and beneath the bright purple color there seemed to be layers upon layers of discolored pigments from various philters. Sezkero glanced at her hand, which had nearly have a century of callous, but was still relatively soft and not terribly scarred, beside the very visible 'X' scar on her palm or the barely visible freeborn brand. Madame Kemac laughed a little more as she saw Sezkero compare their hands. "Enjoy the beaty while it lasts. " She grinned, releasing Sezkero's hand. "Go run it under the pump, I can give you a salve to use for the next few days. It's going to hurt, but this will keep infection away."
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Lighting A New Path

Postby Ssezzkero on October 9th, 2015, 3:08 am

"But, what about the candlesss?"

"I'll finish up here, you've proved yourself enough. You'll be surprised to learn that candles are perhaps the most basic of philters. With some practice, you should be whipping these out like bread." Madame Kemac waved her towards the door leading back to the storage and the shop. Sezkero cringed at the throbbing in her hand, shaking her head partially because of the pain, and partially because the candles didn't seem easy at all. It was such as mall burn, but it was so hot! When they reached the storage, she slowed behind the woman as the philterer sorted through a shelf before she pulled out a small tin box.

"Here, use this." And then Madame Kemac turned back towards the front shop. The silent man, who Sezkero assumed was her husband, was showing a customer an array of face paints and Madame Kemac turned behind the counter. Sezkero continued on so that she was in front of the counter, turning back to Madame Kemac, and trying to keep her eyes clear from her burn.

"Come the day after tomorrow. I will show you the labs and you'll learn what is what. Usually, you will always clean up what you take out, but this time, I just wanted to see how you did. You follow instructions well."

"Thank you." Sezkero gave a shallow bow. Despite the pain, she started to feel a little giddy as Madame Kemac accepted her.

"You are going to work real hard here."

"I will." Sezkero agreed.

"Good, go home. I have to put together what I'm going to teach you next time. Bring the salve back when you are done with it, it isn't a gift." The aloof sternness was back and so was Sezkero's shyness and she nodded, eyes wide. Madame Kemac pointed towards the door and gave her an impatient look.

"Sssee you in the day after tomorrow!" Sezkero confirmed, scurrying out of the shop and onto the street. Ready to cry because of the pain, but grinning from ear to ear now that she had the job.
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Lighting A New Path

Postby Sayana on November 6th, 2015, 9:46 pm


Don't forget to edit/delete your grade request. If there's anything I may have missed, please PM me and I'll be happy to look into it.

  • Socialization: 3
  • Observation: 5
  • Philtering: 5
  • Rhetoric: 2
  • Candlemaking: 5
  • Interrogation: 1
  • Herbalism: 1
  • Endurance: 2
  • Madame Kemac: Strict but good teacher
  • Candlemaking: Melting wax so it doesn't burn
  • Candlemaking: Using a wooden stick to hold up wick
  • Candlemaking: Mixing bug repellant oils into candle wax
  • Philtering: Glass can shatter with quick temperature changes
  • Essential Oils: Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Citronella
  • Philtering: Basic use of tongs
  • Candlemaking often results in burns
  • Burn on hand that will take 3 days to heal.

Comments: Great thread. I liked the detail you put in and how at the beginning Sezkero struggled to figure out how candles are actually made (conceptually). There was one mention of using a match to light the lantern. I'm not entirely sure whether Mizahar has matches (often people use flint and steel), but I might be wrong on that. Additionally, if you haven't already, it would be good to do a write up for Madame Kemac and submit it to the ST. I couldn't find her shop in the linkmap, though it's possible that I overlooked it.

Your Grader,

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