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Ferrin follows a trail of Wolf pawprints. And encounters Dove.

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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 22nd, 2015, 2:55 am

Eighty Second of Fall, 515AV

It is roughly noon. And the day still struck with sunlight. The woods, silent. But a howl of wolves can be heard throughout these woods once in awhile. This day was intended to be a use for hunting. But wolves are a different matter, right? The stories told to the little ones by their parents.

The woods on other terms. Have its' own stories. But Ferrin is unable to remember of any important ones. But he always remembered when his father told of these stories. When Ferrin was younger he would get afraid of the wolf stories. But now Ferrin understands a tad bit why the stories were told.

Holding a longbow in his left hand, quiver strapped about one of his opposite shoulders. Ferrin looks well prepared for the woods. And not only that he has his bow and quiver with him; he also has his sword belted to one of his sides.

About a mile away A sound of rushing water can be heard from the area where Ferrin stands. Walking these miles from the Gates got Ferrin parched. His lips felt dry, and having fresh, cold, water from a clean river would be very satisfying. Especially if one forgot to stupidly bring their water skin. The young hunter trudged through the forest dodging and avoiding whatever sizeable befallen logs/rocks.

A mile isn't very far though. Especially if one runs it's way. But running in a forest this cluttered can result in tripping and maybe breaking something. Already feeling refreshed by reaching his destination, a decisive view... Perhaps interesting came across Ferrins' mind. It also struck him as curious in a way as well.

Ferrin took his bow as he neared the running water, and placed it a bit away from the river itself. But in a place where he can see it. Ferrin knelt down beside the river. The current splashing against fallen boulders and logs releasing a wave of vibration throughout... Maybe a mile or two radius?

It didn't matter though. The water just looked so refreshing and inviting. Ferrin, kneeling beside the river cupped both of his hands together and placed them into the river filling his hands with the cold water. Surprisingly the river is still flowing. Even though the weather is near winter.

After taking his hand out of the river he drank the refreshing water that he had gain hold of. To no doubt the way it looked, clean, was the way it tasted. Ferrin took another cupped hands worth if water and washed the sweat of his black curly hair.

After a few minutes of leisurement. To the side of him, Ferrin spotted some tracks. Tracks of wolves? Ferrin wasn't sure. But it certainly looks like it. Now the real question is, should Ferrin follow? It is a pack for sure, but no less than a few. From what Ferrin can tell. But one wolf track is mixed with another wolf track so it's hard to tell. Criss crossing and zigzagging in different directions.

One particular direction though, was heading southwest. Where the Mythiran Outpost lies. That Ferrin is for sure of. He should follow before things get worse for him. What if the wolves pick up a new scent?

The young hunter picked up his longbow and jogged the pathway of pawprints leading to the Mythiran. This might be a suicidal path, but from what Ferrin heard. The way the wolves used to do things before, their ways are changing and Ferrin might have heard that their levels in hunting prey is improving. Which is dangerous as well.

Ferrin understands the risks of hunting alone. Maybe he can find someone in these woods to help him with this small task? Ferrin takes this thought as a possibility but he shouldn't hope highly for it to happen. Who still hunts in this weather?


"Pavi" | "Common"

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Dove Brown on November 22nd, 2015, 5:57 pm

The wolves had howled most of the night, and as a result Dove had slept poorly and risen early. If the wolves were coming this close, there was much work to be done. The animals had to be brought in close where they could be protected, extra firewood had to be gathered, the fields and streams had to be checked.

Only farmers with weapons, able to defend themselves and the herds and flocks, were being allowed out of Mithryn's gates, but she had her sling and a pouch of bullets. She showed them to the knight guarding the gate and she looked them over and nodded Dove through, despite her lack of height, bulk, or armour.

Dove spent half the morning rounding up sheep and goats that didn't want to go anywhere close to the walls. Even once most of them were gathered, a couple were still missing, and she set off to find whether the goats had been killed by the wolves or simply wandered off on their own. She moved steadily across the fields at a light jog, fixing the pattern of walls and winter crops in her mind so she could find her way back. Her long black braid trailed out behind her as she ran. The goats weren't eating any of the sprouted crops, though she found the occasional hoof print where mud or soft soil made tracks obvious. As the woods drew closer, she slowed back to a walk, wound her fingers into her sling and stretched her ears, listening for any signs of life or danger. Ahead of her she heard a stream burbling along. Then footsteps.

She remembered the bandits from earlier in the season, though the only sign of them was the faint, and fading, line on her cheek where a cut had been. But the bandits had been quiet. She moved on cautiously and found the stream. There were prints in the mud. Pawprints, not hoofmarks. And in the distance, a huge man, a good foot taller than she was, and twice as wide. He was armed too, she saw the bow and the sword as he moved, and her fingers dipped into her belt pouch and fitted a bullet into the hollow in her sling. "Who's there?"
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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 23rd, 2015, 1:34 am


A somewhat peaceful, yet frightening expedition interrupted by a womans' voice. One whom Ferrin does not recognize as of yet. She seemed to have exclaimed, "Who's there?" Ferrin and his thoughts were soon brought back to the present finally remembering what he was actually doing and where he was. Although he still knew what was around him he seemed lost at thought.

Ferrin turned his muscular bode around revealing a tanned face and bright blue eyes. His curly black hair swaying along with this motion. He looks as if he is a a famous being because of his natural form. Ferrin was yet again curious to why he was interrupted on this hunt. He kept note on where the trail was leading. Still, south Ferrin presumed. Towards the Mythiran Outpost. If that is where the wolves are heading? Unless this is some sort of trap?

Ferrin took a look at this young lady. She seemed confident and yet curious, same as Ferrin himself. If she were a bandit she would have killed him on the spot, but what is she wielding? A sling is that? Ferrin is pondering whether or not if that is a sling. And if it was, why is this young lady alone with an ineffective Weapon? Well, ineffective within Ferrins opinion. Although they can probably be sufficient enough and maybe do some significant damgage of course.

Ferrin took note of his surroundings in case things might end up badly. A river on his left, spread miles about and probably a couple of feet deep. Maybe filled with creatures that are not so friendly. Ferrin wouldn't want to take chances there. On his other side a biome of a forest surrounding this whole river. If things did end up bad he can always bolt for the woods and head to Syliras to contact the guards.

"I'm, I'm Ferrin ma'am. Just found this wolf trail during my hunting session. I'm not bothering anyone am I?" The majestic hunter asked curiously one eyebrow perched up making a somewhat dramatic effect with it. Off a few miles too the south Ferrin heard some howling. The wolves aren't too far ahead, if any of them catch the scent of Ferrin and this lady, then they would probably change course. Ferrin hopes that they wouldn't.

"And whom might you be? Are you... a bandit? Their are many roaming about in these woods. Especially around this time of year. That is why I have found myself a new location to hunt, away from the bandits. But if are one then I guess I was wrong about the bandit thing."He sighed. It was only a matter of time before the lady or the wolves come at Ferrin.

He hoped that neither would occur. Too much hoping, maybe Ferrin should bring a sacrifice to the Gods to make his hopes come true? Ferrin nearly chuckled at that thought. His tension on his longbow slowly decreased. It was hard, when someone else was poising a weapon at him. If Ferrin didn't want to die by the hands of this lady then the best choice of action would be to become acquainted with her. And possibly friends.

Ferrin kept his gaze at the lady wielding a sling in front of him. Still pointing the weapon."If you aren't a bandit, I can have you help me track down these wolves? Assuming you are not one of the bandits." Ferrin smiled weakly. The thought of death didn't occur to him much, well not occasionally. That is for sure. He waited for replies. Anxious and still tired from all of those miles that he walked from the Syliras Main Gates.

"Pavi" | "Common"

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Dove Brown on November 24th, 2015, 12:42 am

He turned. It wasn't one of the bandits she'd seen. "I'm Dove. No, I'm not a bandit," she replied, carefully lowering her sling. "I thought perhaps you were. I'm a farmer mostly. I was trying to find whether the wolves had taken a pair of goats from Mithryn. Don't suppose you've seen goat tracks?" He eased back on his bow and they eyed each other. He was as dark-haired as she was, but with blue eyes, not black ones. It seemed he was after the wolves too, and wanted her help. He wasn't a knight then, despite the weapons. Some of the tension eased from Dove's shoulders and back.

The wolves howled not too far away and the hairs went up on Dove's neck. They'd howled most of the night. Not as close, maybe, but they might come closer on a second night, and she still had to get home. Maybe an extra pair of hands would make the task quicker. At the very least he seemed to know what he was doing, and claimed to hunt all the time. "They came around the Outpost in the night. They may be going back there, and I'd as soon not go through them." She thought about it, head a little on one side like her namesake bird. "How about this," she offered at last. "I'll help you track the wolves, if you'll help me look for those goats. We can watch each other's back."

oocSorry about the short post
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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 24th, 2015, 1:05 pm


As Ferrin spoke to this young lady, she seemed to lower her tensed grip on her sling. Every time the wolves howled, Ferrin flinched slightly. Each howl, he grasps the base of his longbow. Goats? Goat tracks? Ferrin might have missed something around here. He took a small look on the ground trying to decipher of all of the tracks that are mixed and matched. A couple of wolves that is for sure. But Ferrin isn't much of a tracker, let alone a trapper. He does hunt though. But he hasn't been this far out into the woods before.

The young lady claimed to be a farmer from the Mythiran Outpost. She made a proposal to help track the wolves, if Ferrin helps find the goats."Hmm... I think we both know where those wolves are heading, and by the sound of their howls they might be getting closer to their prey. I'd say that they aren't too far ahead though." Ferrin said after lifting his head up."The name is Ferrin, Ferrin Al'Mandrikan, son of Thorin, son of Sara." Ferrin figured that if he was going to give a proper introduction, maybe this was it?

The tracks are still wet though, since they are smothered by water and mud. And they don't have very much time if they wanted to rescue all of the goats. They have to make things quick
"Do you know any uh.. Shortcuts around here? I haven't had hunted down this area before, until now. "

OOCIt's OK, mine wasn't that long either. I don't mind. :)

"Pavi" | "Common"

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Dove Brown on November 26th, 2015, 5:31 pm

This man was being formal in the middle of the woods? While the wolves howled and got up to who knew what. Did he really think his pretty face made any difference when it came down to practicalities? Dove almost rolled her eyes, but thought better of it when he flinched at the next howl. "Well, if we're being formal, I'm Dove Brown, child of Robin Brown." She grimaced at the taste of her father's name in her mouth and brushed away a stray strand of hair before it got in her eyes.

She looked around getting her bearings as the wolves howled yet again. Predators didn't usually make that much noise until after they'd caught a meal and eaten, but there was a first time for everything. Most of her hunting experience was limited to small game - generally rabbits and birds. Wolves were rather larger than rabbits. She didn't have much hope for the goats though. She wasn't as familiar with this area as with some of the fields, but from what Ferrin said, he was even less familiar. A landmark caught her eye - a particularly crooked tree. Then another - a boulder where the river bent a bit - and she nodded. "If the wolves are that way," she said, pointing, "then if we go, let's see, down that path," as she indicated one that veered slightly away from the river bend, "we may be able to cut past them, and up the slope. At least it would be clearer there, and with more chance of seeing what we're up against." More room to swing a sling without hitting something too, she decided, but did not say. She set off down the path, setting her feet down carefully to minimise sound and leaving her eyes and ears stretched to catch whatever they could. Mostly what her ears caught was howls, and the sound of her footsteps and his. She kept a bullet in her hand, ready to reload her sling at a moment's notice, and measured the gaps between trees with an eye for fighting space.
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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on November 27th, 2015, 2:14 am


Dove, that is an interesting name. But now isn't the time to decipher what such a name meant. Ferrin was taught to give proper introductions, but he also needed to make sure that this Dove was friendly. If the encounter didn't prove anything what would? If she was bad, then wouldn't she just kill Ferrin where he stood? Probably. But Ferrin decided it best that she is friendly, yet Ferrin kept a curious eye on Dove. She explained to Ferrin how there is a clearing beyond that crooked tree and a boulder that forced the river to bend a bit. One where we might be able to spot the wolves, and maybe her goats. Another howl came about from one of the wolves.

Ferrin nodded and prepared an arrow, knocking it onto the bowstring. Just in case if he would be able to get an advantage of the wolves. "Nice to meet you, you lead the way and I'll be close." If anything that can be dangerous at this moment, it wouldn't be Dove, or Ferrin. It would be, the wolves. These wolves kept howling, and it is beginning to get onto Ferrins nerves. Ferrins choice of game would usually be deer or something similar of the size. But Ferrin had never hunt for wolves, especially ones that are as active and somewhat as violent as these.

Ferrins father taught him little when he was out hunting with him when he was younger. Fall and winter are dangerous seasons to be hunting about. And particularly these woods are more dangerous than the ones in Kenash. Today was specifically indicated for the game of deer. And not wolves, but with all of them roaming around and stalking the Sylrias Domain. Ferrin felt it better to go out and hunt the wolves."Sorry about the formality."Ferrin said with a wry smile. Walking along the trail.

Ferrin hoped that apologizing would be okay, but would the apology be susceptible enough to a certain standard? Ferrin hoped so. But if it's not Ferrin can certainly make it up. As Dove and Ferrin walked the trail, Ferrin concentrated about all of his surroundings. Even though these woods are all so familiar, it is not too challenging to remember this region. And also Ferrin kept a keen eye out for whatever danger that might occur. And to maybe keep conversation as well? "So, Dove, do you visit Syiliras often? " Ferrin asked with a warm smile. Hoping to keep things in a good manner.

OOCsorry if there might be some confusion, might have done a couple of run ons..

"Pavi" | "Common"

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Dove Brown on December 1st, 2015, 1:39 pm

OOCNo problems, it was perfectly fine

"Apology accepted," she said quietly. She didn't turn to look at him, though she could hear him just behind her. Instead, she kept her eyes on the path ahead and the forest to either side. The wolves howled again, particularly close that time, and she flinched slightly and wound the end of the sling more securely between her fingers. She didn't have a long weapon like Ferrin's sword, but she knew very well - having hit herself any number of times in her earliest practice sessions - that being hit by a loaded, whirling sling hurt.

"Syliras itself?" she echoed as he talked. "Not often. I went up for the Harvest Feast as usual, but unless I can get a lift in a cart or something I have to walk all day to get there from Mithryn. It just isn't worth the time away from work, especially at this time of year when there is so much to do." There was more light showing in the distance, where the path opened out into the clearing, and the sunlight could get through the trees better. "I did live there for a while as a child," she added after a bit more walking, "but it's so enclosed - I like to be able to see the sky. Do you ever come down to Mithryn, or do you stick to the woods and the castle?"

Another howl rang out ahead of them, and Dove moved more cautiously. It sounded as if the wolves were in the clearing already. If so, and they walked into it, it was not going to be an easy fight. Her mind, already on edge from the howling, began to create scenarios of how she would be attacked, how she might fight back, how she would probably fail. She checked her sling, made sure it was loaded, then stepped out of the trees into the clearing and looked quickly around.
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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on December 2nd, 2015, 4:25 am


As the two trudged along the shortcut. Dove had quietly accepted his apology. Ferrin was glad, he tends to have a bad habit of being nervous of deathly chance encounters. But he can normally control it. Today wasnt the first time of when he met someone who might have killed him. He was glad Dove had not have.

After a few bends and turns Dove kept on talking, but it never had bothered Ferrin."Not often. I went up for the Harvest Feast as usual, but unless I can get a lift in a cart or something I have to walk all day to get there from Mithryn. It just isn't worth the time away from work, especially at this time of year when there is so much to do." Ferrin simply nodded, as he assumed that she wasn't finished talking.

The young hunter kept a keen eye out on his surroundings. Making sure that the wolves weren't stalking them. But off in the distance a sound of a Wolf howl can be heard. Not too far, and it seems to be within walking distance as well. That also made Ferrin feel a bit edgy. Why did it have to be wolves? Couldn't be another Kriital or something. One thing that Ferrin did not like about the wolves hunting patterns was the fact that they usually hint as packs. If there were more than three wolves out there. It would be challenging, or ever more so impossible to face against things like wolves in a pack.

Another bend and Dove added, "I did live there for a while as a child." Ferrin took a look at Dove, she kept walking with confidence and character. He replied,"Did you enjoy living within the walls? Or did you feel more caged in like an animal?"He then took his gaze off of Dove as if just realizing that trying to keep eye contact with someones back was challenging then with the front of the person. Dove kept trudging on, another howl came about and this time closer, bun not close enough to be near the two humans. "but it's so enclosed - I like to be able to see the sky. Do you ever come down to Mithryn, or do you stick to the woods and the castle?" Well that answered Ferrins question.

This is actually my first time near the Mythryn, usually I come out to hunt in the woods, but I don't think I will during the winter especially with all of these wolves roaming about the borders of Syiliras and its Domain." They turned off on another bend. And they reached a clearing. It's time to settle things. Here and now with these petching wolves. Ferrins hand that held his bow and readied arrow, began to shake a bit let alone sweating. As the two cautiously entered the clearing. Ferrin took note of his surroundings once more. Scanning for clues where the wolves might be. He also maybe spotted some goat hooves, not covered with blood. "Maybe they got away?" Ferrin thought.

It was when they had gotten deeper into the clearing, the wolves started popping out of the woods. One on front. Two on either side. All growling and waiting cautiously for either Dove or Ferrin to attack. Two of the wolves eyed Ferrin. Looking at the longbow and his shaky hand. The scent of nervousness seemed to have reaked the wolve's noses. Ferrin smiled a small smile. The one wolf facing the front of Dove and Ferrin had fallen with an arrow striking through the abdomen of the beast. Ferrins hand shook vigorously as the second wolf tried to attack Ferrin. The wolf lunged at him, knocking the young hunter down onto the earthen ground. Ferrin held his bow by the ends so that the one thing that the wolf would be chewing on would be the bow. Ferrins quiver of arrows had been scattered all about and the other wolf was still gazing at Dove locking eye contact with her. Watching and waiting for her to move.

While on the other hand, Ferrin struggles to get the wolf off of him. Its snalring and growling sound makes things more difficult for Ferrin to concentrate. He wanted to grab a fallen arrow, but he would have to act quickly. He doesn't know how long he can keep up the struggle. Or how long the longbow can last. Why do wolves have to make it so complicating? At least there are only three.


"Pavi" | "Common"

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

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A Course of a Wolf Pack (Dove)

Postby Dove Brown on December 3rd, 2015, 7:42 pm

There were three wolves. Dove hurled a bullet at the nearest, but her arm caught in her cloak and she missed. Ferrin got one with an arrow as she slapped another bullet into her sling and whipped a hair-tie round it to keep it in place in the pocket. A second wolf went for Ferrin and the third tried to stare Dove down. She held its gaze, not daring to look away in case it attacked, and wrapped her cloak around her left arm to keep it out of the way of her slinging arm.

The wolf dropped its gaze, snarled, and attacked low, clearly aiming to slice open her legs. Dove jumped sideways out of its way - but not fast enough, and the sliding blow as its teeth scraped along her boot made her stumble on landing. Her sling whirled in a circle beside her and she put added strength to momentum as she brought it down like a slungshot. She didn't see where she hit it, but the wolf yelped, and when they faced off again, it was limping. Dove brought the sling back under control and whirled it again. The soft whirr of motion was almost lost in the snarl of the fighting wolves, the dying cries of the arrow-gutted one, and the sounds of physical combat. Dove glanced over to see how Ferrin was doing, and the moment she looked away, the wolf sprang again, this time leaping for her throat. She instinctively flung up her left arm, and the wolf buried its teeth in layers of thickly wrapped woollen cloak instead of flesh. It still hurt, and the impact knocked her down, knocked the breath out of her, and left her half on her back, half on her side, with her right arm and sling trapped under her.

She gasped and twisted, trying to free her slinging arm, even as the wolf wrestled with her left arm. As it pressed closer, her eyes went flat with the memory of the riots and her mouth curled in its own silent snarl. The wolf stood over her on three legs, its yellow eyes holding hers. She pulled her knees up to her chest and then shoved upwards hard with feet and arm, aiming for its already wounded leg, where it was off balance. The wolf yelped, and toppled off her. She scrambled to get up, panting for air, and only got as far as a crouch before it lunged at her again.
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