Hey guys!
So it seems as if my inbox has blown up since I left (Like 27 messages guys, I never get this many 0_0). But I've noticed a lot of hte PMs are asking about the landslide. I am still
not answering PMs unless I can do so in under 30 seconds, so if you haven't gotten an answer yet, or have gotten an answer to one but not all of your PMs, don't freak out.
As for the land slide. I honestly didn't expect people to take so much interest in it, since I was simply storing it for a plot that will be important later on. I am going to put my foot down and say that you won't go poking around it IC. You can observe from afar, but under no circumstance will a PC find their way into the landslide site, as it is closed. The Shinya will make sure of that, you can't even get to it from below. In fact, if a PC does get to close, it is not unheard of for an Okomo to simply pick them up and carry them away from the place, since our wonderful Okomo like to protect their beloved people. I wouldn't imagine anyone would fight an Okomo to return, but if they do, they have both the Shinya and an Okomo to contest with. It truly is not that interesting at the moment.
As for the spirit, you don't need it moderated, but I am giving everyone seperate plots. So decide who you would like to thread with (or if you want to do it on your own), and post in my office, I will then PM you with your prompt when I get back.
I will be giving you guys more information on all these things when this when I return, hold tight until then.

D: AND PLEASE, 27 MESSAGES IS A LITTLE MUCH GUYS! You are killing me here