So, I'm an Inarta Endal. Right now, I do hunting for my job. According to the Lore, however, branching out into Trading is perfectly acceptable.
I don't want to just transport, however...I want to do my OWN trading.
I checked and checked the Lore, however, and found barely ANYTHING about PC traders. Everything was oriented towards centralized businesses, not businesses that are by definition decentralized. I have spoken with people and mods, and they have told me that I am really the first person to come up with a practical means of doing this.
Here are my general plans, so that you can give me whatever help you can .
Shadyn would purchase all the fine Inarta goods he can afford (prob about 300 gm worth, based upon the wages an Endal earns), put them on Xarrt (his Wind Eagle), and head to another city (Alvadas, most likely).
Some of his friends (PCs with whom I have already conversed and who live in Alva) will have already been hyping the coming goods for nearly 50 days by this point, so he will be widely known and expected (at least by enough people to buy the goods he has with him). Once there, he will sell the goods for a nice premium (considering nearly all Inarta goods are almost unheard of outside of Wind Reach, and certain named examples like Talon swords literally double in value outside of WR).
He will than take the profit, buy goods that will sell well in WR, and when he gets back to Wind Reach, sell those, buy more goods, return to sell them, etc.
Eventually, he will have hired other Inarta Endal trade-fliers to transport his goods, and will be selling them in multiple cities each season.
The some of the problems that this business will have as opposed to normal businesses are as follows:
1) He will not REALLY be in any one city, although I suppose one could say that he is based out of Wind Reach.
2) He will only earn money a few times each season, not "per day".
3) If his trade expands greatly, he simply CANNOT be with multiple trade convoys at once. This would sorta make him "absentee", though he would be constantly (more or less) managing their progress.
4) What skill would form the basis of this business? There are no "Salesman", "Sales pitching", "Trading", or similar skills in existence (as far as the Skill List shows...). Really, it would just consist of Investigation or the like in regards to "knowing the market.
If you see other issues, let me know. Really, I think trading would be an awesome occupation, but the Lore has left me at a huge loss on how to actually execute this idea.