The Discussion

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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The Discussion

Postby Ixzo on November 12th, 2015, 5:00 am

87th of Autumn, 515AV

On the morning of the eighty-seventh, Ixzo was woken by the clanging of buckles and the thumping of the various packages being loaded onto the cart. Scrambling out from her bedroll, Ixzo quickly rolled it up. She had slept in her clothes the night before, partially because she was nervous about the move, and partially because it was warm to sleep in all her clothes. Deftly, the kelvic rolled her bedding up, stuffing it into her hefty bag where her tent had already been packed along with her few belongings. It was a bit heavy, but Ixzo found she could carry everything on her back.

Yet Injal had requested she stay with his Pavilion that night, in preparation for the next day. But once she had got there, there wasn't much to do. Everything nonessential had been loaded, and a single tent and bedrolls as well as food for the morning were laid out. By the time Ixzo ducked out of the near empty tent they had all shared, the oxen were tacked up and ready to pull the things, everyone had mounted their horses tacked up, and as soon as she ducked out she ran into one of Injal's wives, who grinned at the thin Kelvic and offered her breakfast.

After wolfing down the eggs, not willing to take more, Ixzo hurried to help the family wrap up the large tent, maneuvering it onto the wagon.

By the time they all set out, the sun had just past its rising. Injal rode up to her, the only one on foot, with his strider, frowning at the weight on her back. Usually it might not have been a problem, but she hadn't been terribly healthy these past seasons and with the cold, was already breathing heavy. "Here, you will sit in the wagon." He instructed, and Ixzo nodded, following his horse towards the wagon. Two children, who had not yet bonded, were supposed to be sitting in the wagon, but Ixzo didn't see them. For a moment she panicked, hooking a foot on the edge and lifting herself towards the seating. Only once on the sitting area did she see two heads poke out from the supplies at her. They were playing like a fort. Ixzo smiled at them and adjusted to sitting down. But she was surprised to see Injal himself step off his strider and climb into the wagon with her.
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The Discussion

Postby Ixzo on November 12th, 2015, 5:01 am

"Hello," She moved her bag from the seat, she had thought she would be the only one, but the man didn't pay attention to her. He signed the go ahead to his family and took the reins of the wagon. She looked to see his strider trot ahead to join one of the other horses and just like that the entire family was moving. After looking around it was easy to see about a third of the city was moving. Some moved a few days prior and some haven't even strapped up yet. But a few camps away another pavilion was beginning their trek as well.

"Ixzo." Injal finally greeted her for the morning, tying the oxen reigns to the handle on the front of the wagon, leaving it loose for the creatures. Leaning back, she stayed straight, watching him warily. She had spent very little time with the man, but already had a pretty good idea when he was ready to talk about something. Usually the wise smiling eyes were assisting her with a technique or giving her a new task in her daily job, but this time he only smiled at her for a little bit.

"Are you enjoying it here, Ixzo?" Endrykas, the horses, culture. He asked simply, a knowing smile on his face.

Ixzo wasn't particularly wary anymore, she already had an idea of what he was going to say. Or what he was going to ask. What he had tried to ask her before she realized the magnitude of the offer. But perhaps she would be wrong.

"Yes." She answered, nodding. A quick glance back into the cabin of the wagon revealed the grandchildren were out of sight, but that didn't mean they weren't listening. They probably had a better idea of what was going on.

"I know you want to join us Ixzo." He said. "It's in your nature." And it was. "And you've been really trying, I can see that."

Slowly, Ixzo nodded. She hadn't known at first, but she enjoyed the Drykas culture. And while she missed home, the Kelvic found she truly enjoyed the horse people, and the grasslands were her home. "But…?" She asked, waiting for the contradiction.
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The Discussion

Postby Ixzo on November 12th, 2015, 5:01 am

"But…" Injal chuckled, shaking his head. "No, soo…" He corrected, a knowing grin twisting up at her. Ixzo couldn’t help the amused grin that pushed past her uncertain expression. She liked when Injal got in his playful moods, even if it was confusing to her.

"So I would like to by my daughter." The grin twisted into a frown and Ixzo burrowed her brows in confusion, twisting her head to the side in question. How could she be his daughter? He was not her father. The Drykas laughed some more. "Well I can't marry you, so this seems to be the optimal solution to your problem." Ixzo's eyes widened, not paying attention to the signs that followed and she started to shake her head.

"I--" He laughed before she could begin to deny him.

"Trust me, I take no offense to that. Jarrora wouldn't allow that anyway." No more wives. He chuckled to himself. She never quite understood the marriage between the Drykas. She didn't much understand traditional marriage, it was a concept that he Myrian's didn't use. But with the Drykas marriage could mean love, and it could mean profit. It was hard enough for her to get used to patriarchy, but she grudgingly accepted that only men could be in charge of a pavilion. But she'd be damned if she let a man own her, and marriage only seemed a way to do that.

"I would like you to join the Riorim pavilion, because I think it will help you in Endrykas." Marriage, protection… family. He signed, explaining his words with ease. She knew that she was missing out as a straggler. He had mentioned it before, and she hadn't understood the importance then.

"I don't… no marry." She shoved the thickly accented words out as best she could. Slavery. She signed, daring him to argue the point. Injal raised his eyebrows at the sign, and shook his head. It was clear he understood that she didn't see it the way he did, but there was a confidence in his words that said he was going to persuade her.

"Marriage is a good thing, for women and for men. Unmarried, you have nothing but yourself. Married, you have a whole pavilion." Under the Ankal. He explained, but Ixzo shook her head looking away.

"No marriage. Not me."
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The Discussion

Postby Ixzo on November 12th, 2015, 5:02 am

"That is fine, you don't need to marry yet. I certainly won't marry you off without your permission." He said, and she squinted at him. He said so as if she was his property. She was no one's property.

"Daughter or… wife." She pointed to herself. Same as, "Slave?" She asked, suddenly worried by his phrasing. Injal shrugged his playful smiles had long since dissipated as he delved into serious conversation with her.

Honestly. "They can be." Her employer shrugged, looking out towards his pavilions. His wives and chilled and some of his apprentices were around, laughing and conversing as they trekked on. Others were trying to stay on their striders while they took a nap and not succeeded very well. This was a happy pavilion, but she knew there were worse situations. She had seen them.

"Ankals have final say in their pavilion." He explained. Highest word. "Some abuse that power." He said, but made no remark on his own way of ruling.

"You don't?"

"I wouldn't do anything to harm my family." He said, strategically, but Ixzo accepted the vague answer. She didn't know Injal long, but she knew the man not to be corrupt. By how he explained it, she thought that the Myrians were almost similar. There seemed to be no hard and fast rule like it was here, but among all the clans it was expected that the strongest and wisest women made the decision, and generally, it was for the good of their families.

"You make me… daughter?" She asked to confirm, almost a little hopeful.

"Until you marry, I'd be happy to take responsibility for you." He grinned at her before whistling to his strider. Alright? He signed and Ixzo grinned, nodding. Perhaps she wasn't really his family, but he was willing to take responsibility of her, which, in Endrykas, is important.
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The Discussion

Postby Ixzo on November 12th, 2015, 5:03 am

"Yes." She agreed, a small grin forming on her lips. But it was marred by the worried angle of her brow as she thought more on marriage. It was a foreign concept to the Myrian-raised Kelvic. And even though she had slowly understood the importance of it in Endrykas, she didn't much like the concept of commitment, even if it was not for love, but business instead.

"But?" You worry? He asked and signed at her reaction. She nodded, trying her best to form the proper words.

"I… yeah, yeah… no marry." Never. She supplemented her words with the finalizing sign that she knew a little too well. For such a strong sign, it was surprisingly prominent in her ever-growing vocabulary.

"I suppose you don't have to." Think about it. "It would help you with what you want to do." Pavilion, family, bonding, culture. She read the rapid signs that followed as the old man looked out to his family. Jarrora and her oldest son were trotting beside each other, joking over something Ixzo didn't catch. "But you might reconsider." He said, turning back to her. "Although I am claiming responsibility for you, you aren't really a Drykas until you bond with a strider."

Ixzo nodded gravely, ready to open her mouth and argue. Horses didn't like her, she was a lion. And while she was fairly open with that fact, she realized the boundaries it placed before her. Curious? "How to… bond?" She asked him and Injal grinned and merely shrugged, which only confused the Kelvic more. How could he not know? She glanced at his own strider that leisurely paced beside the wagon of things.
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The Discussion

Postby Ixzo on November 12th, 2015, 5:03 am

"It isn't our decision, it is theirs." And for some reason, this didn't seem to odd to Ixzo. She didn’t much understand the bond between the Drykas and their horses. She almost thought it would be similar to a Kelvic bond, but surely it must be different. She didn't find it odd or rare however, the Kelvic simply accepted it. And since she spooked most horses with her mere presence, she doubted any would give her a second glance, let alone find her worthy enough to become part of the great grass tribes.

"Injal!" Jarrora called, turning back to look at them. Ixzo looked away to avoid the steely blue eyes that she always felt a little uncomfortable under, and listened as she called Injal over to join in on whatever amusing conversation she was having. But before the old man departed, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, giving her a quick squeeze. The lioness looked back at him surprised for a moment before attempting to return the gesture.

"Think about it Ixzo." He repeated, but she really didn't need to do much more thinking. And then, with a strange ease that made her think he had done the maneuver countless times before, the tattoo man climbed over the side of the moving wagon, sliding onto his strider with ease. Ixzo sighed, glancing behind her to see the heads of the two small children just disappearing behind a trunk, and leaned back into the seat. She wished only to be part of the Drykas, but it only seemed more and more difficult and foreign the more she tried. Yet, something as silly as the prospect of marriage was not going to stop her.
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The Discussion

Postby Ssezzkero on November 8th, 2018, 9:45 am

Organization +1, Endurance +1, Socialization +4, Planning +1, Endurance: Recovering from sickness, Endrykas: Moves each season, Offer to join a Drykas Pavilion, Drykas: How Pavilions work
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