Completed A Shadowed Hunt [Job Thread]

Redd is on the hunt

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The Wilderness of Cyphrus is an endless sea of tall grass that rolls just like the oceans themselves. Geysers kiss the sky with their steamy breath, and mysterious craters create microworlds all their own. But above all danger lives here in the tall grass in the form of fierce wild creatures; elegant serpents that swim through the land like whales through the ocean and fierce packs of glassbeaks that hunt in packs which are only kept at bay by fires. Traverse it carefully, with a guide if possible, for those that venture alone endanger themselves in countless ways.

A Shadowed Hunt [Job Thread]

Postby Redd on October 31st, 2015, 11:24 am

Date: Day 55, Fall, 515 AV – Morning
Location: Sea of Grass

Redd’s paws were soon becoming quite wet as they padded through the slightly wet ground that nourished the grass underneath them. Her coat brushed through the grass, which occasionally picked up random drops of leftover rain. While it would have made her shiver, it didn’t for her coat was thickening in preparation for the coming winter, the coming snow. The wolf paused for a brief moment in her steps and lifted her nose so then her single golden hue could watch the clouds move above her. Soon, the clouds above would form one big swarm of clouds to block out the sun and prevent it from casting shadows with its golden razes. The young wolf tilted her head to view her own shadow that flickered as the grass gently ruffled with the wind. She had grown used to her own shadow being the only one to accompany her through her lonely days as a slave, what would she do when the snows came? She would have to rely upon the light cast from flames in order to feel as though she wasn’t the only one, to feel as if she wasn’t out of place with the rest of the world. Her own shadow, was her own friend, even if it was only a shadow of her own being.

A rush of air was breathed through the wolf’s nose only for her to draw in a deep breath to smell her surroundings. Fresh, the air around her smelled fresh and alive, not like the air of Sahova, it had been tainted with death. The air here, it smelled fresh, alive with beating hearts. It smelled of the damp earth and crisp grass. While the rain washed away tracks and scents, that didn’t mean that she couldn’t track using those methods after the rain had gone. No, the crisp air made it even easier to find new scents, for the air was so crisp and so clean. Not to mention that the softened ground would out-line fresh marks easily, the trick was to find them. Redd's nose dropped to the ground while her paws carried her forwards. Her ears flickered to and fro as they listened for any new sounds, sounds that would give away her next prey. After all, she was on a hunting trip to make herself some mizas. Now that she was free, she could make some mizas for herself, so then she could live, live and be free.

Over-head, the clouds moved along the plains shadowing the Sea of Grass until it moved along and the sun poked through once again. The wind continued to ruffle her slowly thickening coat and it was only then that she realized something. Her ears perked forwards and her head shot up to view her surroundings, she was just as visible as anything else was amongst the grass. While her coat may blend in some what with the grass; should anyone be so stupid to over-look the red patch amongst the green, she was still visible. A growl rose within to rumble through her form, she was very displeased at this fact, it was something that she should have realised when she first arrived in Endrykas. The wolf would probably be better off if the snow did fall right then and there, so then it would provide her with some patchy cover. Unfortunately, as she looked to the sky, it would not be today. At least she had the company of her shadow, the snow would take that away from her soon. A frustrated growl rose from the wolf and she moved forwards once more, hoping that her hunt would take her mind off of those troubling matters.

After she had wandered for a bell through the grass, drawing in the many scents and watching for any tracks, the young wolf was finally given a hint as to where her prey might very well be. A fresh print in the ground, the grass had been crushed into the damp earth by the print itself. However, the print made Redd stop and examine the print. It wasn’t a deer print that she was used to, no, but it did indeed look similar to one. The wolf angled her head to the left while her single golden eye viewed the out line of the print. Indeed it wasn’t as slim and long like a deer’s print, it was shorter and fatter to say in the least. It was as if an animal took the print of a deer and squished it to resemble something different. Had she stumbled upon a different prey? One that she had no knowledge of? Both of her ears pricked forwards and her gaze moved along the ground to follow the prints. Her nose caught the scent of her prey, however it was feint and the wolf knew that she would have to move quickly in order to catch it. She didn’t want it pulling a stunt that the rabbits did and hide in a hole. Even though the wolf could tell by the print that it was much larger than a rabbit.

Word Count853
Last edited by Redd on October 31st, 2015, 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A Shadowed Hunt [Job Thread]

Postby Redd on October 31st, 2015, 1:26 pm

Redd turned her nose to the scent and began to follow the feint trail, but she did pause every now and then to view the prints that also went with the scent. The strange prints that she had not seen before. Could it just be a fawn? They had small prints as well, but it was generally long and slim as well, their prints were exactly like a deer, just a smaller version, not a squished one. The wolf hoped that it wasn’t some escapee of Sahova, for some of them seemed to breed like rabbits and they were quick. Her steps were not quick enough for the wolf, she wanted to run after the being that had a fair amount of time to escape. However, the young wolf knew that she would loose the scent at such a pace, the quicker one moved, the more likely that they would loose the scent of the one that they were tracking. This being the fact that there were plenty of other scents that were close by and the two could easily blend and she would loose track of it. Once that happened, she would have to back track and she couldn’t afford to loose too much time, so she stayed at a half jog, half walking pace in order to track the scent successfully.

A bell later and Redd was still chasing her quarry through the grassy plains, tracking it via its scent and prints. Occasionally, the young wolf found small lumps of dung that wasn’t too hard when she gently pressed a paw upon it. She knew then that she was beginning to gain upon her prey. It had to be a grass eater, for if it had been a meat eater, chances were, it probably would have caught its prey by now. Well, she would have hoped so, for she hoped to catch her quarry soon enough. As chimes passed by and Redd continued on, the patchy sun continued to warm her red fur every now and then when the clouds gave it a chance to. Would her quarry be chasing shelter? Does it know that it will snow soon? She questioned to herself, perhaps if it had fur, its coat would be thickening as well. Another few chimes went by and the young kelvic almost missed the sight of the beast before her. It wasn’t until she realized how strong the scent that she had been tracking was, until her single gaze caught the sight of a beast with its ears pricked up in her direction.

Well shyke, thought the young wolf as both of her ears pressed back against her skull, her single golden hue was trained upon the body of the beast before her. It wasn’t like a deer, no, but it did have something similar to antlers, but they were more like a pair of horns upon its head. The white beast even looked like it had a white beard underneath its chin. Its coat was shaggy and she couldn’t help but notice that it wasn’t as tall like a deer and it was then that she realized that the beast before her was a goat, a male one at that. Redd growled low and noted that the beast had shaken its head in her direction and it had lifted one of its front hoofs before bringing it back down upon the ground. What was it doing? She silently asked herself as she realized that it didn’t seem like it was about to run away from her anytime soon. A factor that she didn’t understand. She was a wolf, a deer would have ran if they had seen her, why not this one? It wasn’t until it began to run at her that she realized that this animal was not going to go down without a fight. It was a runner, no it was a fighter and it wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Word Count661
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The One-Eyed Wolf
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A Shadowed Hunt [Job Thread]

Postby Redd on October 31st, 2015, 3:35 pm

Redd’s paws reacted without a thought and she jumped to the left side, her golden hue barely just caught the figure of the goat passing her body. It was close enough to make her fur softly ruffle and a snarl was brought forth from the wolf as she turned. Her single eye landed upon the sight of the goat as it too turned around, after having to slow its movements down enough to do so. She continued to watch as the goat shook his head and stomped his front foot once more. He came at her again and Redd was forced to the right, barely jumping out of his reach. She could feel his mangy, long fur brush up against her own coat. That was close, the young wolf scolded herself as she had been slightly put off by the fact that it had actual lunged at her twice now. Think, Redd think! She had to find its weak spot, her opening to lunge in for a bite. Hopefully it would be a bite that would be deadly enough to bring it down, or slow it down without being killed in the process. The thing was she had to be quick and sure about her footing, but could she be sure about her footing when she only had half her eye sight? Another snarl rumbled from the wolf and she silently cursed Venser at the reminder of her missing right eye.

Thundering hooves caught her attention and she realized that she still had her back to the very prey that was charging at her. Shyke! Redd silently cursed and her paws dug into the earth as she shoved to throw her wolf form to the right. Her paws landed uneven, and she stumbled, her form crashed down upon the grassy earth underneath. Get up! She yelled to herself as she shook her head and brought her paws back underneath her. Redd stood and shook her coat out just as soon as she saw the goat prepare for yet another attack. The young wolf reflected back upon the goat’s attacks and she realized that its hind legs were exposed just before it turned around. An ear flickered forwards then and another snarl rose from the wolf. This snarl however, was more or less a taunting one. One that she hoped would make the beast lunge into an even more furious run. The kelvic only had to dodge it, turn and snap. Or… The thought made her smile on the inside. As the beast ran past her, she could just simply turn her head and snap at the hind leg. All she had to do, was time it right.

Breathe.. She told herself and drew in a breath before slowly letting it go. The young wolf repeated this step as soon as the goat began charging at her again. Again, she lunged to the left side, but it wasn’t a large leap, only to just put her out of the path of the charging goat and she snapped her head to the right, her jaws snapping at where she thought that the back leg should be. The wolf had done this because she couldn’t physically see the leg itself, instead she relied upon her timing and the feeling of the wind that rushed passed her own form. It seemed as if time itself slow down for that split tick, even though she knew that it didn’t and her teeth struck gold. They sank into the goat’s back leg and a bellow of pain was issued from the goat. Redd tasted blood, the sweet taste of blood that ran through its veins, but only for a second. The beast began to shake its hind leg to shake her loose and because of the movements and the way her body was positioned, she didn’t have a proper stance to hold onto it and she was shaken free. Her footsteps stumbled and she was thrown to the ground once again as her jaws let go of her lucky prey.

Word Count674
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A Shadowed Hunt [Job Thread]

Postby Redd on October 31st, 2015, 5:43 pm

Redd rolled back up onto her paws once more and she turned to view the goat as he tossed his head and limped on his back leg. It seemed like she had slowed him down somewhat, but the only problem was that she now had to find a different tactic. One that involved getting close enough to the beast to tear open his throat. He was probably slow enough to probably take a chance at his throat, but the only problem was the fact that his horns would more than likely graze her by shaking his head. He was, after all, doing a great deal of that which seemed like one of his scare tactics. The young wolf did not particularly feel like being speared by one of the horns, especially considering that they looked pointy enough to spear her with. Perhaps if she attacked the other hind leg, she would have a chance at disabling the beast, bring it down so then she could have a chance at its throat. Or if she didn’t have that chance, she could simply wait until the animal tired itself out in order to safely go for the throat. The beast should by rights be beginning to tire out, especially with how much charging he had been doing.

Another bellow reached her ears and her golden hue snapped to the goat as it began to charge again, although its movements had been slowed down due to the fact that it now had an injured hind leg. So the moment that it got closed enough, Redd jumped to the right side of the beast and the rush of air ruffled her fur before she snapped her jaws to the left. This time, her golden hue could see the leg as it passed by, so it wasn’t that hard to get the timing right. Instead of locking her paws into the earth, she allowed her body to swing around with the motion of her snapping jaws which had snapped closed around the uninjured leg. Blood! Glorious blood filled her mouth and she wanted to just simply start tearing into the beast that she had worked so hard to bring down, but she knew that she couldn’t, for this was a kill to bring back for mizas. Her teeth clung to the leg, even as the beast tried to shake her off to no avail. Slowly, she let her grip upon the back leg go and backed away about a couple of steps, she didn’t want a hoof to the muzzle.

Her single hue watched the goat’s attempts to get back up, to stand back up onto its hooves, but to no avail. The young wolf had put its back legs out of commission and she would have smirked to herself if she had been in human form. Instead, she slowly padded up along the goat and watched as it struggled to get away from her. Her single golden hue gleamed with triumph and her head snapped forwards, her jaws sunk into the soft flesh of the goat’s throat. More blood rushed to coat her tongue and she listened and felt the last strangled cry that bellowed from its mouth. Slowly, the struggles of the goat died along with it and the moment that it ceased all movement, was when Redd decided to let go of her grip upon its neck. The head flopped down upon the ground and its blood continued to rush from the gaping wound where she had sunk her jaws into. The spotted sun light returned and her shadow was then cast over the dead beast that laid before her as the wind gently ruffled her brindle red fur. Survival of the fittest alright, Redd silently mused to herself.

Total Word Count2,818
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The One-Eyed Wolf
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A Shadowed Hunt [Job Thread]

Postby Tribal on October 31st, 2015, 10:26 pm




  • Observation: 3
  • Hunting: 3
  • Tracking: 2
  • Logic: 2
  • Unarmed Combat: 1
  • Endurance: 1
  • Tactics: 1
  • Planning: 1


  • Redd: The company one's shadow
  • Endrykas: Fresh air
  • Redd: Free at last
  • Tracking: Scat
  • Tracking: Following a trail
  • Goat: Buck
  • Tracking: Goat prints
  • Goats don't go down without a fight


I like that your thread was about the job rather than a lot of travel and socialisation some people try to turn their job threads into. Your paragraphs are massive and that can make them a little difficult to read through (I found once or twice that I lost my place and had to read through again), so that might be something to work on breaking up?

Looking forward to seeing more of Redd's adventure unfold in the city of Endrykas and the surrounding Sea of Grass. Would be nice to see her try some human form hunting, maybe set a few traps (I know she doesn't own anything but she can use nature itself if she is cunning). Enjoy the rewards!
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