65 Spring 514
Clyde was ever a learner. No amount of magical knowledge was enough, he always wanted more and new things, new secrets, new understandings, new powers.
Ever since he'd met a Maledictor in Ravok seasons past he'd been interested in yet another new magic, Malediction. He knew the basics of how it worked. You cut a circle into a object, a part of a once living thing, drew out magic, and made a enchanted object of sorts.
It wasn't as precise as Magecrafting, that was for certain.
Nor was its effect as refined. But, he had to admit that after seeing it used, he had some interest in learning of it.
Clyde knew no better place to do so than the library of Sahova, and so found himself in search of a book to instruct him of its uses and capacity.
Luckily he knew Nader Canoch, the ancient tongue, and so he was able to read even those tomes in that language. He wasn't fluent, but he knew it well enough to be able to read and write it. Particularly if he took his time.
First was to find a book on the subject. Heading out into the rows, Clyde checked book titles, trying to find something that seemed relevant. "Mechanical joints and their uses" didn't seem right. Nor did "Malodorous mishaps". Clyde didn't want to know what that was about.
One did catch his eye, titled "Made Magics". Perhaps that was related, as Malediction was one of the magics related to making things.
Clyde flipped through the pages, hoping to find some sort of glossary or chapter heading at the start, but had no such luck. When that failed he flipped about, till a drawn out chart came up.
It seemed a weird interconnecting diagram, showing various symbols and figures. He noticed one was a blade being struck by a hammer. By its unique size and shape, he recognized it as a Magecrafting hammer. Connected to it by a squiggly line with a line slashed down its middle was a skull with a circle on it, and a funny symbol inside said circle. At the bottom of the page the same line overlaid with a squiggled line was drawn, with a few words next to it.
"Diverged but related." There were other symbols, other lines connecting other things, but they didn't make sense to Clyde. Those did.
It was saying that Magecrafting and Malediction were not only related, but once a part of something that had diverged into two magics? He'd never heard such a thing before, though the idea did strike him in a odd fashion... Both involved making magical objects... Though by different means. Malediction used their bones. But the idea that those same bones that he'd used for ingredients in Magecrafting, could be used for the item itself in Malediction... It was odd. But rang with a truth.
Next to the symbol of the skull was the word Zapatl. At first Clyde thought this was a new term, but then he recalled it was a word in the ancient tongue... It meant Legacy.
Considering what he knew of Malediction, that it brought out the power of a creature, calling the enchantment the things "Legacy" also made sense in a odd way. Perhaps another term for Malediction? Another thing he hadn't known.
Setting the book back, Clyde set out for another book, this time with a new term in mind. Legacy.