The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Kusuri on November 18th, 2010, 7:30 pm

Kusuri glared at him for a while. "Don't get all worked up, shorty, I was looking for something to do is all. Kusuri had just officialy nick named him, which she does to everyone who doesn't state their name in the first few minutes of meeting her.

"Why are you here?" She asked questionaly, taking a step closer to him as well. Chalenging him, a littled upset by his rudeness. "Or do you just like to hang in random alleys?"
"Storms of flame and ash,
take all the colour away,
till I see nothing."
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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on November 18th, 2010, 7:49 pm

Jokor scowled at the girl when she called him shorty. "You are not much bigger then me so shut up about it! Or do you wan't to be beaten up!" Jokor growled out, his patience wearing thin, he took another step forward. "So if you want something to do the whorehouse and get a job there, then you can stop bothering me about what I am doing! "If you don't I bet some slavers would be happy to pay me some coins if I bring you." Jokor bluffed again, not serious about selling her, He had way to much problems with those moron's already and wasn't keen to get thrown in the cages again.
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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Kusuri on November 18th, 2010, 8:08 pm

Kusuri was no longer amused by his atitude. She reached for her sketch book, and hit him squarely on the head, smirking slightly. "Yeah right, I'd like to see you try shorty." She took the book away and started to get an evil look in her eyes. "Maybe I should take you to the slavers just to teach you a leason." Not serious at all about it though. Right now she was in the mood to watch someone squirm, and he was her target.
"Storms of flame and ash,
take all the colour away,
till I see nothing."
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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on November 18th, 2010, 8:20 pm

Jokor Rubbed his head when she hit him with her sketchbook.
"I wanna watch you try, You look like some rich bastards spoiled girl, so I higly doubt you can handle what the alley's of Sunberth vomit out."
Jokor gave a wicked grin. "But you are welcome to try if you want.
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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Kusuri on November 18th, 2010, 9:15 pm

"How confident. Look here shorty." Kusuri drew her katana and pressed the blade on his shoulder. "Running won't get you anywere." Smiling wildly displaying her fangs. "So why don't you just be good?" Kusuri was quite curious about what he would do next.
"Storms of flame and ash,
take all the colour away,
till I see nothing."
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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on November 18th, 2010, 10:02 pm

"oh the scary girl has some fangs and a bent sword, what the hell am I going to do now." Jokor said in a mocking tone. "come on, I bet you can do a better Job to frighten me then that, A few days ago some freaky snake tried to roast me and eat me after it." Jokor looked her straight in the eye.
"So get lost and go find someone else to bother."
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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Kusuri on November 19th, 2010, 8:18 pm

About to let the man have it, Kusuri stoped and went through what he just said. "A snake?" Kusuri had never drawn a snake, now intrested in that she forgot about shorty, and put away her sword. "How big was it?! What color was it?! Were did you see it?!" She shouted frantcly. She needed to draw a snake, she just had to. So right then and there Kusuri made it her offical goal to draw a snake.
"Storms of flame and ash,
take all the colour away,
till I see nothing."
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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on November 19th, 2010, 10:00 pm

Jokor was dumbfounded at her reaction. Did she seriously want to draw that snake freak? Not to mention she was shouting pretty loudly right in his face.
"Hey be a bit quieter won't you? You are making me deaf with your screeching!"
Jokor yelled at her and pushed her away from him. Jokor rubbed his ears while glaring at the girl, before a sly smile made its way on his face.
"Well I could tell you those things about it, Heck I might even take you to it if I wan't, but what can you give me for that?"
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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Kusuri on November 20th, 2010, 5:39 pm

She sighed, and crossed her arms. Hopefull this wouldn't drag out for to long. It was worth it though, never seeing a snake before Kusuri was really intrested. "Fine, what do you want?" She said with a hiss. Muttering things under her breath.
"Storms of flame and ash,
take all the colour away,
till I see nothing."
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The Begining of Chaos (Jokor)

Postby Jokor on November 20th, 2010, 11:02 pm

Jokor paused to think as the girl asked what he wanted. Did she really want to draw that thing that badly she wanted to pay him for it? He looked her in the eye.
"Well the only thing that has any value in sunberth of course, Money. So how much would you give for it?" Jokor gave her a warning glance. "And don't try to screw with me either, or you are going to pay for it!"

OOC: I looked up the symenestra and it looked like you guy's can climb up walls like a spider, Sorry for saying they couldn't some time back
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