[Note by Astator] Avae Lillywhite character form

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Moderator: Liaisons

Avae Lillywhite character form

Postby Avae Lillywhite on October 9th, 2015, 7:00 am

Race- Vantha
Age- 19
Gender- Female
Birthday- 26, Spring, 496 AV.
Birthplace- Taldera, Avanthal.
Physical Features- Avae is starkly pale, skin littered with small scars and rough patches. Her hair is long and black, usually wind-whipped and untamed, almost reaching her lower back. Her eyes are wide, giving her a constant star-struck or innocent look. She is 5 foot 7, weighing 136 pounds, most of it being lean wiry muscle and some girlish curves. Her lips are small, slightly pouty, and her nose is slim and long. Across the left side of her mouth, a thin white scar runs diagonally at the very side.

Character Concept:
Personality- For some people, Avae is too intense upon first meeting, all questions, curiosity, eye-contact, etc.. Living in the frozen tundra of Avanthal and even all the region of Taldera wasn't enough for her-simply surviving isn't enough for her. For years she tried to content herself with that kind of quiet, mundane life, but she just couldn't do it. Avae has a fiery craving for purpose, for achievement. She is ever restless, to the point of feeling entitled, excited, and overwhelmed by the endless opportunities of life. She feel as she MUST accomplish something grand and accomplish it quickly: almost everything else is secondary to this soul ambition. She wants to be known and to be revered, and maybe even feared. She wants to change the world. As of right now, Avae is fairly moralistic, but she is ashamed to admit there is a dark ruthlessness in her nature. She would be able to hurt and even kill those who stand in the way of her ambition, but has never been able to tell anyone this, as if saying it out loud gives this trait more life. Some call her flighty and unpredictable, but she considers herself holistic and thinks more people should be too. She tries to hide her manipulative nature because it shamed her family, but it's just too big a trait in her she's afraid. After all, why learn how to do something when you can get someone else to do it for you?

Personal History: (I'm not sure what to put here really...) Growing up in the frozen, but lovely, city of Avanthal, Avae is no stranger to hard times, but no more so than most of Mizahar. She lived with her impoverished family (a small, close-knit clan of four) surrounded by her many neighbors. They hunted mainly to survive and trade, but they always managed to find time to carve wondrous arts into the ice. While the children in her village learned and loved to do this, Avae just never could pick it up. Even though her body and heritage were most definitely Vantha, her heart and soul never were. For many years, she tried to make herself content with the life her friends and family had, but it ate at her. When the opportunity to leave came, Avae took it and hasn't truly looked back since. Sure, she's missed her family some, but the prospect of a glorious future always snubs the loneliness before it runs too deep. Blood isn't always thicker.

Fluent Language: Vani
Basic Language: Common

Skill 1- Wilderness Survival-15 points (SP)
Skill 2- Seduction-20 points (SP)
Skill 3- Persuasion- 15 points (SP)
Skill 4- Storytelling- 10 points (RB)

Lore of Taldera geography
Lore of Syliran culture

-Simple black tunic
-Simple hide pants
-Simple leather brown boots
-Simple gray fur cloak
-Simple undergarments
1 waterskin
1 backpack with these contents-
-comb (bone)
-Week's worth of balanced rations
-rags for monthly lady problem (assuming this race even has a period?)
-1 eating knife
-100 gold mizas
-flint and steel
-a black leather cord necklace with a simple blue, roughly cut gem hanging on it for family heirloom.

Location: she lives in Syliras in a cheap, 20x20 apartment with no added furniture but a bed. She's a minimalist.

Starting Package, +100GM
Total, 100GM
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Avae Lillywhite
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Words: 4030
Joined roleplay: October 9th, 2015, 5:39 am
Race: Human, Vantha
Character sheet

Avae Lillywhite character form

Postby Astator on November 18th, 2015, 6:23 am

I have found a few errors with your character sheet. Unfortunately this means you are unable to continue roleplaying until they are corrected.

  • The Title of your Character Sheet is only your name, please edit the first post and make that change.
  • Please state what Biome you have the ability to survive in with the Wilderness Survival Skill.
  • Rags for monthly problems is not required as that is assumed to be handled.

When you are finished, please PM me by hitting the envelope underneath my name.

Thank you,

Which way do you want to go? Up or Down?

Attention Players, Graders, and Storytellers:

A character sheet does not require the green checkmark for the player to roleplay. This is just a notification to all that the character sheet has passed through the Liaisons thorough checklist and meets Mizahar standards.

All sheets with a large red X or a speech bubble beside their thread title do not recieve grades and cannot continue threads they are currently involved in until all issues have been fixed and verified.

She said down...

Template Credit: 'Ello!, Helping Hands and Red-X Gift codes and images are from Firenze.

Image Credit: 'Ello Worm, Helping Hands Hands, and Avatar are all from the movie Labyrinth.

I will be handling all CSL related posts on Thursdays @ 1800 my time *
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