Nyka Winter 515 Registry

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Balderdash on December 2nd, 2015, 4:02 am

The Nyka Registry

Welcome to Nyka! Whether your character is just entering the city or has lived here their whole life, please stop here before you start. Posting the following form will announce to all players (and myself) that you plan on writing here; it is your first step to making connections and starting stories in the Celestial City. Keep in mind that the city is particularly hostile to anyone marked by Myri.

PC Name: What do you call yourself?
Age, Sex, & Race: Why should I discriminate against you?
Profession: If you are a Nykan, what do you do here? If you are a visitor, why are you here?
Purpose: What does your character like to do, and what do you like to thread about?
Other: What else do you have to say?
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Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Ireth Telemnar on December 2nd, 2015, 4:14 am


PC Name: Ireth Telemnar, or Ire

Age, Sex, & Race: 20 years of age, Female, and Human

Profession: I'm a busker by trade, but am potentially looking into a new career. Something like a tailor... Or something... Haven't really decided yet lol

Purpose: Ireth is just returning from a year abroad, in Sunberth and Zeltiva. She's returning to a city that she loves and has adopted as her own, having come here nearly two and a half years ago prior. This season I seek to watch Ire's daughter grow, explore and expand on her knowledge of Nyka, and make new friends! I love to thread and am eager to encounter new threading partners, but must warn all that I am a busy college student and will try to reply as soon as I am able.

Other: Let's plot! I want to hear what you have to say!
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Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Pulren Marsh on December 2nd, 2015, 5:04 am

PC Name: Pulren Marsh
Given Aliases: Palaren Marshall or Uncle
Age, Sex, & Race: 22 year old male human.
Profession: Mercenary
Purpose: Discovery, both of the world and himself. Learning limits and pushing them, expanding horizons.
Other: Uncle here, fresh off the boat from Zeltiva, one of the many refugees of migration. Gonna make the best of a bum deal and see what the City has to offer. See you soon.

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Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Alija on December 2nd, 2015, 6:15 pm

PC Name: Alija Piper
Age, Sex, & Race: 20, Female, & Human
Profession: Blacksmith, owns the Ocean's Forge (hint, come visit)
Purpose: Exploring her father's story, owning a shop, meeting knew people and being curious.
Other: Come thread with me! I really don't bite
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Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Rina on December 2nd, 2015, 10:55 pm

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Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Aaliyah Tabr on December 5th, 2015, 10:52 pm

PC Name: Aaliyah Tabr
Age, Sex, & Race: 19, F, Inarta/Eypharian
Profession: Harlot
Purpose: Aaliyah likes to sex and flirt, and I like to thread about sex and flirting. Also other stuff.
Other: I really want her to make some friends, maybe even find some lovers! Really, if there's something you want to do and you need a hand, Aaliyah's open for anything. And I do mean anything - if I'm going to get a broader grasp of her character, I need to actually play her.

Some things I'd like to do:
  • Establish that Aaliyah often goes around passing as male, usually as her twin brother Summat.
  • Put Aaliyah into Nykan situations. Dealing with weirdness, monks, foreigners, that sort of thing.
  • Acquire a charm from the Nine Staves.
  • It'd be cool to have an adventure! Some kind of quest thing or something.
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Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Sybel on December 8th, 2015, 11:20 pm

PC Name: Sybel
Age, Sex, & Race: 29, Female, Benshira
Profession: Visitor; seeking adventure and opportunity.
Purpose: Sybel is always looking for a challenge and is often thrown right into the thick of things. She is best suited for threads with a bit of excitement.
Other: Welcome back. Let's have a great season. :)

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Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Rayage on December 11th, 2015, 6:36 pm


PC Name: Rayage
Age, Sex, & Race: 768, Female (so far), Nuit
Profession: Returning to Nyka. Alchemist, but might do some other things too. Things dont always go as planned after all, which is why Ray is here in the first place.
Purpose: Like plot and plot-centric things. Here to advance my characters story and maybe yours too. Magic, intrigue, dead-things, and mystery are all things of interest.
Other: PM-friendly. Open to ideas/suggestions.

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Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Imass on December 16th, 2015, 6:44 am

PC Name: Imass
Age, Sex, & Race: 36, Male, Akalak
Profession: Wanderer/Knight
Purpose: Imass is trying to figure out his past and do positive things.
Other: *shakes off the dust*
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Nyka Winter 515 Registry

Postby Shurezza Lotus on December 21st, 2015, 5:45 pm


Character Registry

PC Name: Shurezza Lotus (or just Shuri for short)
Age, Sex, & Race: 18, Female, Mixed Symenestra and because she's a Black Widow, a Harvester of Women, a filthy gleaning spider!
Profession: Mercenary/Body Guard
Purpose: As a hired sword (fist), fighting is a must, and what better place than the city of brawlers and angry warrior-monks! A few trips into the Aperture might be fun as well.
Other: Moved to Nyka two seasons ago when Sunberth was on the chopping block and without ST but had no intention of returning her there via the closure thing.
This isn't my main so expect my to suffer my flickering muse between what few threads I take.

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