I would like to request the ability of Alternate Self Projection for Ayatah, please. This ability would result in a duplicate of Ayatah to 'step away' from her physical being, a little like astral project. This duplicate will be physically no different to Aya, but will embody her suppressed self and emotions. There are two broad 'types' of Ayatah's projected self: the Myrian and the Eypharian, to be explored further below. They cannot appear at the same time.
The BasicsThis ability will stem from Aya's continued experience and feeling of being torn between her Myrian upbringing and her inherently Eypharian habits/heritage. This has typically resulted in Aya actively suppressing at least one of these, initially her Eypharian-esque desire for knowledge whilst she was being raised in the Taloban jungle, but more recently her Myrian-like desire for violence and combat. In short, she's an unbalanced young woman.
How it worksThese alternate selves usually appear after a particularly lengthy or exhaustive session of Ayatah suppressing them. For example, if she was invited to a formal dinner and had been actively suppressing and hiding her Taloban upbringing, her Myrian-self will be bursting to come out and release itself.
To begin with, this ability will only manifest itself only when Ayatah is asleep. She will wake up in the morning with the vague memory of a dream. Unbeknownst to her, one of her duplicates will have been running through the streets of Riverfall, having finally been released from the earlier suppression. In the dinner-party scenario, this might include her Myrian-self running out for a late night hunt.
Over time, these dreams will become more vivid, and her other 'selves' will even start to leave notes to Ayatah to inform her of their existence... Cue confusion, self-loathing, etc etc. Eventually - not for at least two seasons should she be able to keep this ability and after many difficult lessons of self-acceptance - Aya will be able to summon one of these 'selves' on command, though they remain with her for only a bell or so.
If observed by a third party, this ability will appear as if a second Ayatah is literally stepping out of and away from the original. These alternate selves will look, feel, sound and smell like Ayatah, though to an aurist they would appear completely different.
The Selves*The Myrian: This self is the perfect representation of Myri's people: bloodthirsty, aggressive, intimidating. This alternate Ayatah will desire physical combat, violence and other such things. She'll be hostile to others and pretty forceful to boot.
* The Eypharian: This self is far more aloof and distant than the 'real' Ayatah. She will be snobbish, as well, so expect bragging and general snootiness. When this self is out and about, Ayatah seems fixated with improving herself to the point of being obsessive.
Advantages* Ultimately, Ayatah's ability will lead to her finally accepting her dual heritage. She will finally be able to balance her Myrian upbringing with her Eypharian-esque habits and interests.
* Should she finally become able to control this ability, Ayatah will be able to summon her alternate selves, which may help in terms of doing housework and other such tasks.
Disadvantages* There's the social problems caused by having these other selves running around, which may implicate Ayatah in less than good ways. The Myrian self, for example, will be less than polite and the Eypharian a real stick-in-the-mud.
* For quite some time, Ayatah will have no control over what her alternate selves do. They will represent the extremes of her dual-heritage: the ideal Myrian and ideal Eypharian respectively. As such, they will act in ways quite different to Ayatah herself. Over time, however, she might be able to better control their actions.
* Identity crisis Club membership matures to platinum membership plan
Limitations* The alternate selves are limited to the skills and lores Ayatah possesses at the time of their appearance.
* Though she may eventually remember what her other selves have been doing, skills from the duplicates cannot be shared with Ayatah. Her Eypharian self, for example, might take a sewing lesson but though Aya will remember the needles and cotton, she will be as useless at sewing as ever.
***I'm not sure where this leaves the issue of language. Though it would make sense if the two duplicates could ONLY speak the languages Ayatah can, I think it would work well if her 'Eypharian-self' could speak fluent Arumenic, even if Aya herself can't. So... I guess I'm leaving this up to your discretion as I don't mind either way, but I think this does need to be clarified.* The duplicates cannot go further than two square miles away from Ayatah. If they push this distance, they begin to flicker in and out of existence (much like ghosts).
* The ‘real’ Ayatah will suffer any damage or injuries sustained by the duplicates. The same goes for tattoos and pregnancy.
* Any items that her other selves 'step out' with (for example, if Aya is armed with her dagger, her other selves will be too), these objects disappear with her 'other self'.
* The amount of control Ayatah possesses over this ability and her duplicates is inversely correlated to the amount of time they appear. More control = will appear for only a bell or so. No control = can manifest almost all night.