
God of the Sea.

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Within the confines of this form lies the tangible proof of the prayers of the faithful throughout Mizahar.


Postby Gossamer on January 2nd, 2013, 4:53 am


ImageLaviku is the God of the Sea and all that encompasses it. Considered a father figure to several key races in Mizahar, Laviku has a great deal of interaction with the sentient races in the world. Having been directly responsible for Avalis' creation as well as the formation of the Konti race, Laviku has a vested interest in both Goddess and Race and leaves his mark upon them heavily. To other races Laviku is welcoming to individuals that honor him or sacrifice to him. Perhaps more than any God on Mizahar, Laviku is very motivated and demanding of sacrifice. If ships laden with cargo set sail on his seas without an offering to Him, they often do not make it to their destinations intact. Laviku is Avalis' mate and partner, which means He is often upon Mura with his mate. He can, however, be found elswhere in a blink of an eye if the need arises. Laviku is approachable and is often seen as a vaguely humanoid man, older, with long flowing seaweed for hair and beard. He is usually in the company of one or more of his Alvina which he often uses for transportation or security. Laviku is very active and observant in the worlds oceans so very little that transpires there escapes his notice.

Laviku has unfortunately, before helping Avalis ascend to Godhood, come in contact with many Goddesses and has fathered many sons and daughters on either Goddesses or mortal creatures. His seas team with Alvina who are of a specific class called the Kalvikasi. The Kalvikasi form a powerful group onto themselves which are normally controlled by the Champion of Laviku when one is present. The Kaviskasi do Laviku's bidding and often appear in times and places of trouble as Laviku's liaisons. It is unusual for a Kavikasi to have a reasonable or handsome mortal visage. Most often these creatures are great Leviathans of the sea, taking on forms familiar and usually enormous to reflect their power
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Postby Hadrian on January 4th, 2013, 7:45 am

57th Winter, 512 A.V.

You, Me, and Laviku Make Three.

Note :
1.) This forum is an awesome idea!
2.) Hadrian has been praying to Laviku since soon after the djed storms, and ritual ablutions have been part of them.
3.) This thread is an awkward attempt to help Ricky deal with his loss by sharing some of his spiritual practice with him. Normally he prays, but in this thread, he's attempting extreme meditation. He's not speaking to Laviku, but listening for Him.
4.) I don't expect anything to happen, but I figured I ought to use this forum to keep track from now on.

Thanks for this!
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Postby Razkar on April 12th, 2013, 4:40 am

The Proper Respect


63rd Day of Spring
Anchorage Flotilla
9th Bell

The energy crackled so intensely with violent intent that Razkar was nearly drunk off it. Everywhere his eyes gazed he could see a frenzy of Svefra sailors eagerly preparing to cast off. Food and supplies were being stowed, weapons readied, ropes and sails cast and raised, order roared by unforgiving captains and hard-pressed first mates. The Cuttlefish was alive with activity, morning air still cool under the fresh sun and thus permitting no slackness due to the heat.

Only the handful of passengers were still. Those that were above deck, anyway.

The two Akalaks, Turak and Eranis, were side by side as usual, sharpening their respective weapons. Razkar had done the same to his myriad of blades. He would do so again later, but for now... he had a nagging concern that he had to resolve.

Putting aside the giddy feeling of imminent battle, the Myrian walked over to the edge of the saique. Staring into the gently, eternally lapping water, he marshaled his thoughts. Fitting, then, that he should find understanding in the Suvan, considering what he was about to do.

Razkar knew of the gods. He had only met one, but he knew they were as real and tangible in Mizahar as the water below him or the wood he stood upon. They ran the gamut from benevolent and ancient to monstrously evil and barely years old. But they were all alike in one aspect, aside from those primordial pair that needed nothing but reality to govern, and would exist unto the end of time.

All the others, however? Worship. Offering. Loyalty.



He spoke gently to the water and held out his hand, palm up, over the railing. Mayhap he saw something swirling in the waves, an endlessly shifting miasma that was never the same twice. It could have flowed for a million million years, and no two waves would have been alike. Perhaps that was why he fancied some shadow or suggestion in them.

"I come to you swathed and bathed in the light of Myri, Goddess of War and Victory." His body was still caked in ash and paint and blood, his ritual wear for the coming battle against Braten, his spiritual armor. "But I know that I walk on your domain, among your beloved children, the Svefra."

His free hand reached to the small of his back and Ayatah's double-bladed dagger appeared.

"I have nothing to offer you, Lord of the Seas. No animals or fish. No gold that I can spare. No bonds of unending loyalty, for you know my soul is bound now and forever to my Goddess-Queen."

He hesitated. Not the best opening pitch for worship, he thought, but only a fool would try and lie to the gods. They were unforgiving of such deception, and their wrath was beyond the concept of mortals, let alone the defense.

"But you know all that transpires in your domain, as does She. You know I sail with your children to rid the seas of a blasphemer, a murderer of your kin, a monster on two legs who defiles that which you love."

Razkar's eyes hardened and he drew the blade across his palm, just as he did hours before, shrouded in both darkness and firelight.

"Know that this Braten will die by my hand. Know that I do a service to the God of the Seas. If it pleases you, Laviku... look upon my warring today with favor."

He did not say more on that subject. To make a request of a god... Razkar could barely conceive it. A favor asked? What could a mortal do that would equal whatever a god could not attain themselves? Only his Goddess-Queen had need of her children's offerings, sacrifices of blood and roaring battle that would feed her lust for war.

Razkar did not make a request for himself. But...

"Laviku..." he said softly, and upturned his palm. Blood pooled and began to collect on the center of his palm, "I ask not for myself. But I do ask for another. One of your children, Edreina, will be among us. Protect her. Watch over her. See that her innocence is not shattered by the horror I know she will witness. I seal this with all I have to offer. My blood..."

The first drop fell in a beautiful, perfect crimson orb. He watched it fall straight down, untrammeled by the wind, and then splash into the surface. Blood bloomed on the waves. The brief stain spread like a cancer, then was destroyed by a fresh wave-

-which was blessed by another... and another... and another...

"... and my life."

The red rain ceased when Razkar withdrew his hand and found a cloth to bind it with. No doubt he would need it in a few hours, when the multitude of pods were on the warpath. As he turned back to join his companions, he saw Tonio and Markellus, the first mate, staring at him. Surprise was on their faces, too, but also a curious, restrained respect.

Tonio nodded curtly, but Razkar knew he was getting nothing else. Not that the Myrian cared much. He had honored the one whose domain they would traverse today. That was what had mattered.

He resumed his place next to the Akalaks and his vigil, waiting for Edreina to arrive.
My Words | Your Words | Myrian | Fratavan | My Thoughts
Razkar has been cursed by Yahal, and as such finds little acceptance from others; they will instinctively view him as being deceptive and traitorous. However, when close to one blessed by Yahal, the effect is negated. The curse is etched onto his left pectoral, and viewing the mark causes others to feel dirty and unclean.
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Postby Ricky Maze on April 26th, 2013, 6:36 am

Spring 44, 513 AV; 14th Bell

Ricky was in deep thought as he waited, he leaned against the rail of the ship as the line followed along and waited to be tugged. He never really thought of doing what he was about to do, as he was never one to simply do this beforw, but the idea somehow just felt right when he thought about it long enough. The trip over the sea had been fair as far as he was concerned, but for Ricky things could still be better or worse in any case. His broken ribs had given him enough issues to not have to work on deck as much, so when he pretty much played the role of a simple passenger. What he was about to do? What he should've probably started doing a long time ago; pray and give Laviku some sort of tribute, and it just so happens the messager was finally snagged.

Ricky pulled his rod in and let his old habits kicked in, and reeled in with a few laxes to keep the line from snapping. The sharp pain that pulsated in his ribs was enough to distract him, had he put forth the determination to catch himself this fish. He heard a couple of splashes below as the weight on the rod increased, aware that the flippery creature of the sea was now out of its habitat. When he pulled the fish over to see what it was he allowed a bit of a smile to show, a small sea bass but decent in girth; a young but fine carrier for Ricky's tribute. Ricky unhooked the green slimey fish and held onto it firmly, the silver miza that rested on the rail now waited to be placed in the mouth of the fish. First Ricky had to pray to Laviku, which was something he never actually done before.

'Lord Laviku, if that's uh... How ye're addressed these days, I thank ya for the safe trip to Nyka, and hope that the trip home will be a safe one as well.' He chuckled at how silly he felt, unsure if his prayer was actually heard or not. 'Um. I actually have to admit I've always been kinda fearful of ye and the sea, mostly 'cause my pa bein gone but now I know what its like. Sailing across the sea is the best feelin I've experienced as far as venturing goes, but I'm just a simple man who's ready to live a life at home. I pray to ya now,' The bass floundered in his hands a little as it tried to escape, but Ricky held a firm grip as he concentrated. 'in hopes I may receive yer blessin. I only wish to protect those I love as well as my home, and knowin I have yer blessin in this act... would mean a lot to me actually.' Ricky finally confirmed himself this was true, as the idea of having the support of his god would be more encouraging.

Ricky propped the mouth of the bass open with his finger, and took the silver miza to rest it in. Finally he closed the mouth with his final thoughts in order. 'With that said Lord Laviku, I now offer my tribute. May the sea carry me back home, and bring with me new courage for the future.' He held the bass over the rail and let it drop to the water, a sigh of relief as he heard a splash. He wondered if Laviku heard his prayer, as no sign seemed to reveal itself. Either way he had prayed and given tribute to Laviku, and he was satisfied in doing so.
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Credit goes to Fallon for allowing me to temper with her codings! :)
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Postby Brodon Windriver on June 29th, 2013, 8:30 pm

OOC - in preparation for The expedition to Syka.

49th of Summer, 513 - gray predawn bell

The young man, still dressed in the Benshiran manner despite his Drykas heritage, walked into the shallow coastal tide. He looked at the tower before him and could see the rock jetty which gave access to it. But he yielded instead to the compulsion to drop to his knees in the water. He embellished this gesture by kneeling and touching his forehead to the sand, letting the water flow over his back in the process.

He fought the instinctive impulse to wipe his eyes or shake the water from his hair. These things did not matter, He was not going to open his eyes until he was finished. And the water running down his face did not cause him distress to either his breathing or his comfort.

As always, he prayed in Pavi.

'Lord Laviku,

Tomorrow, we set sail for the land across the Suvan Sea, Falyndar. I am but one of many, and hope any transgression I may commit will not be punished in a way that will cause harm to any of the others. It is not that I anticipate giving you offense, but I am just a man, and know not the ways of proper deference to you. I know only the ways of mortal respect taught me by my father, for whose benefit I make this journey.

I have prepared my sacrifice, such as it is, and hope that it gives you pleasure to receive it. It means a great deal to me, being the only reminder of my home and family, that I still retain. There is much occurring in my homeland, and among my people, that now distresses me. I would not have you think this distress makes it any easier to bear to give up this item, this trinket.

For all that it means to me, it is but a small figure, fired of that special type of clay, the name of which I can not recall. It was given a glaze that gives it to shine in the dark, in the way that our Striders do.

Beyond this, I possess only tools and weapons. And though they have value likely to surpass that of the figurine, they are but mundane and easily replaceable, and as such, I think them unfit for this gesture of respect. The one other item, my father's Iron Staff, is given exemption by Yahal, He who bids me to make this journey. I am given to understand that it MUST reach Syka, and therefore, by his direction, must withhold it as a sacrifice.

I have no doubt you know my heart, and know of Yahal's designs and instruction, better than I ever shall, but I still would not suffer any indication that I tried to hide the presence of this staff from you at a time when we are bidden to make sacrifice to you.

I pray for your forgiveness and indulgence on this count, and hope your mercy will see us all safely ashore on Falyndar.

Reverence and respect be yours now and always,

I, Brodon Windriver, humbly wish it so.'

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Postby Eleret on July 27th, 2013, 7:13 pm

OOCFound this in my notes, apparently forgot to post it. Oops!

Spring 1, 513 AV
occurs in Sightseeing and Sea Kings

"The new year finds me away from home, Father, but never far in heart from You and Your domain. On this day most of all, I give thanks to You, for it was You who raised our mother Avalis to immortality and with her brought the Konti people into being. I thank You for my life, Father, for the lives of my kin, and for the glorious wonder of Your seas. May You bless us all with Your grace throughout the year."
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Postby Malus Tidalwave on September 1st, 2013, 7:08 am

occurs in Through the Storm

"All Father, who has provided for us, your children. Who has protected us in times of need and peril, I ask you for safe passage for me and my kin in this storm over your domain. Protect and guide us, so that we may reach our destination."
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Postby Eleret on September 22nd, 2013, 10:05 am

Summer 49, 513 AV
prayer woven through the length of Spirit in the Details

"My greetings to you, Father. And of your courtesy, please give my regards to Mother as well."

"I have been long away from home, which is both a sorrow and, in its way, a joy. I miss Mura, and the embraces of kin, Lake, and sea. Yet I stay now on the shore of another of your seas, in the city of Riverfall; a place I would never have seen if I did not travel. I find the city of the Akalak beautiful in its way, and would gladly spend more time exploring its wonder -- but this eve will be my last within Riverfall's bounds, and for all the sorrow of departure, I look ahead to this next journey with joy and excitement. "

"We set sail on the morrow to cross the Suvan Sea, to find on the other side a place once called Syka. I hope this journey will find your favor, and that I might ask your blessing upon it -- not only for myself, but for all of us who are in the expedition."

"I rejoice at being in the presence of the sea again, and thus in the presence of you the father of my people. There is another Konti in the expedition, and an Akontak I know from long ago in Mura. Like the sea, these are echoes of home which recall cherished memories to me. But I also have company unlike any I have known --"

"I will travel with a Pycon, those odd little beings of clay; an Eypharian who is also Ethaefal; Drykas, of whom I had heard but now have the joy of meeting; and so many more besides. There is even a human who is also one of yours, one of the Svefra race; he goes about in the company of an otter. We all of us travel to Falyndar, where we will take to the land again and set about exploring and resettling the city of Syka."

"I know little of Syka itself, other than what Mathias Syka shared with us; it did not feature in the history I studied. But I look forward to the chance to resume those studies in this new place -- and to take part in building a piece of the future. For if we are successful, we will add a new city to Mizahar, one with a history and a future all its own."

"I cannot imagine this is a chance which comes often to anyone -- or perhaps it is one we all do have, but rarely recognize or take advantage of."

"In any case -- It may be a long time yet before I stand upon the Isle again, or swim in the ocean beyond its shores. But I know that you are wherever the sea is, and the sea is also here. And so I ask that you look kindly upon this expedition, Father, if it pleases you to do so. Not only as we pass through your realm, but in the days after, so much as you may."
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Postby S'Essy on February 26th, 2015, 7:40 pm

AV 514, Winter 69th
At the Quay's dock

S'Essy was not in the Ocean this time, she was just standing on the docks staring at the docks. It was night time, Markus still didn't come back. She was wearing her cloak which was covering her fully, underneath her head rested on her growing belly. She was staring at His waters, wondering if she should say anything or keep it to herself. No she should just say it loud, no one is there only her and him.

A deep breath, opened her mouth and nothing came out. She didn't even know what to say. She wanted to say something but she didn't know what. She tried again, she was speaking in Kontinese of course. "Father. Good evening to you. Honestly I'm not sure what I wanna say to you or pray to you, but I guess this wouldn't be a prayer at all. Not because I'm disrespectful. No but you know that, I didn't have a mortal father, only you but you were most generous. I always told you my problems, my happiness whenever I had reason to do so. You didn't answer or didn't do anything, you just listened, but that was always enough for me."

She carefully sat down, placing her cloak underneath her. "I guess this is one of those moments, when your little daughter needs Daddy who is busy with other things but still is there for His children. I mean I believe that, and I don't have doubts about that. Expect that one time with that Svefra who claimed that they are the only children of yours. How could I be that much of fool?" She was laughing on her own at herself. She was just bubbling so far.

"So how are you and Avalis? I hope alright. I could be better though, I'm pregnant yes that's wonderful but in this place. Laviku...Father....Dad, I feel terrible here. Only your realm makes me feel safe and being between my dear's arm nothing else. I know he is not fan of your waters, but I swear to you he is a good man. And I'll show him the wonders of your water. "

"I just don't how long I can survive here with sanity. What can I do? Well it's obvious and it's my Call to follow him but it's hard in here. I'm not as tough as you, I am indeed very sensitive. I don't know what's the point to tell this, not much you can do about it. But wrong, by being here you help, and by listening like a real Father, because you are one. I don't know, it's enough but there are days, and this is one of them, when I wish I heard your voice once. Once in my life I wanna hear your voice, Father. And I wait for that day, be it today or tomorrow or 100 years later. And I thank you for being here for me, you don't know how much it means for me."
Unless I promised one, I can not accept any more threads at the moment! I'm sorry.
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Postby Kai' on October 12th, 2015, 7:38 pm


A simple prayer to Laviku appears in 'A Southern Newbie to the Anchorage Flotilla'

  .... It would be by the luck of Laviku's grace that it would actually work in time. As Kai raced to take up his position behind the wheel, the young Svefra prayed to the God of the Ocean. ' Dear Laviku, let this work. This one time, I pray.'
  With his breath held, heart pounding in his ears and prayers said, all the young sailor could do was try and direct his personal Casinor as it drifted without power, other than momentum, towards another small ship moored on the outer most reaches of the boat town. He also found himself praying to his God Laviku, that the sailors and owners of that ship were friendly....

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