Closed Lost Love (Nephti)

Sayana performs a dance and story of tragic love.

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

Lost Love (Nephti)

Postby Sayana on October 27th, 2015, 10:47 pm


Fall 82, 515 AV – Crooked Playhouse

It was the morning of her big performance. This wasn’t just one of her small performances here and there for the Crook. No, this was the one she had been working on for almost the entire season to be ready for this day. Sayana woke up far earlier than she needed and after tossing and turning she decided it wasn’t worth it to try to get back to sleep. She was both anxious and excited for the show they were going to put on since she had a major role. Although she was not one of the star characters, she was instead the narrator and lead dancer for the performance.

Since it was still very early, she made a quiet breakfast but it didn’t take her long to finish and she soon found herself anxiously pacing the room. She soon realized that she’d drive herself mad if she didn’t get out, and softly roused her Eypharian slave. “Nephti, meet me at the Crook in a couple of bells so that you can help me get my costume and makeup just right.”

Sayana left the Cubacious Inn and her breath was taken away at the view that awaited her. It seemed as though the Inn had made its way to the very summit of the mountain and for miles around she could see the vast forests surrounding the city. As she breathed in the fresh yet thin mountain air, she started to feel quite literally breathless and she forced herself to keep calm and simply wait till she reached the Playhouse before getting worried.

Now that was the next question. How was she going to get down? It took a bit of looking around to find the thin trail that led down the mountainside. As the Eypharian walked along it there were times that it disappeared but then reappeared after traversing some rocky terrain. At one point she had to jump down several feet off a ledge and there was another spot where she climbed carefully on all eight limbs down a steep rocky slope. Yet all the while she had faith that she’d get to the Crook eventually, and in reasonable time too. It was becoming such a regular destination for her that she spotted the familiar tunnel-like entrance long before she reached it. A rather elegant set of steps winded their way down to the Playhouse, yet they were so big that they looked like they were made for a giant. Nevertheless, Sayana used her hands to hold onto the step above and safely drop down for each descent. She was breathing heavily from all the exertion but at least the air wasn’t bothering her anymore.

She hoped Nephti would be able to find an easier way down, with a little less climbing involved but there was still plenty of time for her slave, or rather ‘assistant’ to arrive. She made her way to the back room and found her pair of butterfly wings. They were a stunning blue and the costume designer certainly had done a good job on them. She found the blue gown that went with it and put it on before slipping her high hands into the wings. It was rare that she wished for an additional set of arms, but this was one occasion. Ideally she’d have a pair for the top of the wings, a pair for the bottom, a pair to act as normal akvatari arms and a final pair to hold onto the rope that she was going to be swinging from. As it was she had decided to simply use her high arms for the wings and the wire made them stiff enough to flap without too much trouble.

Once she was properly in her costume, she started pacing the floor repeating the trickier lines. Nephti should be arriving soon to help with her hair and makeup and then she’d be ready to perform. Almost absently she did a couple of spins and she was truly glad that Fabel was merely going to make an illusion that her legs were gone and replaced with a tail and that she’d still be able to use her legs to do the dancing. When her slave arrived, she’d be accommodating so that Nephti could do her work. The aim was the face and hair of a beautiful yet tragic looking akvatari.

For most of the thread, this will be a solo job thread, but I've invited Nephti to do a post at the beginning.
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Lost Love (Nephti)

Postby Nephti on October 29th, 2015, 10:47 pm

Nephti rose fairly early on most days, but Sayana always seemed to rise earlier, and she was awoken by her mistress with instructions to go to the Crook in a few bells. When she had gone, the slave girl decided she would get ready to leave early, just in case. Alvadas could be horrible to travel in, and she knew that. Better leave extra time in case the city decided to not let her arrive on time.

Her morning routine was what was considered very simplistic to her, but might have been viewed as too much by others. She would adorn her clothes, this time the robes, sandles and cloak, before putting on the jewelry, tucking the most precious item, the glass necklace, under her clothes, preventing any chance of losing it.

She would then do her makeup, rubbing in skin cream, applying kohl and lip pomade, adding scented oils or vinegar. Her hair would be brushed and pinned back, and finally she would deem herself ready. The process took a few chimes, well practiced, with need for it to be quick to avoid waiting masters or mistresses. Perhaps it almost took too long, but that was why she usually awoke before she was needed.

Alvadas was easy on her that day, beautiful and breathtaking with its mountains. There was a path, carved by hope, leading down the mountain, heading away from where she was headed but making the descent down the mountain much easier. The tunnel to the Playhouse was equally as steep, the steps giant, but Nephti found herself leaping down them, a small part of her that was still a child enjoying herself.

When she entered the dressing room, the Eypharian heard herself breath in with awe at the costume before her. Sayana styled a stunning blue gown and wings, and made a spin, not noticing Nephti's arrival for a second. Dressed like that, she certainly seemed beautiful, and the slave girl could only hope one day that she would also turn into a woman like her.

At Nephti's request, Sayana sat down to allow the girl to work on her hair and face. A tragic but beautiful Akvatari was the goal, and Nephti had a few ideas how to go about it. Her mistress's hair would be her first goal, simply to get it out of the way for the makeup. Nephti brushed it through, making it even softer and silkier, before grabbing half of it, winding it around the crown of the Eypharian's head until it fell in curl's down the back. It left her face fully visible, to help show the expressions. The hair wound into a small clump was secured with a few pins, and the rest left to fall down round the back, brushing against the wings.

Nephti moved to face her properly, taking some light face powder and adding a thin coating to Sayana's skin, covering any imperfections and adding a soft gleam to it. A little bit of rouge was added, accentuating her cheekbones. A dark eye shadow was selected, and Nephti was careful as she dabbed it on her mistress's eyelids, not wanting to press too hard. It glittered in the light, and ended with a point. Of course, one side was a little uneven, but Nephti didn't have the time to fix it.

Kohl came next. Gently, she drew a line on Sayana's eyelids, following the point of the eyeshadow along the side of her face. Another thinner and smaller line followed underneath the eye, adding a darker look to her beauty. Finally, a soft red lip pomade was applied to her lips, giving them colour. Nephti stepped back to observe her work. All in all, it wasn't too bad, and she stepped away to let Sayana examine herself in the mirror.

"I hope you are satisfied with it," was all she said, smiling softly. There would be no reason Sayana wouldn't be - that's what she told herself.

oocTell me if there is a problem - I'll be happy to change the post if there is!
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Lost Love (Nephti)

Postby Sayana on November 3rd, 2015, 11:28 pm


Nephti had done a superb job on her makeup. When the Eypharian looked in the mirror she was momentarily surprised by her lighter complexion. But of course, akvatari tended to have fairer skin and Sayana quickly reached for the light face powder and rubbed it into her mid hands and arms. Those would be her only arms visible and they ought to match her face.

“Marvelous,” she spoke softly, giving praise to her slave. She was tempted to add some black powder to her hair to give it a more striking yet harsher look, but Nephti had already done it up beautifully and she didn’t want to wreck it. With a brief nod to the girl, Sayana indicated that she was content and that Nephti’s work was done. The dancer got up from her seat and moved about briefly with her wings before leaving the change room.

As Sayana waited backstage, she realized that for the first time in a long time she actually felt rather anxious about the performance. She had been practicing for it nearly an entire season, yet the hardest part was probably going to be her opening line. It was not going to be spoken, it was going to be sung. Her stomach churned as if ants were building a nest inside and she peeked out through the curtains at the audience. Despite the mountainous terrain, many had shown up, and her stomach gave another lurch. Softly, hardly above a whisper, she hummed little warm ups trying to get her voice ready.

“It’s time to get you on stage,” came a voice from behind her. “You’ll want to get yourself comfortable and Fabel will want the illusion to be top notch before the curtains are drawn.”

Sayana nodded mutely and made her way to the rope hanging in the middle of the stage. She was glad that the curtains remained closed as she struggled to climb up onto the secure knot at the bottom of the rope. Using the strength of all six arms, she pulled herself up, but it was still easier said than done since the knot was at least three or four feet in the air. With one more strong pull, she got her feet firmly planted upon the knot and positioned her low arms to hang onto the rope to support herself. Her highs moved to the upper portion of her finely crafted blue wings while her mids felt out the space around her that she could use for the dance.

“Ready for some trickery?” Fabel called out in a stage whisper. Sayana still found herself shaking her head at the way he did ‘role calls’, yet she made an affirmative gesture with her free hands. And then the magic began. Her wings, while beautifully crafted, literally sparkled in the light and bent gently with the membrane as she moved her high arms. The tail that had formed around her lower half was no less elegant and the smooth grey fur looked damp yet luscious to the touch. That would be the harder part to control, yet she wiggled her rear and Fabel’s illusion held up as the tail moved with her.

But the curtains were beginning to open, and even before people laid eyes upon her, she needed to be fully in her character. She quickly wound up the bottom of the rope with her feet, spinning the knot around while holding herself up with her arms. She then took an elegant yet dramatic pose with an arm thrown high above her head and her back arched in melancholy. The curtains were now spread wide, and the show was ready to begin.

“Listen to my tale of woe, it’s awfully sad but true.” Her voice managed to come out strong and clear, yet she had to slow the melody down to hit all the notes and a few of them wobbled in pitch. The dancer put her full weight upon the wound up knot and slowly she began to spin in the air as she flapped her wings gently with her highs. There was a soft applause for the stunning display and illusion, and Sayana was reminded to try to contort her face in grief and sorrow even as she spun on the long rope.

CreditThe opening line is from the song “Oh Lady Be Good” by Ella Fitzgerald.
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Lost Love (Nephti)

Postby Sayana on November 3rd, 2015, 11:31 pm


The music began softly and Sayana began to swing upon the rope, gently pumping her legs to give herself momentum. She stretched herself out so she old held on with one arm and seemingly flew through the air with an elegant grace.

“There was once a pair of lovers who from the moment they laid eyes upon each other, they knew that they must be together.” Sayana began. She no longer sung but projected her voice loudly. Her arms made elegant shapes to the music and her body stretched this way and that in the confines of being upon a rope, but being no less dramatic. “He was an Inarta, man of the air. And she a charoda, woman of the sea.”

The play then began in earnest as the two main characters appeared on the stage. Sayana’s rope was lifted higher and moved to one side as she danced to the soft music. Her movements evoked love and passion. Her wings tingling with excitement and her arms rounded in love’s embrace. She spun with the dizziness of first love and soared through the air with the elation that came with it. With two snaps of her fingers, a pair of red smoking candles were lit and the love scene upon the stage was slowly obscured by billowing red smoke.

Sayana’s rope was lowered slightly and she flapped her wings in a grand gesture to attract the attention of the audience. “However, despite their genuine and passionate love, there was an evil witch who looked upon them with jealousy. This witch had never known true love and had always been spat upon by men she fancied.”

Sayana swerved this way and that upon the rope, dancing with a sense of chaos. Her motions were jerky and she seemed to veer dangerously through the air. As another actress came on stage, she practically flew through the air with wicked black wings. In a matter of chimes she went from a half bat form to a raven to a beast with giant scales, all looking hideous and deformed. As the witch swooped in close with the wings of a vulture, Sayana had to duck low and nearly lost her balance upon the dangling rope. With her heart hammering, she tried to portray that real sense of fear with the lines in her arms and the curve of her body. Sharp, and uncertain.

“And so the witch kidnapped the charoda and took her to the tallest peak of the highest mountain to watch her wither and dry out.”
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Lost Love (Nephti)

Postby Sayana on November 3rd, 2015, 11:32 pm


The scene played out on the stage below and as the witch took the charoda away, it was time for Sayana to shine. During the interlude of the scene change, she brought out her most sorrowful moves. Slow spins, long yet drooping arms. Occasionally the rope would be moved or pulled upwards to give her dance an aerial feel as she fluttered her wings with tired hopelessness. Her face… it was missing something. The dancer strived to put on an expression of grief and loss, but felt that it was false or not enough expression for such a situation. Her mind wandered to find a memory with more pain and sorrow than… And then she found it, since it wasn’t too hard to find. She pictured the loss of her son, the grief, and the numbness that followed. This time she was able to produce real tears. Ironically tears that she had hardly shed at the time of her loss. With a sniff, the tears began to stream down her face, smudging her makeup. She almost forgot that it was her turn to speak now that the interlude was finished.

“And then, but then the Inarta sought out his lover.” She spoke stumbling over the words and her voice sounding harsh with emotion. “He searched everywhere for her. Every cave, every cove, over woods and land. Just when he was about to give up he flew with his eagle to the highest mountain. Mount Skyinarta.”

The scene played out upon the stage and Sayana took a moment to control her tears and wipe them away with a free hand. She didn’t realize how much it caused her makeup to smudge until she looked at the back of her hand. Perhaps it was just as well since the makeup would be seen from the furthest corners even if her tears of sorrow could not. Serend… She had lost him giving birth. Yet at the same time, she had also lost Aren in a way.

“The Inarta rescued his beloved just before she crumbled away and they shared a passionate kiss before she leapt into the sea.” Sayana was supposed to be happy while saying the line but it was hard to conjure the joyful energy when getting so wrapped up in the sorrowful parts. Plus, she knew that the happiness of the couple would only be short-lived.
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Lost Love (Nephti)

Postby Sayana on November 3rd, 2015, 11:34 pm


Sayana twisted upon the rope to get it swinging with new dynamic energy as the scene wrapped up. She arched her back outwards, flapping her wings and moving her tail as she spun through the air. “But then the witch returned and she was certainly not pleased.”

Once again the witch returned and they danced through the air in a duet. Sayana with her more graceful moves yet the witch acrobat with far more mobility. Slowly her rope came to a stop and after a flap of her wings, the dancer continued with the story. “The witch cursed the lovers. A dark, terrible spell. The charoda could never leave the water, for she would be burned at the touch of the air. While the inarta could never enter the sea, as the salty water would sting like acid.”

The music took on a mournful theme yet somewhere hidden in the depths of the melodies there was hope. Sayana wound up the rope like before and spun with her back arched and her two mid hands stretching out above her. Her lows still held her securely but the illusion hid them and it created a dramatic display.

“However, their love persisted. Every night they met in a rocky cove under Leth’s light. And upon the very surface of the water they kissed. The charoda swam below and the inarta’s lips met hers upon the water. It was bitter sweet since even the small contact burned their lips but it was enough. The witch never found out since they only met under the cover of night and so they remained together till the end of their days.”

By the time she spoke the last few sentences, her voice was cracking in emotion. It was no longer so clear and she fought to keep it projected so that her audience would not miss out on the story. These two lovers, despite all odds and all the trials against them, still persisted and struggled to stay together. Yet she and Aren? What had become of them? One small miscarriage had broken them apart. What did that say about their love?

At the first opportunity she had slept with another man. And at the next opportunity she had stolen away a child in attempt to lessen her loss. Yet Timothy was not hers. He was wary and cautious of her motives despite his longing for a family. And Andreas would only smile occasionally in her presence yet would beam and laugh in delight at Timothy’s antics.

Time seemed to stand still as she stood upon the rope with true grief and anguish upon her face. The actors below cleared the stage and for a moment all the audience could see were the shining tears upon her cheeks. At last, with what seemed like muted applause, the curtains closed.

“I will honor you above all others…” she whispered in a pained voice. Such was no longer true. She had made no attempt to reunite with the Akalak. She had left him and had hardly thought of him since her departure. She was no wife. She was no mother. With a stab of pain to her chest she felt the lacun mark form. A dying flame where a fiery chevas mark had once shined brightly.

“The curtains are closed ma’am. You did a great job out there. Really played the part.”

The voice was like an irritating fly she wanted to swat away. “I… I should go.” The dancer spoke, her voice still quivering with emotion. “Your loss. It’ll be a great after party.”
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Lost Love (Nephti)

Postby Sayana on November 4th, 2015, 12:50 am


The dancer was numb and silent as she made her way to the change room. She took off her wings, changed her outfit, and lastly donned her black cloak. Black was her mood, black was her heart. She left without any farewell and reached the exit of the playhouse. But instead of opening out onto the mountainside, the tunnel led to a series of caves. Rather fitting… A wry smile flickered onto her face but vanished just as quickly. She took several steps into the cave but soon realized it would be too dark to venture very far. With quick purposeful steps she went back to grab one of the candles used to light the fancy smoking candles. With the candle in hand she stepped deep into the darkness, treading upon the uneven ground and avoiding low hanging stalactites.

Deeper and deeper she ventured into the vast caverns. They twisted and turned and often she found herself squeezing past narrow parts or jumping over small streams. The candle that was once tall and strong was diminishing, hardly an inch tall to light the way. Shadows flickered this way and that and she squinted in the darkness trying to find her way. She crawled through a narrow opening, clutching the candle carefully so she wouldn’t burn herself. The low tunnel opened out into an enormous cave, yet she could only see a small distance by her slowly dying flame.

Feeling thoroughly lost, she couldn’t help but speak out. “Hello?”

“Hi… hi… hi…”

The echo sounded eerie and unnatural and… With a frown she realized it hadn’t been a true echo.

“Who’s there?”

“Thin air… air… air…”

She gritted her teeth. She didn’t like being mocked. And most definitely not now. She just wanted to get home and nurse the pains she felt.

“Quit it. I’m not your fool.”

“A pool… pool… pool.”

Sayana frowned slightly at the last response. A pool? She raised her candle higher and stepped forwards into the blackness of the cave. The smooth undisturbed surface of the water reflected back the light and it shone with an eerie beauty. What sort of pool was this? She approached it cautiously. There wasn’t a single ripple and the pool went on farther than the light of her candle could reach. She peered over to try to catch her reflection. Maybe that was the secret to the strange echoes.

However, even as she leaned over, she forgot about the candle she held. The unchecked flame licked at her hand and with the sudden pain she winced and dropped the candle. With a hiss, it landed into the pool extinguishing all light. Suddenly disoriented, it only took a small misstep for Sayana to tumble into the pool. When she tried to reach out her hands to catch herself, there was nothing to grab hold of and all that was left was blackness.
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Lost Love (Nephti)

Postby Fable on November 19th, 2015, 3:38 am


    Land Navigation +1
    Endurance +2
    Climbing +2
    Planning +1
    Cosmetology +1
    Disguise +1
    Singing +1
    Acting +4
    Dancing +3
    Acrobatics +3
    Philosophy +1
    Dancing: Aerial Techniques
    Acting: Harnessing Raw Emotion
Notes :
Nicely done! While the performance was well written and painted in a lovely mix of emotion and description, I did want to point out that the term "witch" is typically associated with those marked by Caiyha. While not necessarily exclusive, it would probably be more culturally correct to refer to the antagonist as a "sorcerer" or even "wizard". Just for the future, though I enjoyed the flow of the fictional tale and the irony of its connections to the OOC Mizahar world! :)




    Planning +1
    Cosmetology +1
    Acrobatics +1
    Observation +1
    Tactics +1
    Cosmetology: Contouring
    Cosmetology: Proper Layering
Notes :
Short post, but well done! I don't get to read a lot of cosmetology, so I find any interesting tidbits to be a treat. Good work!
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