So I'm planning on applying for a couple of travelling NPCs for my almost-completed character. I just wanted to get a few things cleared up first.
As far as paying for them goes, if one of them is an adult and, logically, would have a job herself, do I have to still pay for her living? Or can I get her a job instead? (On that note, - if I made my own business could I put travelling NPCs to work there, and would I still have to pay them if, as we live together, I technically would just be paying myself).
Secondly, the limit is 30 XP per NPC and that can't be added to. But if one of the NPCs is a toddler, could I start them off with less than 30 then give him the XP later on as he gets older?
Thirdly, is there an application form somewhere for NPCs, or do I just need to include all the necessary information (name, race, gender, gnosis marks (if applicable), skills, brief summary of how they met/why they're travelling together)? Also, would I put both NPCs in the same post, or do I have to make a separate request for each one?
Many thanks and apologies if any of that information is listed somewhere else. I've got the feeling I saw an application form a while ago but for the life of me I can't find it again, and don't really remember what it said.