Drake Kasparov THE BLUE WIZARD "Ah, such a wonder, Ice. So delicate, so temporary. So very lethal." "It matters little, the strength of the body, when the mind that controls it is so malleable." 001. Appearance Date of Birth: 40th of Spring, 495 AV Race: Vantha Gender: Male Profession: Wizard Age: 21 Years Fluent: Vani Poor: Nader-canoch Basic: Common Weight: 140 lbs Height: 5'10" Eyes: Varies, Typically Blue. Hair: Black, Purple Highlights Merits: Shrewd, Logical, Ambitious, Iron-Willed, Thoughtful, Inquisitive, Industrious, Cautious, Patient, Farsighted, Confident, Gregarious, Romantic Flaws: Calculating, Manipulative, Deceitful, Competitive, Cynical, Snarky, Hedonistic, Emotionally Detached, Stubborn, Mistrustful, Paranoid, Prejudiced, Ruthless, Arrogant Standing at five foot ten, Drake didn't cut the most imposing of figures. Vantha weren't known for their physique in the first place, and Drake was a pursuer of intellectual pursuits far more than of physical ones. His chest was shallow and his shoulders narrow; while he certainly was not gaunt, and rather tall among his kinsmen, growing up in Avanthal hadn't allowed for culinary extravagance, and as such he was built lean and unimposing, but strayed far from looking malnourished. His skin was as pallid and without blemish as freshly fallen snow, a stark contrast to his hair, blacker than black with glossy purple highlights creating cascading patterns down the front of his bangs, which hung in haphazard tufts to partially eclipse the fluctuating light of his prismatic eyes. One thing that Drake learned early after leaving Avanthal was how important appearances are when trying to maneuver people. Toward that end he puts some thought into the clothes he wears. People he meets are immediately struck by his robe, arctic blue and trimmed with elaborate arcane embroidery in lighter and darker shades of blue. It's sweeping sleeves easily catch the breeze as it rolls past, and his jet black hair constantly poking out in errant spikes from beneath the brim of its hood. Beneath the robe are more garments in varying shades of blue, but simpler in design; a lighter shade for his tunic, embroidered with red string to keep it tied snugly; his pants were a much darker shade of blue, helping to deflect the stains of his travels from prying eyes. They were held up by a black sash, trimmed in runic lines of blue, and tucked firmly into a pair of leather boots. With him at all times, to help round out his mystical look, he also carried a visually dazzling staff of dark wood with bright golden inscriptions and a rough-cut blue crystal housed at the top. As with any Vantha, his brightly shining eyes and streaked hair were striking enough features in their own right. However, just as many strangers found their eyes drawn to the tattoo's that ran up from the nape of his neck across his jaw and the lower right-side of his face, almost running into his eyes. Intricate geometric patterns, they encased a beautiful, dazzlingly complex snowflake pattern hidden on the nape of his neck, peaking up from the collar of his cloak every once in a while. Unlike the rest of the tattoo's which were inked in black on his skin was bright, this snowflake was bright and blue, and seemed to shimmer unnaturally whenever it could catch the light. "I have been accused of many things. Banality is not among them." 002. Personality Likes: Magic, Music, Competition, Stories, Learning, Strategy, Wine, Intelligent Conversation, Poetry, Theater, Winter Dislikes: Stupidity, Moralists, Children, Most non-Vantha, The mundane, Cowards, Recklessness, Summer Ethics: - The Ends always justify the means. - Caution, but never cowardice. - Contentment is the death of the soul. - Most people are in it for themselves. Evil is just a word applied to those of us who are better at it. - You're either a predator, or you're prey. - Those who stand in my way will be crushed. No exceptions. - Think before you act. Think before you speak. Above all else, Think. In many aspects, Drake is as Vantha as they come. Theatrical almost to the point of flamboyance, he is very enamored with the sound of his own voice, and requires little prodding to delve into fantastical stories and long-winded rhetorical diatribes on philosophy, art, or any number of topics that intrigue him. His gregarious nature and extroverted persona are born out of a pronounced sense of arrogance and egotism, and although most would describe his demeanor as friendly, if not somewhat eccentric, the truth is that he views most people as being beneath him. He is not incapable of making friends, but is so mistrustful and conniving that typically one can at best expect to be a valued asset in his eyes; at worst, one could expect to be viewed as a disposable tool, to be used up and discarded at will. There are exceptions to this attitude, of course. Even as a child, he had a soft spot for animals, and was quick to anger if he saw them being mistreated. Similarly, perhaps born of chronic sense of homesickness, he often has demonstrated a weakness in regards to his Vantha kinsmen in recent years, when he has encountered them in his travels. The friendhips he has he has had since leaving Avanthal have been few and far between, but almost always have been born more out of a respect for the persons abilities then out of any genuine emotional connection. Drake doesn't view this detachment as a character flaw, but as a skill, one that he takes great pride in. Typically, regardless of what he thinks of people around him, Drake is capable of getting along with others. To those who provoke his ire, however, he will become something of a living nightmare. Drake takes great pleasure in destroying people who get in his way, and takes pride in his ability to think up new and creative ways to burn their lives down before ultimately snuffing them out. "" 003. History Gnosis:Ice Reaving, 1: As with many of his now estranged kinsmen, Drake was marked by Queen Morwen when he was born. Sitting on the nape of his neck is the intricate marking of a snowflake, encased in other tattoo's of a more mundane variety. Drake was born not Drake Kasparov, but Drake Snowsong, in the northern reaches of Taldera, in the frozen city of Avanthal. The youngest of three siblings, Drake’s early upbringing was very common for a child of the Aurora. He spent his early days of at play amidst the ice and snow, spending the long cold nights in the warmth of Snowsong hold, listening to his mother, Lelianna Snowsong, sing great tales of heroism and adventure from bygone times. And while his older sister and brother both took after their mother, becoming respectable poets and storytellers in their own right as they entered adolescence, Drake gravitated toward a different artform. Drake’s father, Erik Snowsong, originally of Iceglaze hold, was a Cryomancer, and coupling that his Ice Reaving gnosis and his knowledge of architecture, was highly valued around the city. Much to his mother's chagrin, Erik initiated his son into Reimancy at the ripe age of eight, and within two years Drake was already able to call himself a Cryomancer. His father had argued that he eventually wanted to teach Drake anyways, and he believed it easier done as a child, when the mind was most malleable. Drake's early lessons were heavily centered on discipline, focus, and self control. These were also interlaced with lessons in Shielding, which Erik had never been formally taught, but had slowly worked out on his own. Drake didn’t take an interest in his father's work, however. Although appreciating it's usefulness, and helping out just in the interest of spending time with his father, Drake ultimately fell in love with the magic for its own sake. He hungered, in a childish and innocent way, to learn more. He wouldn’t have to wait long to get his wish granted. In the fall of the year 505 AV, a stranger came to visit Avanthal. He was a quiet old mystic, with a deck of fortune telling cards and a arcane demeanor. Blind in one eye, he quickly became the focus of excited whispering among the Vantha as he was said to be a genuine fortune teller - someone who could read the future. Ever the skeptically minded, but also very intrigued with the notion, Drake paid the strange mystic a visit. Oddly, the man offered to give Drake his reading free of charge. While alone, after several hours of conversation, the man eventually admitted to being a Wizard, and using his magic to aid in his profession. With enthusiasm, Drake told the stranger about his own interest in magic, and with a grin, the stranger offered to teach the boy a brand new type of magic. Magic that could make him infinitely more persuasive, bending the minds of those around him to his own will. Young Drake accepted eagerly. The very day after Drake’s initiation into Hypnotism, the strange mystic vanished. Somewhat confused and saddened by this(having hoped he would have a longer term teacher,) Drake began to hone his new skill with vigor. For a couple of years the subtle application of it when mixed with his Storytelling abilities earned him much coin, and as he transformed from a boy into a man he also found it gave him a formidable edge in the arena of love, as well. Five years after the strange old mystic vanished, Drake's nature as a Hypnotist was discovered, and the repercussions were dire. It was only through the intervention of his parents that Drake was not killed by the Ice Watch, and instead found himself forcibly ejected from the city, joining a caravan headed for Nyka, never to be permitted to return. In the years that followed, Drake at first felt bitter and frustrated with his life. He started off simply acting as a paid guard for the caravan, using his Reimancy and Shielding abilities to help ward off bandits and other such dangers of the road. After some prodding, a Drake eventually agreed to initiate and teach one of the merchants he had been traveling with. Although he was often frustrated with how slowly his student seemed to progress, he appreciated the hefty sum that the merchant was willing to pay for the service. Slowly, Drake's longing for home transformed into a yearning for something even greater. He had grown enamored with the challenge that this harder lifestyle had given him, slowly coming to view his old life as mundane and banal. But the challenges of the caravan life too, would eventually become banal, and Drake knew that in order to grow as a wizard, and a person, he needed to push himself to do something even harder. It was on that thought, that he began his journey for the island of Sahova. |