by Jantys Vane on May 31st, 2013, 12:28 pm
In Common, Jantys prays quietly from his bed in the Syliran Squire Dormitories...
"I don't pray very often. When you're looking through the bottom of a bottle, you don't usually see any gods, and any you do see are probably fake. After all, there ain't a god of alcohol or anything, at least, not one that I've heard of... So what do you pray for?
"I found what to pray for, though. Myself. Here I am, trying to make myself into something, something worthy of being looked at and respected. I'm trying to give myself a second chance, since I botched the first one so petching well. But second chances are the gifts of gods, they aren't the area of mortals. So that is what I ask for, what I pray for. Because every day I can feel myself slipping backwards, getting complacent, losing the sobriety and sanity that I've managed to take hold of for a few scant months. And I can't stand it.
"You are the twin gods of lost causes. Well, here I am, the most misplaced and least missed cause in all of Sylira. If you find me worthy, please, assist me. Help me be strong."