56th of Fall, 515 AV
After the woman left, he shrugged. You can't win them all...but at least that was fun. Turning, he decided to make the best of the night and enjoy some drinks at The Stallion's Rear. He made a couple of quick signs to Xarrt, who descended lightly upon the roofline of the narrow building, settling his wings against his sides and surveying the street.
He strode into the building, being careful to remain in moonlight. He turned immediately in the door and sat down at a tiny table in front of the solitary window. He blew out the candle...just in case.
Waving over a waiter -- a young woman who seemed not quite fully human -- Shadyn ordered himself a quart of their best ale and settled himself into the seat when she returned with the large mug. He let his gaze roam around the room, observing the variety of people there, deciding if Alvadas would be a good market for what he could sell. His gaze settled on the glass window he was sitting beside, then focused on the street beyond, where a young woman was looking up at the roofline...at Xarrt, he presumed. That bird has gotten me more attention on this journey than anything I could have done. Wouldn't you know that when I want publicity all I need to do is fly in and let my mount do the rest....it's genius!
56th of Fall, 515 AV
After the woman left, he shrugged. You can't win them all...but at least that was fun. Turning, he decided to make the best of the night and enjoy some drinks at The Stallion's Rear. He made a couple of quick signs to Xarrt, who descended lightly upon the roofline of the narrow building, settling his wings against his sides and surveying the street.
He strode into the building, being careful to remain in moonlight. He turned immediately in the door and sat down at a tiny table in front of the solitary window. He blew out the candle...just in case.
Waving over a waiter -- a young woman who seemed not quite fully human -- Shadyn ordered himself a quart of their best ale and settled himself into the seat when she returned with the large mug. He let his gaze roam around the room, observing the variety of people there, deciding if Alvadas would be a good market for what he could sell. His gaze settled on the glass window he was sitting beside, then focused on the street beyond, where a young woman was looking up at the roofline...at Xarrt, he presumed. That bird has gotten me more attention on this journey than anything I could have done. Wouldn't you know that when I want publicity all I need to do is fly in and let my mount do the rest....it's genius!