Wandering [Closed]

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Wandering [Open]

Postby Embellien on November 20th, 2010, 2:53 pm

She heard the commotion a mile off.
She'd been hidden in a depression in some back alley way for about 3 days. Just sitting crying.

But now it was time to do something. What a horrific place. It wasn't this bad the first time, was it? It had a beautiful name, but it was a horrible area to be.

Running round the corner, She saw a strange sight.

"Christ." She muttered under her breath.

They had been screaming about something for a few minutes, now some nutter had a sword out. Juts another day in this hellish place.

"What the hell are you doing you maniac?" She yelled. Her voice was menacing. "This place is already bad enough without another freak added to the mix!"
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Wandering [Open]

Postby Kateriana on November 20th, 2010, 3:31 pm

[out of charater:
goodness beating up a homeless man brought alot of attention xD]

The hidden Konti girl stays where she is and see the crazed man is still standing, proud of himself for a reason unknown to her. Suddenly, a bright light fills the street i am in and startles me for a moment, afraid my location would be given away and my life become threatened. Out of the darkness a slender tall woman emerges naked and sure of herself as well, is she another maniac or is she here to help? The brutish man jumps and draws his sword, now facing her direction and making it impossible to grab the homeless man without revealing herself and putting her own life in danger.

Just as he threatens the everyone by drawing his sword yet another figure emerges from the darkness, but from a side alleyway this time it would seem. Finally the once lone standing cloaked man is assisted by at least one person who shares his ideals. The hidden girl continues to wait, patiently, hoping to get her hands on the man they call a hobo and bring him back to health...
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Wandering [Open]

Postby Alexander Gravius on November 20th, 2010, 3:58 pm

Strange.. it seemed with every step into this place, darken in night and soil bloodied with the with the misery of innocence, that the darker shade of human nature showed itself without just cause or perpetual reason. Having walked this dust-covered road for a few meagre hours and his water satchel running dry; Alexander found himself slowing his brisk travels to a furlong walk, in an attempt to save what little sustenance he had left.. The male in question was wrapped in a worn travelling jacket, the grey material stitched with a form of tanned twine, though the string came loose in a few torn patches. Draped over his cloak, the wanderer had a battered breastplate pulled taught over his frame, the sheen of the metal long-tarnished with the tell tale signs of battle. Strapped to the breast-plate were a pair of interchangeable chains, each linked to an ancient text with the symbol of Ivak imprinted upon one and the mark of Izurdan on the other.

From his appearance the male seemed to be a man of peace, as was the fitting role of a holy man, though like so many others; even a man of the Gods hadt been forced to fight for that faint glimmering of hope, as could be seen by the great war-hammer, held loosely by his side. Many would consider such a choice of armament foolish in itself yet the holy man hadt no fear as his massive frame could be seen from afar. Alex stood at a daunting height of 7 feet when walking freely, though with his choice of appearance and heavy equipment his bulk could easily be mistaken from a pro-longed distance; a favourable trait that usually served to keep him out of trouble.

"Pay them no heed child.. the witless pay for their deeds in their own undoing.."
Passing by the female Embellien, Alex smiled coldly before turning his attention towards the two. The same story on yet another day.. It could have almost been percieved as pitiful had the wandered had the heart to allow such ministrations.
"and the second life has no place for the ruthless.."
Last edited by Alexander Gravius on November 20th, 2010, 4:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Wandering [Open]

Postby Embellien on November 20th, 2010, 4:06 pm

A lot of people were here. Suddenly, Embellien felt a little nervous. What was she going to do about this nutcase?

With her good eyesight, she could see a few people slinking in the shadows. A strange cloaked figure was all she could make out, and a taller man.

"Okay, youve had your fun here! I don't see why you had to beat up this man, but for gods sake put the sword away! No one else needs to get hurt!"

She was poised, ready to transform into her panther-self if it was necessary. She wasn't about to get beaten today.
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Wandering [Open]

Postby Kateriana on November 20th, 2010, 4:38 pm

With so many people around and the homeless man still in danger, the hidden girl leaps from her hiding spot toward the crazed man who’s attention is distracted for a moment. She reaches the man as quietly as she could but not quiet enough to be unnoticed by the man with his sword drawn. She grabs hold of the man, her mark of Healing already doing its work on the homeless man, and she looks up at the man who is now staring down at her. Looking up, she pleads with the man “Please, this man has taken the beating you feel he deserves, but he severs no purpose here anymore, let me take him away and you can show how strong you actually are with these people.” Hoping she was convincing enough for this man, she positions herself to jump back if needed, but she awaits the response of the brute before trying to take the homeless out of the area. Staring back up at him with her pale face and white hair visible only to him, she hopes either he will let her go or someone else will step in to help her get the man away
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Wandering [Open]

Postby Essik on November 20th, 2010, 8:00 pm


Hey everyone, Sorry to be a bother, but I'm going to ask to put up a posting order here. Almost all the threads in Miza use them since it makes things easier for everyone to keep up with the action. And with the way this thread is going, it won't slow anything down or anything like that. It just akes the thread easier to follow.

So the posting order would be:

And then Alexander Gravius

That will make it so no one gets left behind from having to sleep or being away from the computer or anything like that. And it makes it so thing's can't progress too far before everyone gets a chance to post. I hope you all understand.

So, with this being the way it is, I'll ask that we start with Waylon now so that way we can get everything back in propper order and everything can flow from there.
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Wandering [Closed]

Postby Waylon on November 20th, 2010, 9:11 pm

Everything happened suddenly, suddenly there were many people, there are now possibly 3 or 4 persons here. There was a woman that was yelling at Waylon calling him a "maniac", then there was a big armored man with a warhammer or a regular hammer but Waylon couldn't see well in this cursed light.

Then suddenly a cloaked figure jump out of the shadows and quietly go to the hobo but not quiet enough for Waylon to not notice, as he has already took note of the cloaked figure, 'it look like a girl' thought Waylon, then the woman that yelled at Waylon said "Okay, youve had your fun here! I don't see why you had to beat up this man, but for gods sake put the sword away! No one else needs to get hurt!"

Waylon ignored her then suddenly the cloaked girl which said something “Please, this man has taken the beating you feel he deserves, but he severs no purpose here anymore, let me take him away and you can show how strong you actually are with these people.”

Waylon give out a sneer to the girl and yelled "HELL NO! THAT HOBO PISSED ME OFF!", Waylon then give a powerful tensed kick to the cloaked girl's chest, enough to knock anyone out of their feet.
Then Waylon give out a cruel laughter, then suddenly he turn around to face the hooded person and said "Whats wrong, cat got your tongue?", with this, he give a cruel smirk, then Waylon waved his sword around in threatening manner.

[[Out of character: I don't think i'm allowed to decide the outcome to what happen to the cloaked girl when Waylon kicked her, so I'm going to let the cloaked girl pc decide :)]]
Last edited by Waylon on November 20th, 2010, 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wandering [Closed]

Postby Essik on November 20th, 2010, 9:34 pm

Essik was getting a little uncomfortable with all the people who suddenly entered the area. He barely moved his head to look around as he took in the situation. People seemed to be coming out of the woodwork around here and he didn't like it. Usually this city was supposed to be quiet at night. People usually feared coming out at night, lest they be killed in the streets for their pocket change. It was odd to see this many people out at once after nightfall.

The flash of light is what caught his attention first. His hood hand been lowered enough that it blocked out the majority of the light as if flashed through the street, illuminating the small stretch of lane as if it were daylight for half a second. But from the source of the light a tall, naked, and incredibly attractive woman came sauntering down the street. It was an odd sight to say the least. But it took the tall man's attention off of him, and that was a good thing. But before Essik could capitalise on the situation, yet another person came into view. Another woman at a little distance away. he couldn't make out her features very well from the distance between them. She started yelling toward the tall man. Another woman came running from some hiding spot off to the tall man's side, running up an grabbing him to pleed about letting the hobo be. And even still was the bulky figure of a man walking up behind the woman who stood at a distance. By the looks of him, he was armored and carrying a large warhammer. Or maybe it was a large mace. He couldn't quite make out the details of it.

But still, it lead to the fact that things were getting a little too populated for his liking. Or at least there were too many people around who were directly interested in what was going on here. And that involved him, and he didn't like that. Essik slowly and quietly started backing up a little, getting a little more distance between him and the man. If the people continued to close, he'd make for the rooftops to get out of the direct eyesight.

But that thought vanished from his mind as he saw the tall man deliver a massive boot to the woman in the cloak. That was the last straw. He'd seen and heard enough. This guy was going to have to pay for his actions. Why was it that people didn't understand when they were in a bad situation. Essik rushed forward, instantly breaking into a dead sprint down the street, the padded soles of his feet thumping lightly against the hard stone of the street. As he ran he reached his right hand out, seeming to stabalize himself as he rushed forward. With a flick of his wrist the silent and sightless needle launcher built into his bracer lanched the poisoned dart that it was carrying. It was bloodroot poison, so it wasn't anything fatal, but it would sap the strength out of the man and send his mind reeling for a few hours. And with a lunatic like this, it would be good to keep his head swimming so it would be easier to fight him.

Essik wasn't sure if the needle landed in the dim light, but the shot had been solid and flew true. But who knows if there was some clasp or something on his clothing that might deflect it. But Essik didn't wait to find out, continuing to rush forward in a blur. He jucked and ducked to avoid any swings from the tall man's sword as he movedhis left hand inward, attempting to plant his hand on the lout's leg. Even within close range, he'd flick his wrist so he could deliver the sping blade to a limg that could take the damage, cripple his ability to move, but didn't risk his life as much as a torso shot would.
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Wandering [Closed]

Postby Kateriana on November 21st, 2010, 3:32 am

The tall brute of a man looks down at the small Konti girl who has pleaded to just let the homeless man escape the fighting grounds, with a snicker his takes his boot and plants it firmly into the chest of the small girl. Sending her flying back and rolling back a couple of feet, Kateriana lays on her stomach and looks back up at the man. Placing her hand on her Suvai, she gets ready to do anything to take the poor helpless man away from the feet of the cruel bully of a man towering over him. As soon as she looks up she notices the first man to arrive at the scene lift his arm and without any delay the tall man quickly moves to the left, faster than she had thought the man could move. Not knowing exactly what is happening, Kateriana can't leave the helpless man in the middle of the ground. The Konti girl quickly leaps forward and grabs the homeless man by his arms and drags him back toward the dark road behind her. The brute man keeps his back to her even though he could surely hear her dragging the man, luck finally on her side, as he seems to want to face the people that stopped his fun.

Knowing this man's injuries were far beyond her own abilities to heal, she still took the time and energy to try and save what she could of this man, at least attempt to bring him back to consciousness. Kateriana removes her cloak and lays it atop the homeless man to help him hold his body heat. Touching his body, the small Konti manages to at the least sanitize the deep cuts and deep bruising the man holds and reducing swelling to minor bumps. White robes, white hair, pale hair all revealed in the middle on the dark road, she herself lights it back up.
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Wandering [Closed]

Postby Embellien on November 21st, 2010, 10:21 am

Embellien was shocked, to say the least.

Even she wouldn't kick someone trying to heal a man.

This guy was definetely out of control.

"Right, Im sorry about this guys..." she called out. She began to take her clothes off, to the surprise and amusement of many of the passers by. Sunberth is not the sort of place you want to be taking your clothes off.

"Quit looking already..." She growled. And then, to peoples amazement, she was no longer there.

A collosal black panther stood in her place, claws and all. With green eyes. People were shouting "Kelvic" up and down the alleyway, and the dying homeless man nearly had a heart attack. She tried to convey a lot with her eyes, in this form.

She maintained eye contact with the crazy man, growling the whole time, pacing in a rough circle, ready to spring at the slightest threat.
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